48.651 Certification of day care providers.
48.653 Information for day care providers.
48.655 Parental access.
48.656 Parent's right to know.
48.657 Day care center reports.
48.66 Licensing duties of the department.
48.67 Rules governing child welfare agencies, day care centers, foster homes, treatment foster homes, group homes, shelter care facilities and county departments.
48.675 Foster care education program.
48.68 Investigation of applicant; issuing of license.
48.685 Criminal history and child abuse record search.
48.69 Probationary licenses.
48.70 Provisions of licenses.
48.715 Sanctions and penalties.
48.72 Appeal procedure.
48.73 Inspection of licensees.
48.735 Immunization requirements; day care centers.
48.737 Lead screening, inspection and reduction requirements; day care centers.
48.74 Authority of department to investigate alleged violations.
48.745 Formal complaints regarding child welfare agencies and group homes.
48.75 Foster homes and treatment foster homes licensed by public licensing agencies and by child welfare agencies.
48.76 Penalties.
48.77 Injunction against violations.
48.78 Confidentiality of records.
48.79 Powers of the department.
48.80 Municipalities may sponsor activities.
48.81 Who may be adopted.
48.82 Who may adopt.
48.825 Advertising related to adoption.
48.83 Jurisdiction and venue.
48.831 Appointment of guardian for child without a living parent for adoptability finding.
48.832 Transfer of guardianship upon revocation of guardian's license or contract.
48.833 Placement of children for adoption by the department, county departments and child welfare agencies.
48.835 Placement of children with relatives for adoption.
48.837 Placement of children with nonrelatives for adoption.
48.838 Foreign adoption fees.
48.839 Adoption of foreign children.
48.841 Persons required to file recommendation as to adoption.
48.85 Recommendation of guardian.
48.871 Filing of recommendation by guardian.
48.88 Notice of hearing; investigation.
48.89 Recommendation of the department.
48.90 Filing of adoption petition; preadoption residence.
48.91 Hearing; order.
48.913 Payments by adoptive or proposed adoptive parents to a birth parent or child or on behalf of a birth parent or child.
48.915 Adoption appeals given preference.
48.92 Effect of adoption.
48.925 Visitation rights of certain persons.
48.93 Records closed.
48.94 New birth certificate.
48.95 Withdrawal or denial of petition.
48.96 Subsequent adoption.
48.97 Adoption orders of other jurisdictions.
48.975 Adoption assistance.
48.977 Appointment of relatives as guardians for certain children in need of protection or services.
48.978 Appointment or designation of standby guardian of a child.
48.98 Interstate placement of children.
48.981 Abused or neglected children and abused unborn children.
48.982 Child abuse and neglect prevention board.
48.985 Expenditure of federal child welfare funds.
48.987 Earnings of self-supporting minors.
48.988 Interstate compact on the placement of children.
48.989 Interstate compact on the placement of children: additional procedure.
48.9985 Interstate adoption agreements.
Ch. 48 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 46.011 for definitions applicable to chs. 46, 48, 51, 55 and 58.
Ch. 48 Note NOTE: 1995 Wis. Act 275, which made major revisions of Chapter 48, contains extensive explanatory notes.
subch. I of ch. 48 SUBCHAPTER I
48.01 48.01 Title and legislative purpose.
48.01(1) (1) This chapter may be cited as "The Children's Code". In construing this chapter, the best interests of the child or unborn child shall always be of paramount consideration. This chapter shall be liberally construed to effectuate the following express legislative purposes:
48.01(1)(a) (a) While recognizing that the paramount goal of this chapter is to protect children and unborn children, to preserve the unity of the family, whenever appropriate, by strengthening family life through assisting parents and the expectant mothers of unborn children, whenever appropriate, in fulfilling their responsibilities as parents or expectant mothers. The courts and agencies responsible for child welfare, while assuring that a child's health and safety are the paramount concerns, should assist parents and the expectant mothers of unborn children in changing any circumstances in the home which might harm the child or unborn child, which may require the child to be placed outside the home or which may require the expectant mother to be taken into custody. The courts should recognize that they have the authority, in appropriate cases, not to reunite a child with his or her family. The courts and agencies responsible for child welfare should also recognize that instability and impermanence in family relationships are contrary to the welfare of children and should therefore recognize the importance of eliminating the need for children to wait unreasonable periods of time for their parents to correct the conditions that prevent their safe return to the family.
48.01 Note NOTE: Par. (a) is shown as affected by two acts of the 1997 legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c).
48.01(1)(ad) (ad) To provide judicial and other procedures through which children and all other interested parties are assured fair hearings and their constitutional and other legal rights are recognized and enforced, while protecting the public safety.
48.01(1)(ag) (ag) To recognize that children have certain basic needs which must be provided for, including the need for adequate food, clothing and shelter; the need to be free from physical, sexual or emotional injury or exploitation; the need to develop physically, mentally and emotionally to their potential; and the need for a safe and permanent family. It is further recognized that, under certain circumstances, in order to ensure that the needs of a child, as described in this paragraph, are provided for, the court may determine that it is in the best interests of the child for the child to be removed from his or her parents, consistent with any applicable law relating to the rights of parents.
48.01(1)(am) (am) To recognize that unborn children have certain basic needs which must be provided for, including the need to develop physically to their potential and the need to be free from physical harm due to the habitual lack of self-control of their expectant mothers in the use of alcohol beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a severe degree. It is further recognized that, when an expectant mother of an unborn child suffers from a habitual lack of self-control in the use of alcohol beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a severe degree, in order to ensure that the needs of the unborn child, as described in this paragraph, are provided for, the court may determine that it is in the best interests of the unborn child for the expectant mother to be ordered to receive treatment, including inpatient treatment, for that habitual lack of self-control, consistent with any applicable law relating to the rights of the expectant mother.
48.01(1)(ap) (ap) To recognize the compelling need to reduce the harmful financial, societal and emotional impacts that arise and the tremendous burdens that are placed on families and the community and on the health care, social services, educational and criminal justice systems as a result of the habitual lack of self-control of expectant mothers in the use of alcohol beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a severe degree, during all stages of pregnancy.
48.01(1)(bg)1.1. To ensure that children are protected against the harmful effects resulting from the absence of parents or parent substitutes, from the inability, other than financial inability, of parents or parent substitutes to provide care and protection for their children and from the destructive behavior of parents or parent substitutes in providing care and protection for their children.
48.01(1)(bg)2. 2. To ensure that children are provided good substitute parental care in the event of the absence, temporary or permanent inability, other than financial inability, or unfitness of parents to provide care and protection for their children.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?