218.20 Definitions.
218.205 Motor vehicle salvage dealers to be licensed.
218.21 Application for salvage dealer's license.
218.22 When department to license salvage dealers.
218.23 Licensee to maintain records; sale of vehicles by licensee.
218.24 Salvage dealer license number displayed on trucks and truck-tractors.
218.25 Rules.
218.30 Definitions.
218.305 Motor vehicle auction dealers to be licensed.
218.31 Application for auction dealer's license.
218.32 When department to license auction dealer.
218.33 Motor vehicle auction dealer to be bonded; conduct of auction business.
218.40 Definitions.
218.41 Moped dealers regulated.
218.42 Examination by department.
218.43 Penalty.
218.50 Definitions.
218.505 Salvage pools to be licensed as wholesalers.
218.51 Buyer identification cards.
218.52 Purchases from motor vehicle salvage pools.
218.53 Penalties.
subch. I of ch. 218 SUBCHAPTER I
218.01 218.01 Motor vehicle dealers; salespersons; sales finance companies, licenses; fees; regulations; coercion; subsidies; penalties.
218.01(1) (1)Definitions. In this section, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
218.01(1)(a) (a) "Agreement" means a contract that describes the franchise relationship between manufacturers, distributors, importers and dealers.
218.01(1)(b) (b) "Cash price" means the retail seller's price in dollars for the sale of the goods, and the transfer of unqualified title thereto, upon payment of such price in cash or the equivalent thereof.
218.01(1)(ct) (ct) "Consumer lease" has the meaning given in s. 429.104 (9).
218.01(1)(df) (df) "Designated family member" includes all of the following:
218.01(1)(df)1. 1. The spouse, child, grandchild, parent, brother or sister of a deceased owner of a dealership who holds an interest in the dealership or who is entitled to receive an interest in the dealership by reason of the owner's death.
218.01(1)(df)2. 2. A court-appointed legal representative of an incapacitated owner, including a guardian or conservator.
218.01(1)(df)3. 3. An owner's attorney-in-fact under a valid power of attorney.
218.01(1)(df)4. 4. A court-appointed personal representative or special administrator of a deceased owner's estate if the deceased owner's estate holds an interest in the dealership and, if the personal representative or special administrator is a corporate fiduciary, an individual is designated as operator under the franchise agreement.
218.01(1)(df)5. 5. The trustee of a trust, testamentary or inter vivos, of which an owner was settlor if the trust holds an interest in the dealership and, if the trustee is a corporate fiduciary, an individual is designated as operator under the franchise agreement.
218.01(1)(df)6. 6. An individual who has been nominated by the operator of a dealership as his or her successor in a written instrument filed with and accepted by the manufacturer, importer or distributor if that individual will hold a legal or beneficial interest in the dealership and is acceptable to the persons who will hold the controlling interest in the dealership.
218.01(1)(e) (e) "Distributor" or "wholesaler" means a person, resident or nonresident who in whole or part, sells or distributes motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers, or who maintains distributor representatives.
218.01(1)(f) (f) "Distributor branch" means a branch office similarly maintained by a distributor or wholesaler for the same purposes.
218.01(1)(g) (g) "Distributor representative" means a representative similarly employed by a distributor, distributor branch or wholesaler.
218.01(1)(gm) (gm) "Division of hearings and appeals" means the division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration.
218.01(1)(h) (h) "Factory branch" means a branch office maintained by a person who manufactures or assembles motor vehicles, for the sale of motor vehicles to distributors, or for the sale of motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers or for directing or supervising in whole or part, its representatives.
218.01(1)(i) (i) "Factory representative" means a representative employed by a person who manufactures or assembles motor vehicles or by a factory branch, for the purpose of making or promoting the sale of its motor vehicles, or for supervising or contacting its dealers or prospective dealers.
218.01(1)(j) (j) "Finance charge" has the meaning set forth in s. 421.301 (20).
218.01(1)(je) (je) "Franchise" means the right to buy, sell, distribute or service a line make of motor vehicles that is granted to a motor vehicle dealer or distributor by a manufacturer, importer or distributor.
218.01(1)(jf) (jf) "Gross capitalized cost" has the meaning given in s. 429.104 (13m).
218.01(1)(jg) (jg) "Importer" means a person who has written authorization from a foreign manufacturer of a line make of motor vehicles to grant franchises to motor vehicle dealers or distributors in this state with respect to that line make.
218.01(1)(ji) (ji) "Lease" or "leasing" means, with respect to a lessor, to enter into or offer to enter into a consumer lease with a lessee.
218.01(1)(jj) (jj) "Lessee" has the meaning given in s. 429.104 (17).
218.01(1)(jk) (jk) "Lessor" means a person who leases a motor vehicle to a lessee under a consumer lease, but does not include an assignee of a consumer lease.
218.01(1)(jm) (jm) "License period" means the period during which a particular type of license described in sub. (2) (d) is effective, as established by the department of transportation or division of banking under sub. (2) (cm) 2. or 4.
218.01(1)(k) (k) "Licensor" means the body, either the division of banking or the department of transportation or both, issuing a license hereunder.
218.01(1)(L) (L) "Manufacturer" means any person, resident or nonresident who manufactures or assembles motor vehicles or who manufactures or installs on previously assembled truck chassis, special bodies or equipment which when installed form an integral part of the motor vehicle and which constitutes a major manufacturing alteration and which completed unit is owned by such manufacturer.
218.01(1)(Lm) (Lm) "Motorcycle" has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (32).
218.01(1)(m) (m) "Motor vehicle" means any motor-driven vehicle required to be registered under ch. 341 except mopeds.
218.01(1)(n) (n) "Motor vehicle dealer" means any person, firm or corporation, not excluded by par. (o) who:
218.01(1)(n)1. 1. For commission, money or other thing of value, sells, leases, exchanges, buys, offers or attempts to negotiate a sale, consumer lease or exchange of an interest in motor vehicles; or
218.01(1)(n)2. 2. Is engaged wholly or in part in the business of selling or leasing motor vehicles, including motorcycles, whether or not such motor vehicles are owned by such person, firm or corporation.
218.01(1)(o) (o) The term "motor vehicle dealer" does not include:
218.01(1)(o)1. 1. Receivers, trustees, administrators, executors, guardians or other persons appointed by or acting under the judgment or order of any court; or
218.01(1)(o)2. 2. Public officers while performing their official duties; or
218.01(1)(o)3. 3. Employes of persons, corporations or associations enumerated in subds. 1. and 2., when engaged in the specific performance of their duties as such employes.
218.01(1)(o)4. 4. Sales finance companies or other loan agencies who sell or offer for sale motor vehicles repossessed or foreclosed by them under terms of an instalment contract, or motor vehicles taken in trade on such repossessions.
218.01(1)(o)5. 5. Sales finance companies when engaged in purchasing or otherwise acquiring consumer leases from a motor vehicle dealer, or in renegotiating consumer leases previously purchased or otherwise acquired by them.
218.01(1)(p) (p) "Motor vehicle salesperson" means sales representative, sales manager, general manager or other person who is employed by a motor vehicle dealer for the purpose of selling or approving retail sales, or leasing or approving consumer leases, of motor vehicles. Any motor vehicle salesperson licensed hereunder shall be licensed to sell or lease only for one dealer at a time.
218.01(1)(pt) (pt) "Parts outlet" means a facility at which a manufacturer, importer or distributor has authorized the sale of motor vehicle parts or accessories manufactured or distributed by the manufacturer, importer or distributor using a trade name, trademark or service mark also used to designate, make known or distinguish the manufacturer's, importer's or distributor's motor vehicles or dealers.
218.01(1)(q) (q) "Person" means a person, firm, corporation or association.
218.01(1)(qm) (qm) "Prelease agreement" means an agreement to enter into a consumer lease whereby the motor vehicle will be available and ready to be delivered to the prospective lessee at a later time.
218.01(1)(qr) (qr) "Prospective lessee" has the meaning given in s. 429.104 (21).
218.01(1)(qt) (qt) "Prospective lessor" has the meaning given in s. 429.104 (21m).
218.01(1)(r) (r) "Relevant market area" means all of the area within a 10-mile radius of the site of an existing enfranchised motor vehicle dealership or the area of sales responsibility assigned to the existing enfranchised dealership by the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor, whichever is greater.
218.01(1)(s) (s) "Retail buyer" means a person, firm or corporation, other than a motor vehicle manufacturer, distributor or dealer, buying or agreeing to buy one or more motor vehicles from a motor vehicle dealer.
218.01(1)(t) (t) "Retail instalment contract" or "instalment contract" means and includes every contract to sell one or more motor vehicles at retail, in which the price thereof is payable in one or more instalments over a period of time and in which the seller has either retained title to the goods or has taken or retained a security interest in the goods under a form of contract designated either as a conditional sale, chattel mortgage or otherwise.
218.01(1)(u) (u) "Retail seller" means a person, firm or corporation selling or agreeing to sell one or more motor vehicles under a retail instalment contract to a buyer for the latter's personal use or consumption thereof.
218.01(1)(v) (v) "Sales finance company" means and includes any person, firm or corporation engaging in the business, in whole or in part, of acquiring by purchase or by loan on the security thereof, or otherwise, retail instalment contracts or consumer leases from retail sellers or lessors in this state, including any motor vehicle dealer who sells or leases any motor vehicle on an instalment contract or consumer lease or acquires any retail instalment contracts in the dealer's retail sales or leases of motor vehicles.
218.01(1)(w) (w) "Secretary" means the secretary of transportation.
218.01(1)(x) (x) "Service outlet" means a facility at which a manufacturer, importer or distributor has authorized the performance of work to rectify a manufacturer's, importer's or distributor's product or warranty defects or delivery and preparation obligations or has authorized the use of a trade name, trademark or service mark also used to designate, make known or distinguish the manufacturer's, importer's or distributor's motor vehicles or dealers in connection with a service facility.
218.01(1)(xm) (xm) "Special order" means an order against a person.
218.01(1a) (1a)Authority of licensors. The department of transportation shall issue the licenses provided for in sub. (2) (d) 1. to 6. and have supervision over the licensees thereunder in respect to all the provisions of this section, except only as to such matters as relate to the sale of motor vehicles on retail instalment contracts and the financing and servicing of such contracts and as to such matters as relate to prelease agreements under sub. (6x) and consumer leases under chs. 421 to 427 and 429, over which matter the division of banking shall have jurisdiction and control, and the division of banking shall issue the licenses to sales finance companies. Either licensor hereunder shall, upon request, furnish the other licensor with any information it may have in respect to any licensee or applicant for license or any transaction in which such licensee or applicant may be a party or be interested. No license shall be issued under sub. (2) (d) 1. and 8. until both licensors have approved the application. The suspension or revocation of either of such licenses shall automatically likewise suspend or revoke the other license; and such suspension or revocation shall be certified by the licensor ordering it to the other licensor.
218.01(1b) (1b)Licenses for dealers, distributors, manufacturers or transporters of semitrailers and trailers. Subject to ch. 180 where applicable, any dealer, distributor, manufacturer or transporter of semitrailers or trailers designed for use in combination with a truck or truck tractor is deemed licensed under this section where for purposes of chs. 341 and 342 license under this section is required. This subsection is enacted to remove an undue burden on interstate commerce from a class of commercial transactions in which the business character of the parties does not require the protection provided by this section and to promote the expansion of credit for truck operators who require banking and financing facilities throughout the United States.
218.01(2) (2)Licenses, how granted; agreements, filing.
218.01(2)(a)(a) No motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle salesperson or sales finance company shall engage in business as such in this state without a license therefor as provided in this section. If any motor vehicle dealer acts as a motor vehicle salesperson, he or she shall secure a motor vehicle salesperson's license in addition to a license for motor vehicle dealer. Every motor vehicle dealer shall be responsible for the licensing of every motor vehicle salesperson in his or her employ. Any person violating this paragraph may be fined not less than $500 nor more than $5,000.
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