1. Contributions returned to the contributor; any loan.
2. Loan repayments made; any inaugural .
3. Inaugural expenses paid from the campaign depository account under s. 11.25 (2) (b); any expenses.
4. Expenses incurred as a result of a recount; all.
5. All federal, state or local taxes paid; any reimbursement.
6. Reimbursement made to a candidate for the candidate's travel expenses; the.
7. The gross receipts from the sale at an auction of any materials contributed to a candidate and reported by the candidate as a disbursement at the time the contribution is made; all.
8. All refunds or deposits paid; the .
9. The cost of services and materials purchased from a service provider for the purpose of compliance with the electronic filing requirement under s. 11.21 (16); and the.
10. The cost of facilities rental, entertainment expense, food and beverages (, including the preparation and service thereof if contracted to an outside agency), if utilized for a meal, sale, rally or similar fund raising effort or program which that is intended for political purposes.
(b) Any such exclusion claimed under par. (a) shall be reported to the appropriate filing officer in such the form as that the board may require requires.
Note: Subdivides provision in outline form and replaces parentheses for improved readability and conformity with current style.
83,5 Section 5. 16.46 (1) to (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
16.46 (1) A summary of the actual and estimated receipts of the state government in all operating funds under existing laws during the current and the succeeding bienniums, classified so as to show the receipts by funds, organization units and sources of income;.
(2) A summary of the actual and estimated disbursements of the state government from all operating funds during the current biennium and of the requests of agencies and the recommendations of the governor for the succeeding biennium;.
(3) A statement showing the condition of all operating funds of the treasury at the close of the preceding fiscal year and the estimated condition at the close of the current year;.
(4) A statement showing how the total estimated disbursements during each year of the succeeding biennium compare with the estimated receipts, and the additional revenues, if any, needed to defray the estimated expenses of the state;.
(5) A statement of the actual and estimated receipts and disbursements of each department and of all state aids and activities during the current biennium, the departmental estimates and requests, and the recommendations of the governor for the succeeding biennium. Estimates of expenditures shall be classified to set forth such expenditures by funds, organization units, appropriation, object and activities at the discretion of the secretary;.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
83,6 Section 6. 16.82 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
16.82 (1) Shall have access at all reasonable times to all state offices;.
(2) May examine all books, records, papers and documents in any such office or institution as pertain directly or indirectly to the purchase of, control of, or distribution of supplies, materials and equipment;.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
83,7 Section 7. 19.01 (4) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered 19.01 (4) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
19.01 (4) (a) (intro.) Official oaths and bonds of the following public officials shall be filed: (a) In in the office of the secretary of state: Of all
1. All members and officers of the legislature; of the.
2. The governor,.
3. The lieutenant governor and.
4. The state superintendent; of the .
5. The justices, reporter and clerk of the supreme court; of the.
6. The judges of the court of appeals; of the.
7. The judges and reporters of the circuit courts ; of all.
8. All notaries public; of every.
9. Every officer, except the secretary of state, state treasurer, district attorney and attorney general, whose compensation is paid in whole or in part out of the state treasury, including every member or appointee of a board or commission whose compensation is so paid; and of every.
10. Every deputy or assistant of an officer who files with the secretary of state;.
Note: Subdivides provision in outline form and reorders and renumbers text to create grammatically correct complete sentences for improved readability and conformity with current style.
83,8 Section 8. 19.01 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 19.01 (4) (b) (intro.) and amended to read:
19.01 (4) (b) (intro.) In Official oaths and bonds of the following public officials shall be filed in the office of the governor: Of the
1. The secretary of state,.
2. The state treasurer and.
3. The attorney general;.
83,9 Section 9. 19.01 (4) (bn) of the statutes is amended to read:
19.01 (4) (bn) With Official oaths and bonds of all district attorneys shall be filed with the secretary of administration: district attorneys.
83,10 Section 10. 19.01 (4) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 19.01 (4) (c) (intro.) and amended to read:
19.01 (4) (c) (intro.) In Official oaths and bonds of the following public officials shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for any county: Of all in which the official serves:
1. All court commissioners, of all.
2. All family court commissioners, of all.
3. All municipal judges, and of all other.
4. All judges or judicial officers, not included in subds. 1. to 3., elected or appointed for that county, or whose jurisdiction is limited thereto; to that county.
83,11 Section 11. 19.01 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
19.01 (4) (d) In Official oaths and bonds of all elected or appointed county officers, other than those enumerated in par. (c), and of all officers whose compensation is paid out of the county treasury shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of any county: Of all county officers elected or appointed in and for such county, other than those enumerated in par. (c), and of all officers whose compensation is paid out of the treasury of such county. The in which the officer serves.
(dm) Official oaths and bonds of members of the governing board, and the superintendent and other officers of any joint county school, county hospital, county sanatorium, county asylum or other joint county institution shall file be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the buildings of such institutions the institution that the official serves are located; .
Note: Subdivides provision in outline form and reorders and renumbers text to create grammatically correct complete sentences for improved readability and conformity with current style.
83,12 Section 12. 19.01 (4) (dd) of the statutes is renumbered 19.01 (4m) and amended to read:
19.01 (4m) Approval and notice. Bonds specified in pars. sub. (4) (c) and , (d) and (dm) and bonds of any county employe required by statute or county ordinance to be bonded shall be approved by the district attorney as to amount, form and execution before the bonds are accepted for filing. The clerk of the circuit court and the county clerk respectively shall notify in writing the county board or chairperson within 5 days after the entry upon the term of office of a judicial or county officer specified in pars. sub. (4) (c) and, (d) and (dm) or after a county employe required to be bonded has begun employment. The notice shall state whether or not the required bond has been furnished and shall be published with the proceedings of the county board.
Note: Relocates this provision to a separate subsection because its subject matter does not fit logically with the remaining paragraphs of s. 19.01 (4). The title is created because the other subsections under s. 19.01 have titles.
83,13 Section 13. 19.01 (4) (e) to (j) of the statutes are amended to read:
19.01 (4) (e) In Official oaths and bonds of all elected or appointed town officers shall be filed in the office of any the town clerk: Of all officers elected or appointed in and for such the town in which the officer serves, except the that oaths and bonds of town clerk who clerks shall file be filed in the office of the town treasurer;.
(f) In Official oaths and bonds of all elected or appointed city officers shall be filed in the office of any the city clerk: Of all officers elected or appointed in and for such the city in which the officer serves, except the that oaths and bonds of city clerk who clerks shall file be filed in the office of the city treasurer;.
(g) In Official oaths and bonds of all elected or appointed village officers shall be filed the office of any the village clerk: Of all officers elected or appointed in and for such the village in which the officers serves, except the that oaths and bonds of village clerk who clerks shall file be filed in the office of the village treasurer;.
(h) The official oath and bond of any officer of a school district or of an incorporated school board shall be filed with the clerk of such the school district or the clerk of such the incorporated school board for or on which the official serves.
(j) With Official oaths and bonds of the members of a technical college district shall be filed with the secretary of a for the technical college district: Of all members of the district board of such district for which the member serves.
Note: Reorders text and replaces language to create grammatically correct complete sentences for improved readability and conformity with current style.
83,14 Section 14. 20.003 (3) (b) 1. to 5. and (c) 1. to 5. of the statutes are amended to read:
20.003 (3) (b) 1. Appropriations from general purpose revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (a) to (fz);.
2. To the extent feasible, appropriations from program revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (g) to (jz) and (L) to (pz);.
3. To the extent feasible, appropriations from program revenue service shall be assigned paragraph letters (k) to (kz);.
4. Appropriations from segregated revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (q) to (zz);.
5. To the extent feasible, federal program revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (m) to (pz); and.
(c) 1. Appropriations from general purpose revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "a" to "f";.
2. Appropriations from program revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "g" to "j" or "L" to "p";.
3. Appropriations from program revenue-service shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "k"; .
4. Appropriations from segregated revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "q" to "z"; .
5. Federal program revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "m" to "p"; and.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
83,15 Section 15. 20.921 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
20.921 (1) (d) 2. The trustee shall make purchases of savings bonds in the name of the officer or employe ( , or other beneficiary named in the request), whenever the amount to their credit is sufficient for that purpose and transmit them to the person entitled thereto. If the officer or employe cancels the request for the purchase of savings bonds, or upon termination of the trust, the amount remaining to a person's credit is not sufficient to purchase a bond the trustee may purchase savings stamps and transmit them to the person entitled thereto or refund the amount.
Note: Replaces parentheses in greater conformity with current style.
83,16 Section 16. 23.09 (26) (a) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 23.09 (26) (a).
Note: The designation as subdivision 2. is unnecessary. Section 23.09 (26) (a) is not divided into subdivisions.
83,17 Section 17. 24.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
24.01 (2) "Board" means the board of commissioners of public lands, except that this definition does not apply to ch. 25.
Note: Definitions in s. 24.01 apply to chs. 23 to 29. Ch. 169, Laws of 1981, renumbered all of the public lands provisions in ch. 25 to be in ch. 24 and contains a note saying, "This bill consolidates the program responsibilities of the board of commissioners of public lands into chapter 24 of the statutes." Chapter 25 now relates to the program responsibilities of the investment board. See also the creation of s. 25.01 by this bill.
83,18 Section 18. 24.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
24.10 Procedure at sale. At the time and place specified in such the notice under s. 24.09 (1) (d) the board shall commence the sale of the lands described in the notice and thereafter continue the same from day to day (, Sundays excepted), between 9 a.m. and the setting of the sun, until all lands described in said the notice have been offered. The order of such the sale shall be to begin at the lowest number of the sections, townships and ranges in each county and proceed regularly to the highest, until all then to be sold are offered for sale. Each lot or tract of such lands shall, except such as may be Except for lands withheld as provided in from sale under s. 24.09, (2), each lot or tract of lands to be sold shall be offered separately at the minimum price fixed by law, and shall be cried at public auction long enough to enable every one present to bid; and if. If the minimum price or more be is bid, such the lot or tract shall be struck off to the highest bidder;, but if such the minimum price be is not bid the tract shall be set down unsold.
Note: Breaks up long sentences, replaces punctuation, inserts specific cross-references and references and replaces parentheses for greater conformity with current style and improved readability.
83,19 Section 19. 24.14 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
24.14 (title) Rights of swamp-land swampland purchasers.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling.