83,140 Section 140. 94.675 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
94.675 (1) If its strength, quality, purity or effectiveness falls below the standards expressed on the label; .
(2) If any substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the articles;.
Note: Replaces punctuation in conformity with current style.
83,141 Section 141. 94.77 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 94.77.
Note: Deletes unnecessary subsection number. Section 94.77 is not divided into smaller units.
83,142 Section 142. 95.22 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 95.22 and amended to read:
95.22 Reports of animal diseases. Each veterinarian shall immediately report to the department the existence among animals of any communicable disease coming to the veterinarian's knowledge. The report shall be in writing and shall include a description of the diseased animal, the name and address of the owner or person in charge of the animal, if known, and the location of the animal. The definition of "communicable disease" in s. 990.01 (5g) does not apply to this subsection section.
Note: Deletes unnecessary subsection number. Section 95.22 is not divided into smaller units.
83,143 Section 143. 95.26 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.26 (4) Cattle and American bison which that are classified as "reactors" to the brucellosis test ( , whether or not conducted pursuant to this section), shall be slaughtered. A report of any test disclosing reactors shall be mailed to the owner thereof. The reactors shall be identified by a reactor tag and permanent mark as prescribed by the department. The owner shall effect slaughter of the reactors within 15 days of the date they are so identified, except that the department, for cause shown, may extend such the time an additional 15 days. In the event If the owner of reactors shall fail fails to comply with this subsection within the time limited, the department shall cause the removal and slaughter of such the reactors. No indemnity shall be paid on any reactors disposed of by the department. No milk shall be sold from any reactors or from any herd of cattle in which reactors are kept contrary to the provisions of this section.
Note: Replaces parentheses and disfavored language in conformity with current style.
83,144 Section 144. 97.27 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
97.27 (1) (a) "Cold storage " Cold-storage warehouse" means a warehouse in which food is to be stored at temperatures between zero and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Note: Corrects spelling.
83,145 Section 145. 97.27 (1) (b) (intro.), (c) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
97.27 (1) (b) (intro.) "Food warehouse" means a warehouse used for the storage of food, and includes a cold storage cold-storage warehouse, frozen food frozen-food warehouse and frozen food frozen-food locker plant. "Food warehouse" does not include:
(c) "Frozen food "Frozen-food locker plant" means a warehouse in which individual locked compartments not exceeding 20 cubic feet in capacity are rented to consumers for the storage of food at temperatures at or below 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
(d) "Frozen food "Frozen-food warehouse" means a warehouse at which food is to be stored at temperatures at or below 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Note: Corrects spelling.
83,146 Section 146. 97.27 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 97.27 (5) (intro.) and amended to read:
97.27 (5) Rule making. (intro.) The department may promulgate rules to establish the fees required under sub. (3) or to govern the sanitary operation of food warehouses. Rules may include standards any of the following:
(a) Standards for the construction and maintenance of food storage facilities; standards.
(b) Standards for the storage, identification and handling of food; record-keeping.
(c) Record-keeping requirements to show the length of time that food is kept in storage; and freezing.
(d) Freezing and temperature requirements applicable to frozen food frozen-food warehouses, frozen food frozen-food locker plants and cold storage cold-storage warehouses.
Note: Corrects spelling, replaces punctuation and subdivides provision in outline form in conformity with current style.
83,147 Section 147. 98.06 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
98.06 (2) (b) If a commodity is packaged in an aerosol container, it shall be sold by weight (including the propellant).
Note: Deletes unnecessary parentheses consistent with current style.
83,148 Section 148. 99.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
99.01 (3) "Public warehouse" means a warehouse that is operated by a public warehouse keeper for the storage for hire of the property of others. "Public warehouse" includes a food warehouse, as defined in s. 97.27 (1) (b), if the warehouse is operated by a public warehouse keeper on a storage for hire basis. "Public warehouse" does not include a frozen food frozen-food locker plant as defined in s. 97.27 (1) (c).
Note: Corrects spelling.
83,149 Section 149. 99.015 of the statutes is amended to read:
99.015 Warehouses classified. For the purposes of this chapter, public warehouses are classified as follows:
(1) Class 1 warehouses have less than 10,000 square feet of floor space;.
(2) Class 2 warehouses have 10,000 square feet or over but less than 50,000;.
(3) Class 3 warehouses have 50,000 square feet or over but less than 100,000;.
(4) Class 4 warehouses have 100,000 square feet or over but less than 150,000; and.
(5) Class 5 warehouses have 150,000 square feet or over.
Note: Subdivides provision in outline form and replaces punctuation in conformity with current style.
83,150 Section 150. 99.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
99.02 (1) Application. Except as provided in sub. (2), no person may operate a warehouse, including a cold storage cold-storage warehouse, for the storage of property as bailee for hire without a public warehouse keeper's license. A person desiring a public warehouse keeper's license shall apply on a form furnished by the department and shall set forth the location, size, character and equipment of the building or premises to be used by the applicant, the kinds of goods intended to be stored, the name of each partner if a partnership or of each member if a limited liability company, the names of the officers if a corporation, and such other facts as the department requires to show that the property proposed to be used is suitable for a warehouse and that the applicant is qualified as a public warehouse keeper. Subject to s. 93.135, if the property proposed to be used is suitable for a public warehouse and the applicant is otherwise qualified, a license shall be issued upon payment of the license fee under sub. (3) and the filing of security or insurance as required under s. 99.03.
Note: Corrects spelling.
83,151 Section 151. 99.02 (3) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 99.02 (3) (d) (intro.) and amended to read:
99.02 (3) (d) (intro.) If the department conducts a reinspection of any warehouse operated by a person licensed under this section due to any violation of any federal or state law which that the department determines in a regularly scheduled inspection of that warehouse, the department shall charge for that the license holder for the reinspection the as follows:
1. The holder of a license under par. (a) 1.,: $50;.
2. The holder of a license under par. (a) 2.,: $100;.
3. The holder of a license under par. (a) 3.,: $150;.
4. The holder of a license under par. (a) 4.,: $200; and.
5. The holder of a license under par. (a) 5.,: $250.
Note: Subdivides provision in outline form and replaces punctuation for improved readability and conformity with current style. Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
83,152 Section 152. 106.001 (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
106.001 Definitions. (intro.) In this subchapter:
Note: Creates title and (intro.) for new definitions section applicable to entire subchapter.
83,153 Section 153. 106.001 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
106.001 (3) "Organization" means an organization of employes, association of employers or other similar responsible agency in this state.
Note: Defines as one word a phrase that is repeated numerous times, for improved readability.
83,154 Section 154. 106.01 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
106.01 (title) Designation of "indenture" and "apprentice" Apprenticeship indentures.
Note: Modernizes title of s. 106.01.
83,155 Section 155. 106.01 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 106.001 (1) and amended to read:
106.001 (1) The term "apprentice" shall mean "Apprentice" means any person, 16 years of age or over, who shall enter into enters into an indenture with an employer or organization.
(2) "Indenture" means any contract or agreement of service, express or implied, whereby the person an apprentice is to receive from or through the person's apprentice's employer, in consideration for the person's apprentice's services in whole or in part, instruction in any trade, craft or business.
Note: Makes definition of "apprentice" applicable to entire subchapter and creates definition of "indenture" applicable to entire subchapter. Removes substantive, nondefinitional material from definition of "apprentice".
83,156 Section 156. 106.01 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
106.01 (2) Every contract or agreement entered into by an apprentice with an employer shall be known as an indenture; such indenture shall be in writing and shall be executed in triplicate, one copy of which. One of the triplicate originals shall be delivered to the apprentice, one to shall be retained by the employer and one to shall be filed with the department at Madison.
(3) Any Except as provided in ss. 106.02, 106.025 and 106.03, any minor, 16 years of age or over , or any adult, may, by the execution of an indenture, bind himself or herself as hereinafter provided in this section for a term of service of not less than one year.
83,157 Section 157. 106.01 (4) (intro.) and (a) to (d) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered 106.01 (4) and amended to read:
106.01 (4) Every indenture shall be signed: (a) By by the apprentice. (b) and the employer. If the apprentice has not reached 18 years of age 18, also by the father or mother; and if both the father and mother, the indenture shall be signed also by one of the apprentice's parents. If both parents are dead or legally incapable of giving consent, then (c) By the indenture shall be signed by the guardian of the minor, if any. (d) If there is no parent or guardian with authority to sign then or, if there is no guardian, by a deputy of the department.
Note: The existing paragraphs did not fit grammatically within the outline form used. See also the next section of this bill.
83,158 Section 158. 106.01 (4) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The text of this paragraph is relocated within sub. (4) by the previous section of this bill for more logical placement.
83,159 Section 159. 106.01 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
106.01 (5) (b) The date of the birth of the person indentured apprentice.
Note: Amends for consistency with definition of "apprentice" created in s. 106.001 (1).
83,160 Section 160. 106.01 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
106.01 (5) (c) A statement of the trade, craft or business which that the apprentice is to be taught, and the time at which the apprenticeship shall will begin and end.
83,161 Section 161. 106.01 (5) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
106.01 (5) (d) An agreement stating the number of hours to be spent in work, and the number of hours to be spent in instruction. During the first 2 years of an apprenticeship, the apprentice's period of instruction shall be not less than 4 hours per week or the equivalent. If the apprenticeship is for a longer period than 2 years, the total hours of instruction shall be not less than 400 hours. The total number of hours of instruction and service work shall not exceed 55 per week; provided, , except that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to forbid overtime work as provided in sub. (7) of this section.
Note: Amends for consistency with antecedent and for improved readability and conformity with current style.
83,162 Section 162. 106.01 (5i) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
106.01 (5i) (a) The proper persons described in sub. (4) (a) to (d) may enter into such an indenture with any employer or organization of employes, association of employers or other similar responsible agency in this state. Such.
(am) 1. Upon entering into an indenture, an organization, association or other agency shall thereupon, with the written consent of the other parties to the indenture, and the written acceptance thereof of the indenture by the proposed employer, assign the indenture to the proposed employer, and the proposed employer and the apprentice named in the indenture shall be bound by the terms thereof. Such of the indenture.
2. The consent and acceptance described in subd. 1. shall be executed in triplicate and one copy of each. One of the triplicate original consents and acceptances shall be delivered, respectively to the department, one to the employer and one to the apprentice, and in each case shall be attached to the proper indenture. The approval of the department shall first be had is required in each transaction. Such An organization, association or other agency that enters into an indenture under par. (a) shall have the exclusive right to assign the indenture, and the apprentice shall not be permitted to enter into any other indenture. The period transpiring before assignment to an employer shall not be credited toward the period of apprenticeship.
Note: "Organization", created as a definition by this bill, includes "association or other agency".
83,163 Section 163. 106.01 (5i) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
106.01 (5i) (b) Any employer that has entered into an indenture may assign the employer's indenture, with the approval of the department and the written consent of the other parties thereto, to the indenture, assign the indenture to any association of employers, organization of employes or any other similar responsible agency in this state. The period of time in which such association, the organization or other agency shall be such is the assignee shall not be credited as time served by the apprentice. After such the assignment, the association, organization or other agency shall, with the approval of the department and the written consent of the apprentice, assign reassign the indenture to an employer, but the apprentice shall not be bound by the assignment unless the assignee employer accepts, by the employer's signed instruments, the terms of the indenture and that the employer will complete the employer's agrees to perform the unperformed obligations thereunder; each such of the indenture. The consent and acceptance shall be executed in triplicate and one of each, respectively,. One of the triplicate original consents and acceptances shall be delivered to the department, one to the assignee employer and one to the apprentice, and in each case shall be attached to the proper indenture. Upon acceptance the of the indenture, the assignee employer shall for all purposes be deemed considered a party to the indenture.
83,164 Section 164. 106.01 (5i) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: