409.101 Short title.
409.102 Policy and subject matter of chapter.
409.103 Perfection of security interests in multiple state transactions.
409.104 Transactions excluded from chapter.
409.105 Definitions and index of definitions.
409.106 Definitions: "account"; "general intangibles".
409.107 Definitions: "purchase money security interest".
409.108 When after-acquired collateral not security for antecedent debt.
409.109 Classification of goods; "consumer goods"; "equipment"; "farm products"; "inventory".
409.110 Sufficiency of description.
409.111 Applicability of bulk transfer laws.
409.112 Where collateral is not owned by debtor.
409.113 Security interests arising under ch. 402 or 411.
409.114 Consignment.
409.115 Investment property.
409.116 Security interest arising in purchase or delivery of financial asset.
409.201 General validity of security interest.
409.202 Title to collateral immaterial.
409.203 Attachment and enforceability of security interest; proceeds; formal requisites.
409.204 After-acquired property; future advances.
409.205 Use or disposition of collateral without accounting permissible.
409.206 Agreement not to assert defenses against assignee; modification of sales warranties where security agreement exists.
409.207 Rights and duties when collateral is in secured party's possession.
409.208 Request for statement of account or list of collateral.
409.301 Persons who take priority over unperfected security interests; rights of "lien creditor".
409.302 When filing is required to perfect security interest; security interests to which filing provisions of this chapter do not apply.
409.303 When security interest is perfected; continuity of perfection.
409.304 Perfection of security interest in instruments, documents and goods covered by documents; perfection by permissive filing; temporary perfection without filing or transfer of possession.
409.305 When possession by secured party perfects security interest without filing.
409.306 "Proceeds"; secured party's rights on disposition of collateral.
409.307 Protection of buyers of goods.
409.308 Purchase of chattel paper and instruments.
409.309 Protection of purchasers of instruments, documents and securities.
409.310 Priority of certain liens arising by operation of law.
409.311 Alienability of debtor's rights: judicial process.
409.312 Priorities among conflicting security interests in the same collateral.
409.313 Priority of security interests in fixtures.
409.314 Accessions.
409.315 Priority when goods are commingled or processed.
409.316 Priority subject to subordination.
409.317 Secured party not obligated on contract of debtor.
409.318 Defenses against assignee; modification of contract after notification of assignment; term prohibiting assignment ineffective; identification and proof of assignment.
409.401 Place of filing; erroneous filing; removal of collateral.
409.402 Formal requisites of financing statement; amendments; mortgage as financing statement.
409.403 What constitutes filing; duration of filing; effect of lapsed filing; duties of filing officer.
409.404 Termination statement.
409.405 Assignment of security interest; duties of filing officer; fees.
409.406 Release of collateral; duties of filing officer; fees.
409.407 Duties and liability of filing officer.
409.408 Financing statements covering consigned or leased goods.
409.409 Storage of records.
409.410 Statewide lien system.
409.501 Default; procedure when security agreement covers both real and personal property.
409.502 Collection rights of secured party.
409.503 Secured party's right to take possession after default.
409.504 Secured party's right to dispose of collateral after default; effect of disposition.
409.505 Compulsory disposition of collateral; acceptance of the collateral as discharge of obligation.
409.506 Debtor's right to redeem collateral.
409.507 Secured party's liability for failure to comply with default provisions.
Ch. 409 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See definitions in s. 401.201.
409.101 409.101 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as uniform commercial code—secured transactions.
409.101 Annotation When does a debtor have rights in the collateral under article 9 of the uniform commercial code? Anzivino. 61 MLR 23.
409.102 409.102 Policy and subject matter of chapter.
409.102(1)(1) Except as otherwise provided in s. 409.104 on excluded transactions, this chapter applies:
409.102(1)(a) (a) To any transaction (regardless of its form) which is intended to create a security interest in personal property or fixtures including goods, documents, instruments, general intangibles, chattel paper or accounts.
409.102(1)(b) (b) To any sale of accounts or chattel paper.
409.102(2) (2) This chapter applies to security interests created by contract including pledge, assignment, chattel mortgage, chattel trust, trust deed, factor's lien, equipment trust, conditional sale, trust receipt, other lien or title retention contract and lease or consignment intended as security. This chapter does not apply to statutory liens except as provided in s. 409.310.
409.102(3) (3) The application of this chapter to a security interest in a secured obligation is not affected by the fact that the obligation is itself secured by a transaction or interest to which this chapter does not apply.
409.102 History History: 1973 c. 215.
409.102 Annotation A lease requiring a security deposit may operate to create a security interest in the deposit subject to this chapter. Demotropoulous v. Bank One Milwaukee, 924 F Supp. 894 (1996).
409.102 Annotation Secured transactions under the uniform commercial code: changes in Wisconsin filing provisions. 1974 WLR 864.
409.103 409.103 Perfection of security interests in multiple state transactions.
409.103(1)(1)Documents, instruments and ordinary goods.
409.103(1)(a)(a) This subsection applies to documents and instruments and to goods other than those covered by a certificate of title described in sub. (2), mobile goods described in sub. (3), and minerals described in sub. (5).
409.103(1)(b) (b) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, perfection and the effect of perfection or nonperfection of a security interest in collateral are governed by the law of the jurisdiction where the collateral is when the last event occurs on which is based the assertion that the security interest is perfected or unperfected.
409.103(1)(c) (c) If the parties to a transaction creating a purchase money security interest in goods in one jurisdiction understand at the time that the security interest attaches that the goods will be kept in another jurisdiction, then the law of the other jurisdiction governs the perfection and the effect of perfection or nonperfection of the security interest from the time it attaches until 30 days after the debtor receives possession of the goods and thereafter if the goods are taken to the other jurisdiction before the end of the 30-day period.
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