19.23 Transfer of records or materials to historical society.
19.24 Refusal to deliver money, etc., to successor.
19.25 State officers may require searches, etc., without fees.
19.31 Declaration of policy.
19.32 Definitions.
19.33 Legal custodians.
19.34 Procedural information.
19.35 Access to records; fees.
19.36 Limitations upon access and withholding.
19.365 Rights of data subject to challenge; authority corrections.
19.37 Enforcement and penalties.
19.39 Interpretation by attorney general.
19.41 Declaration of policy.
19.42 Definitions.
19.43 Financial disclosure.
19.44 Form of statement.
19.45 Standards of conduct; state public officials.
19.451 Discounts at certain stadiums.
19.46 Conflict of interest prohibited; exception.
19.47 Operation.
19.48 Duties of the board.
19.49 Complaints.
19.50 Investigations.
19.51 Probable cause of violation.
19.52 Hearing procedure.
19.53 Findings of fact and conclusions; orders and recommendations.
19.54 Rehearings.
19.545 Settlements.
19.55 Public inspection of records.
19.56 Honorariums, fees and expenses.
19.57 Conferences, visits and economic development activities.
19.575 Tourism activities.
19.58 Criminal penalties.
19.59 Codes of ethics for local government officials, employes and candidates.
19.62 Definitions.
19.65 Rules of conduct; employe training; and security.
19.67 Data collection.
19.69 Computer matching.
19.71 Sale of names or addresses.
19.77 Summary of case law and attorney general opinions.
19.80 Penalties.
19.81 Declaration of policy.
19.82 Definitions.
19.83 Meetings of governmental bodies.
19.84 Public notice.
19.85 Exemptions.
19.86 Notice of collective bargaining negotiations.
19.87 Legislative meetings.
19.88 Ballots, votes and records.
19.89 Exclusion of members.
19.90 Use of equipment in open session.
19.96 Penalty.
19.97 Enforcement.
19.98 Interpretation by attorney general.
subch. I of ch. 19 SUBCHAPTER I
19.01 19.01 Oaths and bonds.
19.01(1)(1)Form of oath. Every official oath required by article IV, section 28, of the constitution or by any statute shall be in writing, subscribed, sworn to, and except as provided otherwise by s. 757.02 and SCR 40.13, shall be in substantially the following form:
State of Wisconsin,
County of ....
I, the undersigned, who have been elected (or appointed) to the office of ...., but have not yet entered upon the duties thereof, swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, and will faithfully discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability. So help me God.
.... ....,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of ...., .... (year)
19.01(1m) (1m)Form of oral oath. If it is desired to administer the official oath orally in addition to the written oath prescribed above, it shall be in substantially the following form:
I, ...., swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, and will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of .... to the best of my ability. So help me God.
19.01(2) (2)Form of bond.
19.01(2)(a)(a) Every official bond required of any public officer shall be in substantially the following form:
We, the undersigned, jointly and severally, undertake and agree that ...., who has been elected (or appointed) to the office of ...., will faithfully discharge the duties of the office according to law, and will pay to the parties entitled to receive the same, such damages, not exceeding in the aggregate .... dollars, as may be suffered by them in consequence of the failure of .... to discharge the duties of the office.
Dated ...., .... (year)
19.01(2)(b) (b) Any further or additional official bond lawfully required of any public officer shall be in the same form and it shall not affect or impair any official bond previously given by the officer for the same or any other official term. Where such bond is in excess of the sum of $25,000, the officer may give 2 or more bonds.
19.01(2m) (2m)Effect of giving bond. Any bond purportedly given as an official bond by a public officer, of whom an official bond is required, shall be deemed to be an official bond and shall be deemed as to both principal and surety to contain all the conditions and provisions required in sub. (2), regardless of its form or wording, and any provisions restricting liability to less than that provided in sub. (2) shall be void.
19.01(3) (3)Official duties defined. The official duties referred to in subs. (1) and (2) include performance to the best of his or her ability by the officer taking the oath or giving the bond of every official act required, and the nonperformance of every act forbidden, by law to be performed by the officer; also, similar performance and nonperformance of every act required of or forbidden to the officer in any other office which he or she may lawfully hold or exercise by virtue of incumbency of the office named in the official oath or bond. The duties mentioned in any such oath or bond include the faithful performance by all persons appointed or employed by the officer either in his or her principal or subsidiary office, of their respective duties and trusts therein.
19.01(4) (4)Where filed. Official oaths and bonds shall be filed:
19.01(4)(a) (a) In the office of the secretary of state: Of all members and officers of the legislature; of the governor, lieutenant governor and state superintendent; of the justices, reporter and clerk of the supreme court; of the judges of the court of appeals; of the judges and reporters of the circuit courts; of all notaries public; of every officer, except the secretary of state, state treasurer, district attorney and attorney general, whose compensation is paid in whole or in part out of the state treasury, including every member or appointee of a board or commission whose compensation is so paid; and of every deputy or assistant of an officer who files with the secretary of state;
19.01(4)(b) (b) In the office of the governor: Of the secretary of state, state treasurer and attorney general;
19.01(4)(bn) (bn) With the secretary of administration: district attorneys.
19.01(4)(c) (c) In the office of the clerk of the circuit court for any county: Of all court commissioners, of all family court commissioners, of all municipal judges, and of all other judges or judicial officers elected or appointed for that county, or whose jurisdiction is limited thereto;
19.01(4)(d) (d) In the office of the county clerk of any county: Of all county officers elected or appointed in and for such county, other than those enumerated in par. (c), and of all officers whose compensation is paid out of the treasury of such county. The members of the governing board, and the superintendent and other officers of any joint county school, county hospital, county sanatorium, county asylum or other joint county institution shall file in the county in which the buildings of such institutions are located;
19.01(4)(dd) (dd) Bonds specified in pars. (c) and (d) and bonds of any county employe required by statute or county ordinance to be bonded shall be approved by the district attorney as to amount, form and execution before the bonds are accepted for filing. The clerk of the circuit court and the county clerk respectively shall notify in writing the county board or chairperson within 5 days after the entry upon the term of office of a judicial or county officer specified in pars. (c) and (d) or after a county employe required to be bonded has begun employment. The notice shall state whether or not the required bond has been furnished and shall be published with the proceedings of the county board.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?