b. All moneys received under 42 USC 6861 to 6873 and 42 USC 8621 to 8629 for that fiscal year.
c. The total amount spent on programs or contributed to the commission by utilities under s. 196.374 (3) for that fiscal year for low-income assistance.
2. `Energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource funding.' For fiscal year 1999-2000, a portion of the public benefits fee shall be in an amount that, when added to 50% of the estimated public benefits fees charged by municipal utilities and retail electric cooperatives under sub. (5) (a) for that fiscal year, shall equal $20,000,000. In each fiscal year after fiscal year 1999-2000, a portion of the public benefits fee shall be the amount determined under this subdivision for fiscal year 1999-2000, except that if the department determines to reduce or discontinue a program under sub. (2) (b) 2., the department shall reduce the amount accordingly.
3. `Limitation on electric bill increases.' For the period beginning on the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], and ending on June 30, 2008, the total increase in a customer's electric bills that is based on the requirement to pay public benefits fees, including any increase resulting from an electric utility's compliance with this section, may not exceed 3% of the total of every other charge for which the customer is billed for that period or $750 per month, whichever is less.
(5) Municipal utilities and retail electric cooperatives. (a) Requirement to charge public benefits fees. Each retail electric cooperative and municipal utility shall charge a monthly public benefits fee to each customer or member in an amount that is sufficient for the retail electric cooperative or municipal utility to collect an annual average of $16 per meter. A retail electric cooperative or municipal utility may determine the amount that a particular class of customers or members is required to pay under this paragraph and may charge different fees to different classes of customers or members.
(am) Public benefits fee restriction. Notwithstanding par. (a), for the period beginning on the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], and ending on June 30, 2008, the total increase in a customer's or member's electric bills that is based on the requirement to pay public benefits fees, including any increase resulting from a retail electric cooperative's or municipal utility's compliance with this section, may not exceed 3% of the total of every other charge for which the member or customer is billed for that period or $750 per month, whichever is less.
(b) Election to contribute to department programs. 1. No later than the first day of the 12th month beginning after the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], each municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall notify the department whether it has elected to contribute to the programs established under sub. (2) (a) or (b) 1. for a 3-year period.
2. No later than every 3rd year after the date specified in subd. 1., each municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall notify the department whether it has elected to contribute to the programs established under sub. (2) (a) or (b) 1. for a 3-year period.
(c) Full contribution. If a municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects under par. (b) 1. or 2. to contribute to the programs established both under sub. (2) (a) and under sub. (2) (b) 1., it shall pay 100% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) to the department in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which it has made the election.
(d) Partial contributions and commitment to community spending. A municipal utility or retail electric cooperative not specified in par. (c) shall do one of the following:
1. If the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects to contribute only to the programs established under sub. (2) (a), the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall, in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which it elects to contribute under par. (b) 1. or 2., do all of the following:
a. Pay 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) to the department.
b. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on energy conservation programs.
2. If the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects to contribute only to the programs established under sub. (2) (b) 1., the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall, in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which it elects to contribute under par. (b) 1. or 2., do all of the following:
a. Pay 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) to the department.
b. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on programs for low-income assistance.
3. If the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects not to contribute to any of the programs established under sub. (2) (a) or (b) 1., the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall, in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which it elects not to contribute under par. (b) 1. or 2., do all of the following:
a. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on programs for low-income assistance.
b. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on energy conservation programs.
(e) Wholesale supplier credit. If a wholesale supplier has established a program for low-income assistance or an energy conservation program, a municipal utility or retail electric cooperative that is a customer or member of the wholesale supplier may do any of the following:
1. Include an amount equal to the product of the municipal utility's or retail electric cooperative's wholesale supply percentage and the amount that the wholesale supplier has spent on low-income assistance in a fiscal year in calculating the amount that the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative has spent on low-income assistance in that fiscal year under par. (d) 2. b. or 3. a.
2. Include an amount equal to the product of the municipal utility's or retail electric cooperative's wholesale supply percentage and the amount that the wholesale supplier has spent on energy conservation programs or customer applications of renewable resources in a fiscal year in calculating the amount that the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative has spent on energy conservation programs under par. (d) 1. b. or 3. b.
(f) Joint programs. Municipal utilities or retail electric cooperatives may establish joint commitment to community programs, except that each municipal utility or retail electric cooperative that participates in a joint program is required to comply with the spending requirements under par. (d).
(g) Reports. 1. For each fiscal year, each municipal utility and retail electric cooperative that does not pay 100% of the public benefits fee that it charges under par. (a) to the department under par. (c) shall file a report with the department that describes each of the following:
a. An accounting of public benefits fees charged to customers or members under par. (a) in the fiscal year and expenditures on commitment to community programs under par. (d), including any amounts included in the municipal utility's or retail electric cooperative's calculations under par. (e).
b. A description of commitment to community programs established by the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative in the fiscal year.
2. The department shall maintain reports filed under subd. 1. for at least 6 years.
9,109no Section 109no. 16.958 of the statutes is created to read:
16.958 Air quality improvement program. (1) In this section:
(a) "Eligible electric provider" means a generator public utility or a generator electric cooperative that provides electric service to customers or members in the midcontinent area of this state.
(b) "Generator electric cooperative" means an electric cooperative, as defined in s. 76.48 (1g) (c), that generates electricity.
(c) "Generator public utility" means a public utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (5), that generates electricity.
(d) "Initial compliance date" means the date specified in a notice by the department of natural resources under s. 285.48 (2) by which electric generating facilities in the midcontinent area of this state are required to comply with initial nitrogen oxide emission reduction requirements.
(e) "Midcontinent area" means the geographic area served by the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool reliability council of the North American Electric Reliability Council.
(2) If the department of natural resources makes a notification to the department of administration under s. 285.48 (2), the department of administration shall do each of the following:
(a) In each fiscal year of the 10-year period that commences on July 1 of the fiscal year ending before the initial compliance date, transfer $2,500,000, or the lesser amount specified in a notice under s. 285.48 (3) (d) 4., from the utility public benefits fund to the air quality improvement fund.
(b) From the air quality improvement fund, award grants to eligible electric providers to be used for the purpose of complying with requirements under state or federal law to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the midcontinent area of this state pursuant to a state implementation plan. An eligible electric provider that is a public utility may receive no more than $500,000 per year in grants under this paragraph.
(c) Promulgate rules for awarding grants under par. (b). The rules shall require an applicant for a grant to identify the reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions that the applicant is capable of achieving with the grant.
(3) An eligible electric provider that is awarded a grant under sub. (2) (b) may assign the grant to a 3rd party if the 3rd party uses the grant for the purpose of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions and the eligible electric provider demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department of administration that the 3rd party is capable of achieving the reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions identified in the eligible electric provider's application for the grant.
9,110 Section 110. 16.964 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
16.964 (6) (a) In this subsection, "tribe" means a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
(b) From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (6) (ks), the office shall provide grants to tribes to fund tribal law enforcement operations. To be eligible for a grant under this subsection, a tribe must submit an application for a grant to the office that includes a proposed plan for expenditure of the grant moneys. The office shall review any application and plan submitted to determine whether that application and plan meet the criteria established under par. (c). The office shall review the use of grant money provided under this subsection to ensure that the money is used according to the approved plan.
(c) The office shall develop criteria and procedures for use in administering this subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.10 (1), the criteria and procedures need not be promulgated as rules under ch. 227.
9,110j Section 110j. 16.964 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
16.964 (7) (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (6) (kq), the office shall provide grants to counties to fund county law enforcement services. The office may make a grant to a county under this subsection only if all of the following apply:
1. The county borders one or more federally recognized Indian reservations.
2. The county has not established a cooperative county-tribal law enforcement program under s. 165.90 with each federally recognized Indian tribe or band that has a reservation bordering the county.
3. The county demonstrates a need for the law enforcement services to be funded with the grant.
4. The county submits an application for a grant and a proposed plan that shows how the county will use the grant moneys to fund law enforcement services.
(b) The office shall review an application and plan submitted under par. (a) 4. to determine if the application and plan meet the requirements of par. (a) 1. to 3. and the criteria established under par. (c). The office may not award an annual grant in excess of $50,000 to any county under this subsection.
(c) The office shall develop criteria and procedures for use in administering this subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.10 (1), the criteria and procedures need not be promulgated as rules under ch. 227.
9,110k Section 110k. 16.964 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
16.964 (8) From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (6) (ks), the office shall make the following grants:
(a) To the Stockbridge-Munsee Indian tribe, $175,000 in each fiscal year for a public safety initiative.
(b) To the St. Croix Chippewa Indian tribe, $150,000 in each fiscal year to develop law enforcement capabilities on the reservation and trust lands of the tribe.
(c) To the Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa Indian tribe, $125,000 in each fiscal year to develop law enforcement capabilities on the reservation and trust lands of the tribe.
9,110m Section 110m. 16.965 (title), (1) and (2) of the statutes are created to read:
16.965 (title) Planning grants to local governmental units. (1) In this section:
(a) "Local governmental unit" means a county, city, village, town or regional planning commission.
(b) "Smart growth area" means an area that will enable the development and redevelopment of lands with existing infrastructure and municipal, state and utility services, where practicable, or that will encourage efficient development patterns that are both contiguous to existing development and at densities which have relatively low municipal, state governmental and utility costs.
(2) From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (cm), the department may provide grants to local governmental units to be used to finance the cost of planning activities, including contracting for planning consultant services, public planning sessions and other planning outreach and educational activities, or for the purchase of computerized planning data, planning software or the hardware required to utilize that data or software. The department shall require any local governmental unit that receives a grant under this section to finance a percentage of the cost of the product or service to be funded by the grant from the resources of the local governmental unit. The department shall determine the percentage of the cost to be funded by a local governmental unit based on the number of applications for grants and the availability of funding to finance grants for the fiscal year in which grants are to be provided. A local governmental unit that desires to receive a grant under this subsection shall file an application with the department. The application shall contain a complete statement of the expenditures proposed to be made for the purposes of the grant. No local governmental unit is eligible to receive a grant under this subsection unless the local governmental unit agrees to utilize the grant to finance planning for all of the purposes specified in s. 66.0295 (2).
9,110n Section 110n. 16.965 (title), (1) and (2) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), are repealed.
9,110no Section 110no. 16.965 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
16.965 (3) Prior to awarding a grant to a local governmental unit under sub. (2), the department shall forward a statement of the expenditures proposed to be made under the grant to the Wisconsin land council for its written approval. The council may approve or disapprove any proposed grant.
9,110p Section 110p. 16.965 (3) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed.
9,110q Section 110q. 16.965 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
16.965 (4) In determining whether to approve a proposed grant, greater precedence shall be accorded to applications of local governmental units that contain all of the following elements:
(a) Planning efforts that address the interests of overlapping or neighboring jurisdictions.
(b) Planning efforts that contain a specific description of the means by which all of the following local, comprehensive planning goals will be achieved:
1. Promotion of the redevelopment of lands with existing infrastructure and public services and the maintenance and rehabilitation of existing residential, commercial and industrial structures.
2. Encouragement of neighborhood designs that support a range of transportation choices.
3. Protection of natural areas, including wetlands, wildlife habitats, lakes, woodlands, open spaces and groundwater resources.
4. Protection of economically productive areas, including farmland and forests.
5. Encouragement of land uses, densities and regulations that promote efficient development patterns and relatively low municipal, state governmental and utility costs.
6. Preservation of cultural, historic and archaeological sites.
7. Encouragement of coordination and cooperation among nearby units of government.
8. Building of community identity by revitalizing main streets and enforcing design standards.
9. Providing an adequate supply of affordable housing for individuals of all income levels throughout each community.
10. Providing adequate infrastructure and public services and an adequate supply of developable land to meet existing and future market demand for residential, commercial and industrial uses.
11. Promoting the expansion or stabilization of the current economic base and the creation of a range of employment opportunities at the state, regional and local levels.
12. Balancing individual property rights with community interests and goals.
13. Planning and development of land uses that create or preserve varied and unique urban and rural communities.
14. Providing an integrated, efficient and economical transportation system that affords mobility, convenience and safety and that meets the needs of all citizens, including transit-dependent and disabled citizens.
(c) Planning efforts that identify smart growth areas.
(d) Planning efforts, including subsequent updates and amendments, that include development of implementing ordinances, including ordinances pertaining to zoning, subdivisions and land division.
(e) Planning efforts for which completion is contemplated within 30 months of the date on which a grant would be awarded.
(f) Planning efforts that provide opportunities for public participation throughout the planning process.
9,110r Section 110r. 16.965 (4) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed.
9,110s Section 110s. 16.965 (5) of the statutes is created to read: