227.01 Definitions.
227.02 Compliance with other statutes.
227.03 Application of this chapter.
227.10 Statements of policy and interpretations of law; discrimination prohibited.
227.11 Extent to which chapter confers rule-making authority.
227.114 Rule making; considerations for small business.
227.115 Review of rules affecting housing.
227.116 Rules to include time period.
227.12 Petition for rules.
227.13 Advisory committees and informal consultations.
227.135 Statements of scope of proposed rules.
227.14 Preparation of proposed rules.
227.15 Legislative council staff.
227.16 When hearings required.
227.17 Notice of hearing.
227.18 Conduct of hearings.
227.19 Legislative review prior to promulgation.
227.20 Filing of rules.
227.21 Publication of rules; incorporation by reference.
227.22 Effective date of rules.
227.23 Forms.
227.24 Emergency rules; exemptions.
227.25 Revisor.
227.26 Legislative review after promulgation; joint committee for review of administrative rules.
227.27 Construction of administrative rules.
227.40 Declaratory judgment proceedings.
227.41 Declaratory rulings.
227.42 Right to hearing.
227.43 Division of hearings and appeals.
227.44 Contested cases; notice; parties; hearing; records.
227.45 Evidence and official notice.
227.46 Hearing examiners; examination of evidence by agency.
227.47 Decisions.
227.48 Service of decision.
227.485 Costs to certain prevailing parties.
227.49 Petitions for rehearing in contested cases.
227.50 Ex parte communications in contested cases.
227.51 Licenses.
227.52 Judicial review; decisions reviewable.
227.53 Parties and proceedings for review.
227.54 Stay of proceedings.
227.55 Record on review.
227.56 Additional evidence; trial; motion to dismiss; amending petition.
227.57 Scope of review.
227.58 Appeals.
227.59 Certification of certain cases from the circuit court of Dane county to other circuits.
227.60 Jurisdiction of state courts to determine validity of laws when attacked in federal court and to stay enforcement.
subch. I of ch. 227 SUBCHAPTER I
227.01 227.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
227.01(1) (1) "Agency" means a board, commission, committee, department or officer in the state government, except the governor, a district attorney or a military or judicial officer.
227.01(2) (2) "Code", when used without further modification, means the Wisconsin administrative code under s. 35.93.
227.01(3) (3) "Contested case" means an agency proceeding in which the assertion by one party of any substantial interest is denied or controverted by another party and in which, after a hearing required by law, a substantial interest of a party is determined or adversely affected by a decision or order. There are 3 classes of contested cases as follows:
227.01(3)(a) (a) A "class 1 proceeding" is a proceeding in which an agency acts under standards conferring substantial discretionary authority upon it. "Class 1 proceedings" include rate making, price setting, the granting of a certificate of convenience and necessity, the making, review or equalization of tax assessments and the granting or denial of a license.
227.01(3)(b) (b) A "class 2 proceeding" is a proceeding in which an agency determines whether to impose a sanction or penalty against a party. "Class 2 proceedings" include the suspension or revocation of or refusal to renew a license because of an alleged violation of law. Any proceeding which could be construed to be both a class 1 and a class 2 proceeding shall be treated as a class 2 proceeding.
227.01(3)(c) (c) A "class 3 proceeding" is any contested case not included in class 1 or class 2.
227.01(4) (4) "Hearing examiner" means a person designated under s. 227.43 or 227.46 (1) to preside over a contested case.
227.01(5) (5) "License" includes all or any part of an agency permit, certificate, approval, registration, charter or similar form of permission required by law, except a motor vehicle operator's license issued under ch. 343, a vehicle registration certificate issued under ch. 341, a license required primarily for revenue purposes, a hunting or fishing approval or a similar license where issuance is merely a ministerial act.
227.01(6) (6) "Licensing" means an agency process relating to the granting, denial, renewal, revocation, suspension, annulment, withdrawal or amendment of a license.
227.01(7) (7) "Official of the agency" means a secretary, commissioner or member of a board of an agency.
227.01(8) (8) "Party" means a person or agency named or admitted as a party in a contested case.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?