150,473 Section 473. 66.462 (title) and (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, are renumbered 66.1106 (title) and (1).
150,474 Section 474. 66.462 (2) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 66.1106 (2) (title).
150,475 Section 475. 66.462 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 1634a, is renumbered 66.1106 (2) (a) and amended to read:
66.1106 (2) (a) A political subdivision that develops, and whose governing body approves, a written proposal to remediate environmental pollution may use an environmental remediation tax increment to pay the eligible costs of remediating environmental pollution on contiguous parcels of property that are located within the political subdivision and that are not part of a tax incremental district created under s. 66.46 66.1105, as provided in this section, except that a political subdivision may use an environmental remediation tax increment to pay the cost of remediating environmental pollution of groundwater without regard to whether the property above the groundwater is owned by the political subdivision. No political subdivision may submit an application to the department under sub. (4) until the joint review board approves the political subdivision's written proposal under sub. (3).
150,476 Section 476. 66.462 (2) (b) and (3) (title) and (a) to (c) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, are renumbered 66.1106 (2) (b) and (3) (title) and (a) to (c).
150,477 Section 477. 66.462 (3) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 66.1106 (3) (d) and amended to read:
66.1106 (3) (d) If a joint review board convened by a city or village under s. 66.46 66.1105 (4m) is in existence when a city or village seeks to act under this section, the city or village may require the joint review board convened under s. 66.46 66.1105 (4m) to exercise the functions of a joint review board that could be convened under this subsection.
150,478 Section 478. 66.462 (4) to (10) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, are renumbered 66.1106 (4) to (10).
150,479 Section 479. 66.465 of the statutes is renumbered 66.1107, and 66.1107 (1) (a), (c) and (e) 5. and (2) (intro.), (a), (b) and (c) 1. and 2., as renumbered, are amended to read:
66.1107 (1) (a) An "area in need of rehabilitation" is a neighborhood or area in which buildings, by reason of age, obsolescence, inadequate or outmoded design, or physical deterioration have become economic or social liabilities, or both; in which such these conditions impair the economic value of such the neighborhood or area, infecting it with economic blight, and which is characterized by depreciated values, impaired investments, and reduced capacity to pay taxes; in which the existence of such these conditions and the failure to rehabilitate such the buildings results in a loss of population from the neighborhood or area and further deterioration, accompanied by added costs for creation of new public facilities and services elsewhere; in which it is difficult and uneconomic for individual owners independently to undertake to remedy such the conditions; in which it is necessary to create, with proper safeguards, inducements and opportunities for the employment of private investment and equity capital in the rehabilitation of such the buildings; and in which the presence of such these buildings and conditions has resulted, among other consequences, in a severe shortage of financial resources available to finance the purchase and rehabilitation of housing and an inability or unwillingness on the part of private lenders to make loans for and an inability or unwillingness on the part of present and prospective owners of such housing to invest in the purchase and rehabilitation of housing in such the neighborhood or area.
(c) "Municipality" means any a city, village or town in this state.
(e) 5. It is an area within which the effect of such existing detrimental conditions as may exist is to discourage private lenders from making loans for and present or prospective property owners from investing in the purchase and rehabilitation of housing.
(2) Designation of reinvestment neighborhoods or areas. (intro.) Any A municipality may designate reinvestment neighborhoods or areas after complying with the following steps:
(a) Holding of a public hearing by the planning commission or by the local governing body at which interested parties are afforded a reasonable opportunity to express their views on the proposed designation and boundaries of a reinvestment neighborhood or area and the proposed boundaries thereof. Notice of such the hearing shall be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985. Prior to such Before publication, a copy of the notice shall be sent by 1st class mail to the Wisconsin housing and economic development authority, and a copy shall be posted in each school building and in at least 3 other places of public assembly within the reinvestment neighborhood or area proposed to be designated.
(b) Designation by the planning commission of the boundaries of a reinvestment neighborhood or area recommended by it to be designated and submission of such the recommendation to the local legislative body.
(c) 1. Describes the boundaries of a reinvestment neighborhood or area with sufficient definiteness to identify with ordinary and reasonable certainty the territory included therein. Such in the neighborhood or area. The boundaries may, but need not, be the same as those recommended by the planning commission.
2. Designates such the reinvestment neighborhood or area as of a date provided in the resolution.
150,480 Section 480. 66.47 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0927 (title).
150,481 Section 481. 66.47 (1) to (5) of the statutes are renumbered 66.0927 (1) to (5), and 66.0927 (2), (3) and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
66.0927 (2) County-city hospitals. Any A county and city or cities partly or wholly within the county may by ordinance jointly construct or otherwise acquire, equip, furnish, operate and maintain a general county-city hospital. Such The hospital is subject to ch. 150.
(3) Financing. The governing bodies of the respective county and city or cities shall have the power to may borrow money, appropriate funds, and levy taxes needed to carry out the purposes of this section. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by the respective county, city or cities by general obligation bonds issued under ch. 67 or by revenue bonds issued under s. 66.51. Any bonds 66.0913. Bonds issued pursuant to under this section shall be executed on behalf of the county by the county board chairperson and the county clerk and on behalf of a city by the its mayor or other chief executive officer thereof and by the city clerk.
(4) Cost sharing. The ordinance shall provide for a sharing of all of the cost of construction or other acquisition, equipment, furnishing, operation and maintenance of such a hospital on an agreed percentage basis.
150,482 Section 482. 66.47 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Repealed as archaic. This subsection validates all actions of a county and city taken before April 17, 1949 in the construction or other acquisition, equipment, furnishing, operation and maintenance of a joint county-city hospital which would have been valid had s. 66.47 been in effect when the actions were taken. There appears to be no need to continue the validation.
150,483 Section 483. 66.47 (7) to (15) of the statutes are renumbered 66.0927 (7) to (15) and amended to read:
66.0927 (7) (a) Organization of boards; officers; compensation; oaths; bonds. When all members have qualified the board shall meet at the place designated in the ordinance and organize by electing from its membership a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer, each to hold office for one year. The board may combine the offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined if the board so decides. Members shall receive such compensation as shall be provided in the ordinance, and shall be reimbursed their actual and necessary expenses. With the approval of the board, the treasurer may appoint an assistant treasurer, who need not be a member of the board, to perform such services as shall be specified by the board.
(b) Members, and any assistant treasurer, shall qualify by taking the official oath, and the treasurer and any assistant treasurer shall furnish a bond in such a sum as shall be specified by the board and be in the form and conditioned as provided in s. 19.01 (2) and (3). The oaths and bonds shall be filed with the county clerk. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the board.
(8) Powers of board. The board shall have power may, subject to provisions of the ordinance:
(a) To contract Contract for the construction or other acquisition, equipment or furnishing of a general county-city hospital.
(b) To contract Contract for the construction or other acquisition of additions or improvements to, or alterations in, such a hospital and the equipment or furnishing of any such an addition.
(c) To employ Employ a manager of the a hospital and other necessary personnel and fix their compensation.
(d) To enact Enact, amend and repeal rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, for the admission to, and government of patients at, the a hospital, for the regulation of the board's meetings and deliberations, and for the government, operation and maintenance of the hospital and the hospital employes thereof.
(e) To contract Contract for and purchase all fuel, food, equipment, furnishings and supplies reasonably necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of the a hospital.
(f) To audit Audit all accounts and claims against the a hospital or against the board, and, if approved, pay the same accounts and claims from the fund specified in sub. (10). All expenditures made pursuant to this section shall be within the limits of the ordinance.
(g) To sue Sue and be sued, and to collect or compromise any and all obligations due to the hospital; all. All money received shall be paid into the joint hospital fund.
(h) To make such Make studies and recommendations to the county board and city council or city councils relating to the operation of the a hospital or the building of facilities therefor as the board may deem considers advisable or said the governing bodies request.
(i) To employ Employ counsel on either a temporary or permanent basis.
(9) Budget. The board shall annually, prior to before the time of the preparation of either the county or city budget under s. 65.90, prepare a budget of its anticipated receipts and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year and determine the proportionate cost to the county and the participating city or cities pursuant to under the terms of the ordinance. A certified copy of the budget, which shall include a statement of the net amount required from the county and city or cities, shall be delivered to the clerks of the respective municipalities. It shall be the duty of the The county board and the common council of the city or cities to shall consider such the budget, and determine the amount to be raised by the respective municipalities in the proportions determined by the ordinance. Thereupon After this determination, the county and city or cities respectively shall levy a tax sufficient to produce the amount to be raised by said the county and city or cities.
(10) Hospital fund. A joint county-city hospital fund shall be created and established in a public depository to be specified in the ordinance. The treasurer of the respective county and city or cities shall pay or cause to be paid into such the fund the respective amounts to be paid thereto by such county and city or cities as specified by the ordinance and resolutions of the respective municipalities when such the amounts have been collected. All of the moneys which shall come into said the fund are hereby appropriated to the board for the execution of its functions as provided by the ordinance and the resolutions of the respective municipalities. The moneys in the fund shall be paid out by the treasurer of the hospital board only upon the approval or direction of the board.
(11) Correlation of laws. (a) In any case where a bid is a prerequisite to contract in connection with a county or city hospital under s. 66.29 66.0901, it shall is also be a prerequisite to a valid contract by the board; and for such. For this purpose, the board shall be deemed is a municipality and the contract a public contract under s. 66.29 66.0901.
(b) All statutory requirements, not inconsistent with the provision of this section, applicable to general county or city hospitals shall apply to hospitals referred to in this section.
(12) Reports. The board shall report its activities to the county board and the city council or councils annually, or oftener as either of said the municipalities may require requires.
(14) Powers of villages. Villages shall have all of the powers granted to cities under subs. (1) to (12) and whenever any village shall exercise such exercises these powers the word "city" wherever it appears in subs. (1) to (12) means "village" unless the context otherwise requires. Any village participating in the construction or other acquisition of a general county-village hospital or in the its operation thereof, pursuant to this section, shall have the power to may enter into lease agreements leasing such the hospital and the its equipment and furnishings therein to a nonprofit corporation.
(15) Powers of towns. Towns shall have all of the powers granted to cities under subs. (1) to (12) and whenever any town shall exercise such exercises these powers the word "city" wherever it appears in subs. (1) to (12) means "town" unless the context otherwise requires. Any town participating in the construction or other acquisition of a general county-town hospital or in the its operation thereof, pursuant to, under this section, shall have the power to may enter into lease agreements leasing such the hospital and the its equipment and furnishings therein to a nonprofit corporation.
150,484 Section 484. 66.48 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0917 and amended to read:
66.0917 Art museums. Any A city, village or town may establish, purchase land and erect buildings for, and equip, manage and control an art museum or museums; or. A city, village or town may enter into a contract with any art museum or art institute located in the city, village or town for the education of the people thereof in art, for such compensation as shall be determined by the governing body of the city, village or town. Any A city, village or town may levy taxes, issue bonds, or appropriate money for the purposes in this section.
150,485 Section 485. 66.49 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0919 and amended to read:
66.0919 Civic centers. (1) Recreation and amusement. Any A city, village or town may by ordinance, enacted by a majority of all the members-elect, as defined in s. 59.001 (2m), of the board or council, provide for the erection, maintenance and operation of a public auditorium, opera house, or other recreation and amusement building. The erection and contracts therefor shall be are governed by the provisions of law applicable to other public buildings therein in the city, village or town. The board or council shall adopt regulations for maintenance and operation.
(2) Rest rooms. Any A city, village or town may erect, purchase, lease, or take by gift or devise, land and buildings for public rest rooms, and may equip, maintain and operate the same them.
(3) Comfort stations. Every A city, village and or town may provide and maintain a sufficient number of public comfort stations for both sexes. The department of health and family services shall establish regulations governing their location, construction, equipment and maintenance and may prescribe minimum standards that shall be uniform throughout the state. The board or council may establish further regulations.
(4) Comfort stations and rest rooms. The state, every or a county, city, village, and or town maintaining places of public assemblage or camp sites may also provide and maintain a sufficient number of suitable and adequate public comfort stations for both sexes and may establish rest rooms separate or in connection with such the comfort stations.
(5) Public concerts. Any A town, village or city may conduct public concerts in auditoriums and such other public places within its boundaries as the board or council shall determine. Such determines. The concerts shall be conducted by the department having charge of such the place and the expenses thereof above in excess of receipts, if any, shall be paid out of such a fund as determined by the board or council shall determine. A fee to said attend the concerts may be charged for the purpose of defraying the expenses thereof in whole or in part.
150,486 Section 486. 66.50 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0127, and 66.0127 (1), as renumbered, is amended to read:
66.0127 (1) In any a city, village or town, however organized, in which a municipal hospital is located, the board of trustees or other governing board of the municipal hospital shall have power and authority may, except as otherwise provided by ordinance, do any of the following:
(a) To prescribe Prescribe rules of order for the regulation of their its own meetings and deliberations and to alter, amend or repeal the same from time to time;.
(b) To promulgate, amend and repeal Promulgate rules relating to the government, operation and maintenance of the hospital and relating to the employes of the hospital;.
(c) To contract Contract for and purchase all fuel, food and other supplies reasonably necessary for the operation and maintenance of the hospital;.
(d) To promulgate, amend and repeal Promulgate rules for the admission to and government of patients at the hospital;.
(e) To contract Contract for the construction, installation or making of additions or improvements to or alterations of such the hospital whenever such if the additions, improvements or alterations have been ordered and funds have been provided therefor by the city council or village or town board;.
(f) To engage Employ all necessary employes at the hospital for a period not to exceed one year under any one contract and at a salary not to exceed the sum of $25 per week, excluding board and laundry, unless a larger salary is expressly authorized by the city council or village or town board;.
Note: Section 66.50 (1) (f) provides that the board of trustees or other governing board of a municipal hospital may engage all necessary employes for a period not to exceed one year under any one contract and at a salary not exceeding the sum of $25 per week, excluding board and laundry, unless a larger salary is expressly authorized by the city council or village or town board. Renumbered s. 66.0127 (1) (f) removes these limits on the terms of employe contracts and on employe salaries.
(g) To audit Audit all accounts and claims against the hospital or against the board of trustees and, if approved, the city, village or town clerk and treasurer shall pay the accounts and claims in the manner provided by s. 66.042 66.0607.
150,487 Section 487. 66.501 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0129, and 66.0129 (1), (4) (intro.), (5) and (6), as renumbered, are amended to read:
66.0129 (1) Powers and duties of governing body. For the purpose of providing adequate hospital facilities in the state of Wisconsin to serve cities, villages and towns and the hospital service area, and; providing all lands, buildings, improvements, facilities or equipment or other capital items necessary or desirable in connection with the hospital and the ultimate acquisition of ; ultimately acquiring the hospital by the city, village or town, for the acquisition of; acquiring lands for future hospital development, and to refinance; and refinancing indebtedness created by a nonprofit corporation for the purpose of acquiring lands or providing hospital buildings or additions or improvements to the hospital buildings, or for any one or more of these purposes, the governing body of any a city, village or town shall have the following powers may:
(a) Without limitation by any other statute, to sell and convey title to a nonprofit corporation any land and any existing buildings on the land owned by the city, village or town for such that consideration and upon such the terms and conditions as in the judgment of that the governing body of the city, village or town determines are in the public interest.
(b) To lease Lease to a nonprofit corporation for terms not exceeding 40 years each any land and existing buildings on the land that are owned by the city, village or town upon such the terms, conditions and rentals as in the judgment of that the governing body of the city, village or town determines are in the public interest.
(c) To lease Lease or sublease from the nonprofit corporation, for terms not exceeding 40 years, and to make available for public use, any lands or any such land and existing buildings conveyed or leased to the corporation under pars. (a) and (b), and any new buildings erected upon the land or upon any other land owned by the corporation, upon the terms, conditions and rentals, subject to available appropriations, and ultimate acquisition, that in the judgment of the governing body of the city, village or town determines are in the public interest. With respect to any property conveyed to the nonprofit corporation under par. (a), the lease from the nonprofit corporation may be subject or subordinated to one or more mortgages of such the property granted by the corporation.
(d) To apply Apply all net revenues derived from the operation of any lands or buildings to the payment of rentals due and to become due under any lease or sublease made under par. (c).
(e) To pledge Pledge and assign all or any part of the revenues derived from the operation of any lands or new buildings as security for the payment of rentals due and to become due under any lease or sublease of the new buildings made under par. (c).
(f) To covenant Covenant and agree in any lease or sublease made under par. (c) to impose fees, rentals or other charges for the use and occupancy or other operation of the new buildings in an amount which together with other moneys of the city, village or town available for such that purpose will produce net revenue sufficient to pay the rentals due and to become due under the lease or sublease.
(g) To apply Apply all or any part of the revenues derived from the operation of any lands or existing buildings to the payment of rentals due and to become due under any a lease or sublease made under par. (c).
(h) To pledge Pledge and assign all or any part of the revenues derived from the operation of any lands or existing buildings to the payment of rentals due and to become due under any a lease or sublease made under par. (c).
(i) To covenant Covenant and agree in any a lease or sublease made under par. (c) to impose fees, rentals or other charges for the use and occupancy or other operation of any lands or existing buildings in an amount calculated to produce net revenues sufficient to pay the rentals due and to become due under such the lease or sublease.
(j) To operate Operate the hospital, until it is ultimately acquired, in such a manner as to provide that provides revenues sufficient to pay the costs of operation and maintenance of the hospital and to provide for the payments due the nonprofit corporation.
(4) Powers and duties of nonprofit corporation. (intro.) In addition to all other powers granted to nonprofit corporations, the nonprofit corporation shall have has the following additional powers and duties when leasing hospital facilities to a city, village or town:
(5) Bids for construction. The nonprofit corporation shall let all contracts exceeding $1,000 for the construction, maintenance or repair of hospital facilities to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids by the publication of a class 2 notice under ch. 985. Sections 66.29 66.0901 and 66.293 shall 66.0903 apply to such bids and contracts under this subsection.
(6) Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms "buildings" in this section:
(a) "Buildings", "new buildings" and "existing buildings" as used in this section include all buildings, structures, improvements, facilities, equipment or other capital items which the governing body of the city, village or town determines to be are necessary or desirable for the purpose of providing hospital facilities. The term "nonprofit
(b) "Nonprofit corporation" means a nonstock corporation organized under ch. 181 that is a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 181.0103 (17).
150,488 Section 488. 66.504 of the statutes is renumbered 66.0921, and 66.0921 (3), as renumbered, is amended to read:
66.0921 (3) Financing. A municipality may borrow money, appropriate funds and levy taxes needed to carry out the purposes of this section. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by a municipality by general obligation bonds issued under ch. 67. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by a county, city, village or town by revenue bonds issued under s. 66.066 66.0621. Any bonds issued under this section shall be executed on behalf of the municipality by the its chief executive officer and clerk thereof.
150,489 Section 489. 66.505 (title) and (1) to (4) of the statutes are renumbered 66.0923 (title) and (1) to (4), and 66.0923 (3) and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
66.0923 (3) Financing. The governing bodies of the respective county and city or cities shall have the power to may borrow money, appropriate funds, and levy taxes needed to carry out the purposes of this section. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by the respective county, city or cities by general obligation bonds issued under ch. 67 or by revenue bonds issued under s. 66.51 66.0913 or by the issuance of both general obligation bonds under ch. 67 and revenue bonds issued under s. 66.51. Any bonds 66.0913. Bonds issued pursuant to under this section shall be executed on behalf of the county by the county board chairperson and the county clerk and on behalf of a city by the its mayor or other chief executive officer thereof and by the city clerk.
(4) Cost sharing. The ordinance shall provide for a sharing of all of the cost of construction or other acquisition, equipment, furnishing, operation and maintenance of such an auditorium on an agreed percentage basis.
150,490 Section 490. 66.505 (6) to (11) of the statutes are renumbered 66.0923 (6) to (11) and amended to read:
66.0923 (6) Organization of boards; officers; compensation; oaths; bonds. (a) When all members have qualified the board shall meet at the place designated in the ordinance and organize by electing from its membership a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer, each to hold office for one year. The board may combine the offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined if the board so decides. Members may receive such compensation as may be provided in the ordinance and shall be reimbursed their actual and necessary expenses for their services. However, members serving on the board because of holding another office or position shall not receive compensation other than any actual and necessary expenses for their services. With the approval of the board, the treasurer may appoint an assistant secretary and assistant treasurer, who need not be members of the board, to perform such services as shall be specified by the board.
(b) Members, and any assistant secretary and assistant treasurer, shall qualify by taking the official oath, and the treasurer and any assistant treasurer shall furnish a bond in such a sum as shall be specified by the board and be in the form and conditioned as provided in s. 19.01 (2) and (3). The oaths and bonds shall be filed with the county clerk. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the board.
(7) Powers of board. The board shall have power may, subject to provisions of the ordinance, do all of the following:
(a) To contract Contract for the construction or other acquisition, equipping or furnishing of a county-city an auditorium, and may; accept and use donated services and gifts, grants or donations of money or property and use the same for the purposes given and consistent with this section,; and may contract for and authorize the installation of equipment and furnishings in all or part of the auditorium, or any part thereof by private individuals, persons or corporations by donations, loan, lease or concession.