45.01 Wisconsin veterans museum; space for.
45.015 Eligibility for benefits.
45.02 Memorial collection.
45.03 Veterans memorials at The Highground.
45.04 Veterans memorial grants.
45.05 County and municipal memorials.
45.052 Memorial corporations organized under 1919 act.
45.055 Joint memorials.
45.058 Memorials in populous counties.
45.059 Catalog of memorials.
45.06 Rooms furnished by county or municipality.
45.066 Memorial trees along highways.
45.10 County tax for needy veterans.
45.11 Estimate of amount needed.
45.12 County veterans' service commission.
45.13 Records of meetings and investigations kept by service officer.
45.14 Administration of aid.
45.15 Commission, compensation.
45.16 Burial allowance.
45.17 Investigation and report.
45.18 Order for expenses; headstone.
45.185 Care of soldiers' graves.
45.21 Registration of certificate of discharge.
45.25 Veterans' tuition and fee reimbursement program.
45.30 Assignment of mentally ill, alcoholic and drug dependent persons.
45.34 Lebanon, Grenada, Middle East crisis, Panama, Bosnia and Somalia.
45.35 Department of veterans affairs.
45.351 Economic assistance.
45.353 Grants to veterans organizations.
45.355 Biennial study of fiscal needs for veterans' housing.
45.356 Veterans personal loans.
45.357 Veterans assistance program.
45.358 Wisconsin veterans cemeteries.
45.36 Release of information and records by the department of veterans affairs and county veterans' service offices.
45.365 Wisconsin veterans home; management.
45.37 Who are eligible to membership.
45.375 Hospital at Wisconsin Veterans Home.
45.38 Department, additional powers to provide structures, facilities and permanent improvements.
45.385 Veterans residential, treatment and nursing care facilities.
45.396 Correspondence courses and part-time classroom study.
45.397 Retraining grant program.
45.42 Burial places compiled.
45.43 County veterans' service officer.
45.48 Veterans' papers, medals, etc., as security.
45.49 Memorial day; veterans to be given leave of absence on.
45.50 Reemployment in civil employment after completion of military service.
45.51 Employes or officers in military service.
45.52 Physical disability does not disqualify for public employment.
45.53 Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief act.
45.70 Purpose.
45.71 Definitions.
45.72 Powers of the department.
45.73 Duties of the department.
45.74 Eligible persons; disqualifying factors.
45.745 Loans to disabled veterans; qualifying factors.
45.76 Eligible uses for loan proceeds.
45.77 Veteran's contribution.
45.78 Manner of repayment.
45.79 Mortgage loan program.
45.85 Disregard of agent orange litigation payment.
subch. I of ch. 45 SUBCHAPTER I
45.01 45.01 Wisconsin veterans museum; space for. The department of administration shall provide suitable space for the purpose of a memorial hall, designated as the Wisconsin veterans museum, dedicated to the men and women of Wisconsin who served in the armed forces of the United States in the civil war of 1861 to 1865 or who meets one of the conditions listed in s. 45.35 (5) (a) 1. a. to d., and the department of veterans affairs shall operate and conduct the Wisconsin veterans museum.
45.015 45.015 Eligibility for benefits. Any person whose service on active duty with the U.S. armed forces or in forces incorporated as part of the U.S. armed forces makes that person eligible for general U.S. department of veterans affairs benefits shall be considered to have served under honorable conditions for purposes of this chapter.
45.015 History History: 1995 a. 255.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?