39.11 Educational communications board; duties.
39.115 Educational communications board; powers.
39.12 Nonstock corporation.
39.13 Board staff.
39.14 Affiliation agreement.
39.15 Aid for medical education.
39.155 Medical college of Wisconsin; state aid policies.
39.16 Medical education review committee.
39.26 Definition.
39.28 Powers and duties.
39.285 Board review of proposed formulae.
39.29 Executive secretary.
39.30 Grants.
39.31 Determination of student costs.
39.32 Student loans.
39.325 Wisconsin health education loan program.
39.33 Guaranteed student loan program.
39.34 Medical student loan program.
39.35 Repayment of scholarships for teachers in educationally disadvantaged areas.
39.36 Repayment of stipends for teachers of the handicapped.
39.37 Student loan funding.
39.374 Wisconsin health education loan program funding.
39.38 Indian student assistance.
39.39 Nursing student stipend loans.
39.395 Teacher education loan program.
39.40 Minority teacher loan program.
39.41 Academic excellence higher education scholarships.
39.42 Interstate agreements.
39.435 Wisconsin higher education grants and talent incentive grants.
39.44 Minority undergraduate grants.
39.45 Independent student grants.
39.46 Contract for dental education.
39.47 Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity agreement.
39.51 Educational approval board.
39.75 Compact for education.
39.76 Compact commission delegation.
39.80 Midwestern higher education compact.
subch. I of ch. 39 SUBCHAPTER I
39.11 39.11 Educational communications board; duties. The educational communications board shall:
39.11(1) (1) Receive and disburse state, federal and private funds and engage or contract for such personnel and facilities as it deems necessary to carry out the purpose of this section.
39.11(2) (2) Plan, construct and develop a state system of radio broadcasting for the presentation of educational, informational and public service programs and formulate policies regulating the operation of such a state system.
39.11(3) (3) Protect the public interest in educational television by making application to the federal communications commission for educational television channels reserved for Wisconsin, and take such action as is necessary to preserve such channels to Wisconsin for educational use.
39.11(4) (4) Initiate, develop and maintain a comprehensive state plan for the orderly operation of a statewide television system for the presentation of noncommercial instructional programs which will serve the best interests of the people of the state now and in the future;
39.11(5) (5) Work with the educational agencies and institutions of the state as reviewer, adviser and coordinator of their joint efforts to meet the educational needs of the state through radio, television and other appropriate technologies.
39.11(6) (6) Furnish leadership in securing adequate funding for statewide joint use of radio and television for educational and cultural purposes, including funding for media programming for broadcast over the state networks. The educational communications board may submit joint budget requests with state agencies and other nonstate organizations or corporations for the purposes stated above;
39.11(7) (7) Lease, purchase or construct radio and television facilities for joint use, such as network interconnection or relay equipment, mobile units, or other equipment available for statewide use;
39.11(8) (8) Apply for, construct and operate radio and television transmission equipment in order to provide broadcast service to all areas of this state;
39.11(9) (9) Establish and maintain a continuing evaluation of the effectiveness of the joint efforts of all participating educational institutions in terms of jointly-established goals in the area of educational radio and television.
39.11(10) (10) Act as a central clearing house and source of information concerning educational radio and television activities in this state, including the furnishing of such information to legislators, offices of government, educational institutions and the general public.
39.11(11) (11) If appropriate funds are made available, file applications after appropriate engineering studies and feasibility surveys for the construction and operation of noncommercial educational radio and television transmitters in the vicinities of Wausau, Colfax, La Crosse and Appleton and translators in the Platteville and Ashland area.
39.11(12) (12) Establish and operate, as soon as practicable, an interconnection between the broadcast facilities and higher education campuses to facilitate statewide use of closed circuit and broadcast radio and television for educational purposes. Additional facilities may be authorized by the educational communications board if deemed necessary and if funds are available for such purposes.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?