(c) No director, employe of the district nor any other person executing any agreements with respect to any bonds or other obligations under this subsection is personally liable on the obligations subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance of such obligations.
(9) Maintain funds and invest the funds in any investment that the district board considers appropriate.
(10) Promote, advertise and publicize its cultural arts facilities and related cultural arts activities.
(11) Set standards governing the use of, and the conduct within, its cultural arts facilities in order to promote public safety and convenience and to maintain order.
(12) Establish and collect fees, and establish shared revenue arrangements or other charges for the use of its cultural arts facilities or for services rendered by the district.
(13) Enter into partnerships, joint ventures, common ownership or other arrangements with other persons to further the district's purposes.
(14) Solicit and accept gifts, loans, grants of land or other property and other aid, and agree to conditions with respect to such gifts, loans, grants or other aid.
(15) Administer the receipt of revenues, and oversee the repayment of debt contracted by the district.
(16) Adopt and alter an official seal.
(17) Direct its agents or employes, if properly identified in writing, to enter upon any real property, that the district has the authority to condemn or that the redevelopment authority has the authority to condemn on behalf of the district, to make surveys and examinations before locating or constructing cultural arts facilities, without incurring liability by the district, its agents or employes except for actual damage done. Before directing anyone to enter real property under this subsection, the district shall give the owner and occupant of the property at least 5 days' written notice. If the owner or occupant does not consent to the entry, the district may petition the circuit court for the county in which the property is located for an order permitting entry upon the property. The district shall serve a copy of the petition upon the owner and occupant. Before issuing an order, the court shall require the district to demonstrate the necessity of the entry and shall examine the reasonableness of the proposed scope, time, place and manner of the entry. The court may impose appropriate limitations upon the entry in its order.
(18) Provide money or other property, by sale, loan, lease, grant, gift or other form of transfer, to any other person.
229.845 Minority contracting goals. (1) In this section:
(a) "Minority business" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e).
(b) "Women's business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company or corporation that is at least 51% owned, controlled and actively managed by women.
(2) It shall be a goal of the district, in awarding construction work and professional services contracts related to cultural arts facilities, that at least 15% of the aggregate dollar value of such contracts awarded by the district shall be awarded to minority businesses and at least 5% of the aggregate dollar value of such contracts awarded by the district shall be awarded to women's businesses, except that if the sponsoring city is a 1st class city, it shall be a goal of the district, in awarding construction work and professional services contracts related to cultural arts facilities, that at least 25% of the aggregate dollar value of such contracts awarded by the district shall be awarded to minority businesses and at least 5% of the aggregate dollar value of such contracts awarded by the district shall be awarded to women's businesses.
229.846 Powers granted to a sponsoring city. In addition to any powers that it may otherwise have, a sponsoring city may do any of the following:
(1) Make grants, gifts or loans of any kind of property, or provide any other form of assistance, to a district upon terms that the sponsoring city considers appropriate.
(2) Expend public funds to subsidize a district.
(3) Borrow money under ss. 67.04 and 67.12 (12) for cultural arts facilities or to fund grants, loans or subsidies to a district.
(4) Audit the financial records of a district. The sponsoring city may conduct the audit itself or may contract for the audit to be performed by any other person.
(5) Fix and collect a sum to be paid annually, in lieu of property taxes, by the district except that the sum may not exceed the amount that would be levied by the city as a property tax on the property that is exempted under s. 70.11 (40).
(6) If the district's sponsoring city is not a 1st class city, enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution that expands or contracts the area within the district's jurisdiction in which the district board may exercise its power of eminent domain, except that a sponsoring city may not remove from that area any property that was included in the resolution under s. 229.842 (1) (c).
229.847 Dissolution of a district. Subject to providing for the payment of its bonds or other debts that it has incurred, including interest on the bonds or other debts, and the performance of its other contractual obligations, a district may be dissolved by one of the following methods:
(1) By a law enacted by this state.
(2) If the sponsoring city is not a 1st class city, by the unanimous action of the district board.
(3) If the sponsoring city is a 1st class city, by any means described in the initial resolution under which the 1st class city created the district.
229.848 Transfers; transfer agreements. (1) If a district is dissolved under s. 229.847, the property of the district shall be transferred either to the sponsoring city or to an entity described either in section 170 (c) (1) or in both sections 170 (c) (2) and 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. If the sponsoring city is a 1st class city, the specific entity to which the district's property shall be transferred upon dissolution shall be specified in the initial resolution under which the 1st class city created the district. If the sponsoring city is not a 1st class city, the district board shall determine the entity to which the district's property shall be transferred upon dissolution.
(2) A sponsoring city and a district board may enter into a transfer agreement to provide the terms and conditions upon which the sponsoring city or the district board may transfer any interests in an existing or proposed cultural arts facility, or any other property interests owned by either party, to the other party to the agreement. A transfer may take the form of a sale, lease, or other conveyance and may be with or without financial consideration.
229.849 District bonds and debt not public debt. (1) Neither the state nor the sponsoring city is liable on bonds or other debt of the district and the bonds and other debt of the district are not a debt of the state or the sponsoring city. All bonds and other debt of the district shall contain on the face of the bond or the debt instrument a statement to this effect. The issuance of bonds or the incurrence of other debt by the district shall not, directly or indirectly or contingently, obligate the state or the sponsoring city to levy any form of taxation therefor or to make any appropriation for the payment of the bonds or other debt.
(2) Nothing in this subchapter authorizes the district to create a debt of the state or the sponsoring city, and all bonds issued by the district and all other debt incurred by the district are payable, and shall state that they are payable, solely from the funds pledged for their payment in accordance with the resolution authorizing their issuance or incurrence or in any trust indenture or mortgage or deed of trust executed as security for the bonds or other debt. Neither the state nor the sponsoring city shall in any event be liable for the payment of the principal of or interest on any bonds or other debt of the district or for the performance of any pledge, mortgage, obligation or agreement that may be undertaken by the district. No breach of any such pledge, mortgage, obligation or agreement may impose any pecuniary liability upon the state or the sponsoring city or any charge upon the state's or the sponsoring city's general credit or against the state's or the sponsoring city's taxing power.
229.850 Special fund for payment of principal and interest costs on certain bonds. The district may maintain a special fund into which it deposits any income or property of the district that is used for the payment of principal and interest costs of bonds issued by the district or by a community development authority created under s. 66.4325 for purposes related to the district.
229.851 State pledge. The state pledges to and agrees with the holders of any bond issued by the district or other debt incurred by the district, and with those parties who may enter into contracts with the district, that the state will not limit or alter the rights vested in the district by this subchapter until such bonds or other debt, together with the interest on the bonds and other debt, are fully met and discharged and such contracts are fully performed on the part of the district, but nothing shall preclude such a limitation or alteration if adequate provision is made by law for the protection of the holders of such bonds or other debt or those entering into such contracts.
229.852 Pledge of revenues. A district may pledge the revenues derived, or to be derived, from any cultural arts facility for any of the following purposes:
(1) The payment of administrative costs and expenses of the district.
(2) The payment of the principal of, the premium on, if any, and the interest on outstanding bonds and other debt of the district.
(3) The creation and maintenance of a special fund or reserves with respect to bonds issued by the district.
229.853 Trust funds. All moneys received by the district under this subchapter, whether as proceeds from the issuance of bonds or the incurrence of other debt or as revenues, shall be considered to be trust funds to be held and applied solely as provided in this subchapter. Any officer with whom, or any bank or trust company with which, the moneys are deposited shall act as trustee of the moneys and shall hold and apply the same for the purposes of this subchapter, subject to such regulations as this subchapter and any bond resolution or debt agreement authorizing the bonds or debt may provide.
229.854 Sponsoring city employment regulations. Any ordinance of a sponsoring city that regulates employment relations or practices of all private employers, generally, shall apply to employes of the district, unless the sponsoring city's common council excludes the application of such an ordinance to the district's employes.
65,34 Section 34. 230.03 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
230.03 (3) "Agency" means any board, commission, committee, council or department in the state government or a unit thereof created by the constitution or statutes if such board, commission, committee, council, department, unit or the head thereof, is authorized to appoint subordinate staff by the constitution or statute, except a legislative or judicial board, commission, committee, council, department or unit thereof or an authority created under ch. 231, 232, 233, 234 or 235. "Agency" does not mean any local unit of government or body within one or more local units of government that is created by law or by action of one or more local units of government.
65,35 Section 35. Initial applicability.
(1) Income and franchise tax exemptions. The treatment of sections 71.05 (1) (c) 6., 71.26 (1) (bm) and (1m) (g), 71.36 (1m) and 71.45 (1t) (g) of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1, 2000.
(2) Property tax exemption. The treatment of section 70.11 (40) of the statutes first applies to the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2000.
65,36 Section 36. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
(1) Sales tax exemption. The treatment of section 77.54 (9a) (h) of the statutes takes effect on first day of the 2nd month beginning after publication.
(2) Definition of employer under the Wisconsin retirement system. The repeal and recreation of section 40.02 (28) of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 2010.