157.02 Disposal of unclaimed corpses.
157.03 Restrictions on use of bodies for anatomical purposes; embalming such bodies; delivery of bodies to relatives.
157.04 Penalty.
157.05 Autopsy.
157.06 Uniform anatomical gift act.
157.061 Definitions.
157.062 Cemetery associations; creation; powers and duties.
157.064 Cemetery associations and religious associations; holding property; change of ownership.
157.065 Location and ownership of cemeteries.
157.067 Connection with funeral establishment prohibited.
157.07 Platting.
157.08 Conveyances.
157.10 Alienation and use of cemetery lots.
157.11 Improvement and care of cemetery lots and grounds.
157.111 Opening and closing of burial places.
157.112 Reburial of human remains by a cemetery authority.
157.115 Abandonment of cemeteries and cemetery lots.
157.12 Mausoleums and crematoriums.
157.125 Trustees for the care of cemeteries or cemetery lots.
157.128 Minimum acreage requirement for cemetery established on or after November 1, 1991.
157.19 Deposit and investment of care funds and preneed trust funds.
157.50 Municipal cemeteries.
157.60 Public easement in cemetery.
157.62 Reporting; record keeping; audits.
157.625 Reporting exemption for certain cemeteries.
157.63 Reporting and auditing exemptions; certification of compliance of cemetery affiliated with religious society.
157.635 Regulations of cemetery affiliated with religious society.
157.64 Penalties.
157.65 Enforcement.
157.70 Burial sites preservation.
Ch. 157 Note Note: See s. 69.18 for (1) registration of deaths, (2) medical certification, (3) disposition of corpse or stillbirth and (4) disinterment and reinterment.
subch. I of ch. 157 SUBCHAPTER I
157.01 157.01 Rules for preparation, transportation and disposition. The department of health and family services shall make, and delegate to the funeral directors examining board the enforcement of, rules not inconsistent with ch. 445 covering the control of communicable diseases and sanitary and health regulations in the preparation, transportation and disposition of dead human bodies.
157.01 History History: 1975 c. 39; 1979 c. 175 s. 53; 1979 c. 221 ss. 658, 2202 (45); 1983 a. 485; 1985 a. 315; 1985 a. 316 s. 14; Stats. 1985 s. 157.01; 1995 a. 27 s. 9126 (19).
157.02 157.02 Disposal of unclaimed corpses.
157.02(1) (1)Notice to relatives. When an inmate of any state, county or municipal institution dies, the superintendent or other person in charge of the institution shall immediately notify a relative of the decedent. A public officer having the possession or the disposition of a corpse shall immediately notify a relative of the decedent. If no relative is known, or discoverable by use of ordinary diligence, notice may be dispensed with. In addition, if the deceased had been an inmate of a state correctional institution, the department of corrections shall provide written notification to the relative informing him or her that the department of corrections, upon request, will provide a copy of any autopsy report or other report or information pertaining to the death. The department of corrections shall describe how the request may be made and shall promptly comply with any such request.
157.02(2) (2)Time allowed relative to act. If a relative or friend fails to arrange for taking charge of the corpse within a reasonable time after death, the superintendent or other officer may proceed as provided in this section, but relatives or friends may claim the corpse at any time before it has been delivered pursuant to sub. (3).
157.02(3) (3)Notice to university or school. If the corpse is in the Mendota mental health institute district, the university of Wisconsin shall be notified that it may have the corpse. If the corpse is in the Winnebago mental health institute district, medical college of Wisconsin, inc. or any accredited school of mortuary science at Milwaukee shall be notified that it may have the corpse. The university or school so notified shall immediately inform the superintendent or public officer whether it desires to have the corpse. If it does, the corpse shall be delivered accordingly, properly encased, to the most available facility for transportation to the consignee, the consignee to pay the cost of transportation.
157.02(4) (4)Standing applications. If there are advance applications for such bodies, by medical college of Wisconsin, inc. or any accredited school of mortuary science, such superintendent or public officer shall make an equitable distribution between them.
157.02(5) (5)Other disposition. If the corpse is not disposed of under subs. (1) to (4), the superintendent or public officer shall properly bury it.
157.02 History History: 1971 c. 211; 1973 c. 90 s. 560 (3); 1985 a. 316 s. 14; Stats. 1985 s. 157.02; 1987 a. 27; 1989 a. 31.
157.03 157.03 Restrictions on use of bodies for anatomical purposes; embalming such bodies; delivery of bodies to relatives.
157.03(1)(1) The corpse of a person who died with smallpox, diphtheria or scarlet fever, or who in his or her last sickness shall request to be buried or cremated, and of a stranger or traveler who suddenly died, shall not be disposed of under s. 157.02 (3), and no person having charge of a corpse authorized to be so disposed of shall sell or deliver it to be used outside the state.
157.03(2) (2) Upon receipt of the corpse by a university or school pursuant to s. 157.02 (3) it shall be properly embalmed and retained for 3 months before being used or dismembered and shall be delivered to any relative claiming it upon satisfactory proof of relationship.
157.03 History History: 1985 a. 316 ss. 14, 25; Stats. 1985 s. 157.03; 1993 a. 482.
157.04 157.04 Penalty. Any officer or person having a corpse in charge, and refusing to report and deliver it, when required by this subchapter, or violating the provisions forbidding sale or delivery thereof, to be used outside the state, shall be liable to the person, university or medical school aggrieved, in the sum of $50.
157.04 History History: 1985 a. 316 s. 14; Stats. 1985 s. 157.04.
157.05 157.05 Autopsy. Consent for a licensed physician to conduct an autopsy on the body of a deceased person shall be deemed sufficient when given by whichever one of the following assumes custody of the body for purposes of burial: Father, mother, husband, wife, child, guardian, next of kin, or in the absence of any of the foregoing, a friend, or a person charged by law with the responsibility for burial. If 2 or more such persons assume custody of the body, the consent of one of them shall be deemed sufficient.
157.05 History History: 1979 c. 110; 1985 a. 316 s. 14; Stats. 1985 s. 157.05.
157.06 157.06 Uniform anatomical gift act.
157.06(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
157.06(1)(a) (a) "Anatomical gift" means a donation of all or part of a human body to take effect upon or after death of the donor, as determined in accordance with s. 146.71.
157.06(1)(b) (b) "Decedent" means a deceased individual.
157.06(1)(c)2.2. "Document of gift" means a card, a statement attached to or imprinted on a license under s. 343.175 (2) or on an identification card under s. 343.50 (3), a will or another writing used to make an anatomical gift.
157.06(1)(d) (d) "Donor" means an individual who makes an anatomical gift of all or part of the individual's body.
157.06(1)(e) (e) "Enucleator" means an individual who meets the requirements of sub. (8) (c) for authorization to remove donated eyes or parts of eyes.
157.06(1)(f) (f) "Hospital" means a facility approved as a hospital under s. 50.35 or a facility operated as a hospital by the federal government, a state or a subdivision of a state.
157.06(1)(fm) (fm) "Organ procurement organization" means an organization that meets the requirements specified for a qualified organ procurement organization under 42 USC 273.
157.06(1)(g) (g) "Part" means an organ, tissue, eye, bone, artery, blood, fluid or other body portion.
157.06(1)(h) (h) "Physician" means an individual licensed or otherwise authorized to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathy and surgery under the laws of any state.
157.06(1)(j) (j) "Technician" means an individual who is trained or approved by the American Red Cross Tissue Services or the American Association of Tissue Banks to remove or process tissue or bone while under the direction or supervision of a physician.
157.06(1)(k) (k) "Tissue" includes all of the following:
157.06(1)(k)1. 1. Skin.
157.06(1)(k)2. 2. Connective tissue, including tendons and ligaments.
157.06(1)(k)3. 3. Cardiovascular tissue, including valves, blood vessels and pericardium, that is not suitable for use for cardiovascular organ transplantation.
157.06(1)(L) (L) "Vascularized organ" means a heart, lung, liver, pancreas, kidney, intestine or other organ that requires the continuous circulation of blood to remain useful for purposes of transplantation.
157.06(2) (2)Making, amending, revoking and refusing to make anatomical gifts by the donor.
157.06(2)(a)(a) An individual who is at least 18 years of age may do any of the following:
157.06(2)(a)1. 1. Make an anatomical gift for any of the purposes stated in sub. (6) (a).
157.06(2)(a)2. 2. Limit an anatomical gift to one or more of the purposes stated in sub. (6) (a).
157.06(2)(a)3. 3. Refuse to make an anatomical gift.
157.06(2)(b) (b) An anatomical gift under par. (a) may be made only by a document of gift signed by the donor. If the donor cannot sign, the document of gift shall be signed by another individual and by 2 witnesses, all of whom have signed at the direction and in the presence of the donor and of each other, and the document of gift shall state that it has been so signed.
157.06(2)(c)1.1. Before January 1, 1991, if a document of gift is attached to or imprinted on the donor's license to operate a motor vehicle or identification card issued by the department of transportation, the document of gift shall comply with par. (b) and s. 343.17 or 343.50. Revocation, suspension, expiration or cancellation of the license or identification card does not invalidate the anatomical gift.
157.06(2)(c)2. 2. After December 31, 1990, if a document of gift is attached to or imprinted on the donor's license under s. 343.175 (2) or identification card under s. 343.50 (3) issued by the department of transportation, the document of gift shall comply with par. (b) and s. 343.175 or 343.50. Revocation, suspension, expiration or cancellation of the license or identification card does not invalidate the anatomical gift.
157.06(2)(d) (d) A document of gift may designate a particular physician to carry out the appropriate procedures. In the absence of a designation or if the designee is not available, the donee or other person authorized to accept the anatomical gift may employ or authorize any physician, technician or enucleator to carry out the appropriate procedures.
157.06(2)(e) (e) An anatomical gift under the circumstances in which the document of gift is by will takes effect upon death of the testator, whether or not the will is probated. If after the death of the testator the will is declared invalid for testamentary purposes, the validity of the anatomical gift is unaffected.
157.06(2)(f) (f) A donor may amend or revoke an anatomical gift or a refusal to make an anatomical gift under par. (i) by doing any of the following:
157.06(2)(f)1. 1. Signing a statement of amendment or revocation.
157.06(2)(f)1m. 1m. Signing a new document of gift. Signing a new document of gift revokes any previously signed document of gift.
157.06(2)(f)2. 2. Verbally amending or revoking in the presence of 2 individuals.
157.06(2)(f)3. 3. During the donor's terminal illness or injury making, by any form of communication that is addressed to a physician, an amendment or revocation.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?