Uniform state laws: Wisconsin conference membership expanded to include state residents who are life members of the national conference -  AB459
Uniform unincorporated nonprofit association act adopted; revisions re property, contract and tort liability and ability to sue and be sued -  AB553
union grove, village ofUnion Grove, Village of
Residential facility in village of Union Grove: CBRF exception [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2006r]  - AB100
union shopUnion shop, see Labor union
united states _ agriculture, department ofUnited States — Agriculture, Department of
Federal milk pricing system: U.S. Secretary of agriculture urged to immediately change -  AJR81
Federal milk pricing system: U.S. Secretary of agriculture urged to immediately change -  SJR34
Food stamp employment and training program: DILJD to request federal waiver re areas with high unemployment  - SB255
Food stamp employment and training program: DWD to request federal waiver re areas of high unemployment [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1749m] -  AB100
Food stamp employment and training program: DWD to request federal waiver re areas with high unemployment  - AB475
Food stamp program eligibility revised; distribution methods expanded [Sec. 1742, 1744-1752, 1794-1796; A.Sub.Amdt.1: sanctions added, DILJD changed to DWD, 1751b, c, 1801m, deletes 1750, 1751; A.Amdt.8: simplified food stamp program, 1755m] -  AB100
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture -  SB419
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture [A.Amdt.1: nutrition outreach re W-2 and community agencies] -  AP8 AB6
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture -  AP8 SB6
Land and water conservation board advisory members re U.S. Secretary of agriculture representatives modified; certain provisions of chap.134, Wis.Stats., renumbered re DATCP and DHFS administration (remedial legislation)  - SB400
Milk basic price formula: U.S. Department of agriculture urged to cease using the National cheese exchange price (memorial to Congress) -  AJR5
National cheese exchange: U.S. Department of agriculture asked not to use to determine basic formula price for milk; Commodities future trading commission and Federal trade commission urged to regulate -  SJR15
united states _ air forceUnited States — Air force
Air force reservists Leland Rassmussen, Vicki Clifton and Samuel Keene: death in plane crash commemorated  - SJR23
united states _ armyUnited States — Army
Badger army ammunition plant: federal government urged to implement task force recommendations  - AJR131
National 4th infantry division week proclaimed June 29 - July 5, 1997 -  SJR4
U.S. army School of the Americas: closure urged (memorial to Congress) -  AR21
united states _ congressUnited States — Congress, see also Memorial to Congress
Badger army ammunition plant: federal government urged to implement task force recommendations  - AJR131
Cyprus situation: U.S. initiative for peaceful resolution supported -  AR17
Economic warfare among the states: mitigation urged -  SJR21
Environmental rights: Congress requested to consider constitutional amendment -  AJR35
Environmental rights: Congress requested to consider constitutional amendment -  SJR45
Federal balanced budget amendment and no new unfunded mandates requested -  AJR6
Federal balanced budget amendment requested -  SJR10
Federal spending on transportation: Congress urged to increase -  AJR106
Military longevity pay and disability compensation benefits: President and Congress urged to enact legislation to require concurrent receipt of -  AJR20
Poland admission to NATO: U.S. Senate urged to support -  SJR33
Social security system changes: Congress urged to make -  AJR116
Solid waste shipped between states: requesting Congress to allow state control re recycling and landfill siting program requirements -  AJR39
State sovereignty proclaimed - AJR51
Unfunded federal mandates: sovereignty proclaimed; Wisconsin congressional delegation invited to appear annually before the Legislature -  AJR7
Wisconsin delegation to Congress: JCLO to request each member to appear before a joint session of the Legislature  - AJR22
united states _ energy departmentUnited States — Energy department
Nuclear waste escrow fund established to accept certain fees until the U.S. Department of energy fulfills obligation to dispose of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel  - AB954
Nuclear waste escrow fund established to accept certain fees until the U.S. Department of energy fulfills obligation to dispose of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel  - SB533
united states _ environmental protection agencyUnited States — Environmental protection agency
EPA proposed animal waste rules: opposal urged (memorial to Congress) -  SJR46
Ozone standard changes: EPA urged to evaluate impact of and identify unfunded mandates -  SJR12
united states _ federal emergency management agencyUnited States — Federal emergency management agency
Floodplain zoning ordinance: DNR requirements may not be stricter than the National flood insurance program's  - AB819
united states _ financeUnited States — Finance
Federal balanced budget amendment and no new unfunded mandates requested -  AJR6
Federal balanced budget amendment requested -  SJR10
united states _ health and human services, department ofUnited States — Health and human services, Department of
Dental services under MA: DHFS to request federal waiver re pilot managed care program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1942m]  - AB100
Family planning services under MA: DHFS to request federal waiver re demonstration project [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1943c] - AB100
Kinship care under AFDC: eligibility, deadline and federal waiver revisions [Sec. 1611, 1863, 5507; A.Sub.Amdt.1: DILJD changed to DWD] -  AB100
Kinship care under AFDC: eligibility, deadline and federal waiver revisions [Sec. 1611, 1863, 5507]  - SB77
MA account pilot program created; JCF approval and federal waiver required -  AB888
MA denial appeals: DHFS may delegate responsibility to counties or W-2 agencies [Sec. 1905, 1911, 1912; A.Sub.Amdt.1: delegation to W-2 agencies permitted only to the extent allowed by federal law or waiver] - AB100
W-2 health plan as part of MA: DHFS to request waiver; implementation provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Wisconsin works"]  - AB100
W-2 health plan as part of MA: DHFS to request waiver; implementation provisions [Sec. 1797, 1798, 1819, 1833, 1891, 1892, 1949, 1950, 1952-1966, 1969-1973]  - SB77
Working recipients of SSI and SSDI: DHFS to establish pilot project; federal waiver requested [Sec. 205, 9222 (1), (2)] - AB768
Working recipients of SSI and SSDI: DHFS to establish pilot project; federal waiver requested [Sec. 205, 9222 (1), (2)] - SB436
united states _ house of representativesUnited States — House of representatives, see United States — Congress
united states _ navyUnited States — Navy
``Manitowoc" suggested as name for final Seawolf submarine - AJR75
``Manitowoc" suggested as name for final Seawolf submarine - SJR22
U.S. Navy Project ELF transmitter in Ashland county: closing recommended -  AJR59
U.S. Navy Project ELF transmitter in Ashland county: closing recommended -  SJR25
united states _ postal serviceUnited States — Postal service
Postage stamp commemorating Henry Martyn Robert requested -  AJR41
Postage stamp honoring the nation's conservation wardens requested -  AJR21
united states _ presidentUnited States — President
Kyoto protocol on global climate change: U.S. President urged not to sign unless amended -  AR20
Military longevity pay and disability compensation benefits: President and Congress urged to enact legislation to require concurrent receipt of -  AJR20
Nuclear fuel: development of federal repository to accept civilian waste urged (memorial to Congress)  - SJR11
State sovereignty proclaimed - AJR51
U.S. president and vice president candidates: separate ballots eliminated -  AB427
united states _ social security administrationUnited States — Social security administration
Working recipients of SSI and SSDI: DHFS to establish pilot project; federal waiver requested [Sec. 205, 9222 (1), (2)] - AB768
Working recipients of SSI and SSDI: DHFS to establish pilot project; federal waiver requested [Sec. 205, 9222 (1), (2)] - SB436
universal bankUniversal bank, see Bank
university of wisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin
Distance learning: JLC to study uniform school calendars and class schedules, report required - AJR66
EEB transferred from DPI to U.W. system; grant funding provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 75m, 257m, 263m, 277m, 1165m, 2745g, 9140 (5n); A.Amdt.8: staff placed in unclassified service, salary provision, 757r, 3303p]  - AB100
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9156 (6ng); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: requirement for DOJ removed]  - AB100
University and crime laboratories cooperation council eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 66f, 3101g]  - AB100