(e) Contracts for the issuance to a public officer or employe of tax titles, tax certificates, or instruments representing an interest in, or secured by, any fund consisting in whole or in part of taxes in the process of collection, provided such titles, certificates, or instruments are issued in payment of salary or other obligations due such officer or employe; or.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current style.
85,192 Section 192. 961.01 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
961.01 (2m) (a) "Anabolic steroid" means any drug or hormonal substance, chemically or pharmacologically related to testosterone (, except estrogens, progestin, and corticosteroids), that promotes muscle growth. The term includes all of the substances included in s. 961.18 (7), and any of their esters, isomers, esters of isomers, salts and salts of esters, isomers and esters of isomers, that are theoretically possible within the specific chemical designation, and if such esters, isomers, esters of isomers, salts and salts of esters, isomers and esters of isomers promote muscle growth.
Note: Replaces parentheses consistent with current style.
85,193 Section 193. 967.04 (5) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 967.04 (5) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
967.04 (5) (a) (intro.) At the trial or upon any hearing, a part or all of a deposition (, so far as it is otherwise admissible under the rules of evidence), may be used if it appears: That the any of the following conditions appears to have been met:
1. The witness is dead; that the.
2. The witness is out of state, unless it appears that the absence of the witness was procured by the party offering the depositions; that the deposition.
3. The witness is unable to attend or testify because of sickness or infirmity; or that the.
4. The party offering the deposition has been unable to procure the attendance of the witness by subpoena.
Note: Replaces parentheses and renumbers provision in outline form consistent with current style and amends the (intro.) paragraph and subsequent subdivisions accordingly.
85,194 Section 194. 969.02 (2) (intro.) and (b) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered 969.02 (2) and amended to read:
969.02 (2) In lieu of release pursuant to sub. (1), the judge may:(b) Require require the execution of an appearance bond with sufficient solvent sureties, or the deposit of cash in lieu thereof.
Note: As there is only one paragraph under s. 969.02 (2), the subsection (intro.) and par. (b) are consolidated as one statutory unit.
85,195 Section 195. 975.06 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
975.06 (6) Persons committed under this section who are also encumbered with other sentences, whether concurrent with or consecutive to the commitment, may be placed by the department in any of the facilities listed in s. 975.08 (2) or (3) (a). Such facilities may be regarded as state prisons for the purpose of beginning the other sentences, crediting time served on them, and computing parole eligibility dates.
Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with renumbering by this bill.
85,196 Section 196. 975.08 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 975.08 (3) (a) and amended to read:
975.08 (3) (a) The department may make use of law enforcement, detention, parole, medical, psychiatric, psychological, educational, correctional, segregative and other resources, institutions and agencies, public or private, within the state. The department may enter into agreements with public officials for separate care and special treatment (, in existing institutions), of persons subject to the control of the department under this chapter.
(b) Nothing herein contained shall give in par. (a) gives the department control any of the following:
1. Control over existing institutions or agencies not already under its control, or give it power.
2. Power to make use of any private agency or institution without its that agency's or institution's consent.
Note: Subdivides provision, replaces parentheses and pronouns and inserts specific references for improved readability and conformity with current style.
85,197 Section 197. 978.12 (6) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is amended to read:
978.12 (6) (a) 1. District attorneys and state employes of the office of district attorney shall be included within all insurance benefit plans under ch. 40, except as authorized in this paragraph. Alternatively, the state shall provide insurance benefit plans for district attorneys and state employes in the office of district attorney in the manner provided in this paragraph.
2. A district attorney or other employe of the office of district attorney who was employed in that office as a county employe on December 31, 1989, and who received any form of fringe benefits other than a retirement, deferred compensation or employe-funded reimbursement account plan as a county employe, as defined by that county pursuant to the county's personnel policies, or pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement in effect on January 1, 1990, or the most recent collective bargaining agreement covering represented employes who are not covered by such an agreement, may elect to continue to be covered under all such fringe benefit plans provided by the county after becoming a state employe. In a county having a population of 500,000 or more, the fringe benefit plans shall include health insurance benefits fully paid by the county for each retired employe who, on or after December 31, 1989, attains at least 15 years of service in the office of district attorney of that county, whether or not the service is as a county employe, for the duration of the employe's life. An employe may make an election under this paragraph subdivision no later than January 31, 1990, except that an employe who serves as an assistant district attorney in a county having a population of 500,000 or more may make an election under this paragraph subdivision no later than March 1, 1990. An election under this paragraph subdivision shall be for the duration of the employe's employment in the office of district attorney for the same county by which the employe was employed or until the employe terminates the election under this paragraph subd. 4., at the same cost to the county as the county incurs for a similarly situated county employe.
3. Subject to par. (b), if the employer's cost for such fringe benefits described in subd. 2. for any such employe described in subd. 2. is less than or equal to the cost for comparable coverage under ch. 40, if any, the state shall reimburse the county for that cost. Subject to par. (b), if the employer's cost for such fringe benefits for any such employe is greater than the cost for comparable coverage under ch. 40, the state shall reimburse the county for the cost of comparable coverage under ch. 40 and the county shall pay the remainder of the cost. The cost of comparable coverage under ch. 40 shall equal the average cost of comparable coverage under ch. 40 for employes in the office of the state public defender, as contained in budget determinations approved by the joint committee on finance or the legislature under the biennial budget act for the period during which the costs are incurred.
4. An employe who makes the election under this paragraph subd. 2. may terminate that election, and shall then be included within all insurance benefit plans under ch. 40, except that the department of employe trust funds may require prior written notice, not exceeding one year's duration, of an employe's intent to be included under any insurance benefit plan under ch. 40.
Note: Subdivides long provision and inserts cross-references accordingly.
85,198 Section 198. 979.01 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
979.01 (1) (intro.) All physicians, authorities of hospitals, sanatoriums, public and private institutions (public and private), convalescent homes, authorities of any institution of a like nature, and other persons having knowledge of the death of any person who has died under any of the following circumstances, shall immediately report such the death to the sheriff, police chief, medical examiner or coroner of the county wherein such where the death took place, and the.
(1g) A sheriff or police chief shall, immediately upon notification of a death under sub. (1), notify the coroner or the medical examiner and the coroner or medical examiner of the county where death took place, if the crime, injury or event occurred in another county, shall immediately report such death immediately all of the following to the coroner or medical examiner of that county:
Note: Repositions text to accommodate the removal of parentheses, replaces disfavored terms and inserts language to conform the provision with the current style for an (intro.).
85,199 Section 199. 985.01 (2) (intro.) and (a) to (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
985.01 (2) (intro.) The term "legal "Legal notice" is means every notice required by law or by order of a court to be published in a newspaper or other publication, except notices required by private and local laws to be published in newspapers, and includes all of the following:
(a) Every publication of laws, ordinances, resolutions, financial statements, budgets and proceedings intended to give notice in an area;.
(b) Every notice and certificate of election, facsimile ballot, referenda, notice of public hearing before a governmental body, and notice of meetings of private and public bodies required by law; and.
(c) Every summons, order, citation, notice of sale or other notice which that is intended to inform a person that the person may or shall do an act or exercise a right within a designated period or upon or by a designated date.
Note: The subject matter of s. 985.01 (2) (d) does not fit within the list under s. 985.01 (2) (intro.), nor does it under the section (intro.). The text of par. (d) is moved to the (intro.) by amendment and par. (d) is repealed by the following section of this bill. Punctuation is replaced for conformity with current style. Incorrectly used "which" is replaced.
85,200 Section 200. 985.01 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: See the previous section of this bill.
85,201 Section 201. 990.01 (13) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
990.01 (13) (a) The word "homestead" means the dwelling and so much of the land surrounding it as is reasonably necessary for use of the dwelling as a home, but not less than one-fourth acre (, if available), and not exceeding 40 acres.
Note: Replaces parentheses consistent with current style.
85,202 Section 202. Effective date.
(1) The treatment of section 341.05 (26) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2000.