9,2723 Section 2723. 341.135 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
341.135 (2) (a) 2. Notwithstanding s. 341.13 (3), beginning with registrations initially effective on July 1, 2005, upon receipt of a completed application to initially register a vehicle under s. 341.14 (1a), (1m), (1q), (2), (2m), (6m) or (6r), or s. 341.25 (1) (a), (c), (h) or (j) or (2) (a), (b) or (c) or 341.26 (2) or (3) (a) 1. or (am), or to renew the registration of a vehicle under those sections for which a registration plate has not been issued during the previous 6 years, the department shall issue and deliver prepaid to the applicant 2 new registration plates of the design established for that 6-year period under sub. (1).
9,2724 Section 2724. 341.135 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.135 (2) (e) The department shall issue new registration plates of the design established under sub. (1) for every vehicle registered under ss. s. 341.14 (1a), (1m), (1q), (2), (2m), (6m) or (6r), 341.25 (1) (a), (c), (h) and or (j) and or (2) (a), (b) and or (c) and or 341.26 (2) and or (3) (a) 1. and or (am) by July 1, 2003 within 5 years after the date specified in sub. (1), except that the department may not issue registration plates of a new design for a vehicle registered under s. 341.14 (6r) (f) 53. until January 1, 2005.
9,2725 Section 2725. 341.135 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
9,2726 Section 2726. 341.14 (6m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.14 (6m) (a) Upon application to register an automobile, station wagon or motor truck which has a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds by any person who is a resident of this state and a member or retired member of the national guard, the department shall issue to the person special plates whose colors and design shall be determined by the department, after consultation with the adjutant general, and which have the words "Wisconsin guard member" placed on the plates in the manner designated by the department. The department shall consult with or obtain the approval of the adjutant general with respect to any word or symbol used to identify the national guard. An additional fee of $10 shall be charged for the issuance of the plates. Registration plates issued under this subsection shall expire annually.
9,2726v Section 2726v. 341.14 (6r) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
341.14 (6r) (bm) Upon receipt of an application for a special group plate under par. (f) 53., a person authorized to issue registration plates shall forward the application to the department's special license plate unit. The department may not charge a fee for forwarding an application under this paragraph.
9,2727 Section 2727. 341.14 (6r) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.14 (6r) (c) Special group plates shall display the word "Wisconsin", the name of the applicable authorized special group, a symbol representing the special group, not exceeding one position, and identifying letters or numbers or both, not exceeding 6 positions and not less than one position. The department shall specify the design for special group plates, but the department shall consult the president of the university University of Wisconsin system System before specifying the design for word or symbol used to identify the special group plates groups under par. (f) 35. to 47., the secretary of natural resources before specifying the design for word or symbol used to identify the special group plate group under par. (f) 50. and the child abuse and neglect prevention board before specifying the design for word or symbol used to identify the special group plate under par. (f) 53. Special group plates under par. (f) 50. shall be as similar as possible to regular registration plates in color and design.
9,2728 Section 2728. 341.14 (6r) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.14 (6r) (e) The department shall specify one combination of colors for special group plates for groups or organizations which are not military in nature and not special group plates under par. (f) 35. to 47. and 50. The department, after consulting the president of the university of Wisconsin system, shall specify one combination of colors for special group plates under par. (f) 35. to 47. The department shall specify the word or words comprising the special group name and the symbol to be displayed upon special group plates for a group or organization which is not military in nature after consultation with the chief executive officer in this state of the group or organization, except that the department may not specify the word or words or the symbol for special group plates under par. (f) 35. to 47. unless the word or words or symbol is approved in writing by the president of the university of Wisconsin system or, with respect to endangered resources, specify the word or words or the symbol for special group plates under par. (f) 50. unless the word or words or symbol is approved in writing by the secretary of natural resources or, with respect to child abuse and neglect prevention, specify any word or words other than "Children First" or the symbol for special group plates under par. (f) 53. unless the word or words or symbol is approved in writing by the child abuse and neglect prevention board. The president may not approve the word or words or symbol for a university specified under par. (f) 35. to 47. unless the chancellor of the university approves in writing the word or words or symbol. The department shall require that the word or words and symbol for a university specified under par. (f) 35. to 47. be a registration decal or tag and affixed to the special group plate and be of the colors for a university specified under par. (f) 35. to 47. that the president of the university University of Wisconsin system System specifies.
9,2729 Section 2729. 341.14 (6r) (f) 53. of the statutes is amended to read:
341.14 (6r) (f) 53. Persons interested in obtaining a plate with the words "Children First" "Celebrate Children" on it to show their support of the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
9,2730 Section 2730. 341.19 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.19 (1) (b) Five Ten dollars per vehicle as a late payment for fees received after the time period established by the department.
9,2730m Section 2730m. 341.25 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.25 (1) (intro.) Unless a different fee is prescribed for a particular vehicle by par. (b) or ss. 341.26 to 341.268, the following registration fees shall be paid to the department for the annual registration of each motor vehicle, mobile home recreational vehicle, trailer or semitrailer not exempted by s. 341.05 from registration in this state:
9,2731 Section 2731. 341.25 (1) (gd) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.25 (1) (gd) For each trailer or semitrailer or camping trailer having a gross weight of 3,000 pounds or less and used for hire or rental, a fee which is one-half of the fee prescribed for a motor truck of the same maximum gross weight. The maximum gross weight shall be determined in the same manner as for a motor truck. A trailer under this paragraph which is part of a fleet of 100 or more trailers used for hire or rental may be registered under s. 341.308.
9,2732 Section 2732. 341.25 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.25 (1) (i) For each mobile home, and for each camping trailer having a gross weight of more than 3,000 pounds, a fee of $15.
9,2732d Section 2732d. 341.25 (1) (i) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
341.25 (1) (i) For each mobile home recreational vehicle, and for each camping trailer, a fee of $15.
9,2734b Section 2734b. 341.26 (2g) of the statutes is repealed.
9,2734dd Section 2734dd. 341.47 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.47 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (2), any motor vehicle, mobile home recreational vehicle, trailer or semitrailer owned or repossessed by a dealer, distributor or manufacturer may be operated on the highways of this state for either private or business purposes without being registered if such vehicle has displayed upon it valid registration plates issued pursuant to s. 341.51 to the dealer, distributor or manufacturer who is the owner of the vehicle or holder of the repossessed vehicle and such vehicle:
9,2734dh Section 2734dh. 341.51 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.51 (1) The department shall register a person as a dealer, distributor or manufacturer of motor vehicles, trailers or semitrailers or as a transporter of vehicles upon receipt of a properly completed application form together with a fee of $75 and upon being satisfied that the applicant is by law entitled to be registered. The department shall register a person as a dealer, distributor or manufacturer of mobile homes recreational vehicles upon receipt of a properly completed application form together with a fee of $75 and upon being satisfied that the applicant is by law entitled to be so registered. The department shall assign to each person registered under this section a distinctive registration number and shall issue a certificate of registration bearing the registration number assigned.
9,2734dp Section 2734dp. 341.51 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.51 (2) Upon registering a dealer, distributor, manufacturer or transporter the department also shall issue 2 registration plates. The department, upon receiving a fee of $5 for each additional plate desired by a dealer, distributor or manufacturer of motor vehicles, trailers or semitrailers, $5 for each additional plate desired by a dealer, distributor or manufacturer of mobile homes recreational vehicles and $5 for each additional plate desired by a transporter, shall issue to the registered dealer, distributor, manufacturer or transporter the additional plates as ordered. The department may charge a fee of $2 per plate for replacing lost, damaged or illegible plates issued under this subsection.
9,2734dq Section 2734dq. 341.51 (4) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
341.51 (4) (am) If Except as provided in par. (an), if the applicant is an individual, the social security number of the individual.
9,2734dr Section 2734dr. 341.51 (4) (an) of the statutes is created to read:
341.51 (4) (an) If the applicant is an individual who does not have a social security number, a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation that the applicant does not have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department of workforce development. A registration that is issued under this section in reliance on a statement submitted under this paragraph is invalid if the statement is false.
9,2734dt Section 2734dt. 341.53 of the statutes is amended to read:
341.53 Expiration of registration; transferability of plates. Certificates of registration and registration plates issued to dealers, distributors, manufacturers or transporters shall be issued for the calendar year and are valid only during the calendar year for which issued. Registration plates are transferable from one motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer to another motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer and from one mobile home recreational vehicle to another.
9,2734hd Section 2734hd. 341.62 of the statutes is amended to read:
341.62 False evidence of registration. Whoever operates or possesses a motor vehicle, mobile home recreational vehicle, trailer or semitrailer having attached thereto any plate or similar device fashioned in imitation or facsimile of or altered so as to resemble a registration plate issued by the department may be required to forfeit not more than $500.
9,2734he Section 2734he. 342.06 (1) (eg) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.06 (1) (eg) If Except as provided in par. (eh), if the applicant is an individual, the social security number of the applicant. The department of transportation may not disclose a social security number obtained under this paragraph to any person except to the department of workforce development for the sole purpose of administering s. 49.22.
9,2734hed Section 2734hed. 342.06 (1) (eh) of the statutes is created to read:
342.06 (1) (eh) If the applicant does not have a social security number, a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation that the applicant does not have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department of workforce development. A certificate of title that is issued in reliance on a statement submitted under this paragraph is invalid if the statement is false.
9,2734hem Section 2734hem. 342.07 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 342.07 (1) (intro.) and amended to read:
342.07 (1) Application for registration of and a new certificate of title for a repaired salvage vehicle must be accompanied by the all of the following:
(a) The required fees, a.
(b) A properly assigned salvage certificate of title or a properly assigned certificate of title by a dealer under s. 342.16 (1) (a) for the vehicle and any.
(c) Any other transfer document required by law, and by the.
(d) The certificate of inspection under sub. (4).
9,2734hep Section 2734hep. 342.07 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.07 (2) (a) To determine whether the vehicle is the same vehicle for which the salvage title in submitted under sub. (1) was issued;
9,2734hf Section 2734hf. 342.10 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.10 (1) (d) A description of the vehicle, including make, model and identification number, except that if the vehicle was last registered in another jurisdiction the make and model contained in the certificate shall be the make and model contained in the last certificate of title issued by the other jurisdiction.
9,2734hg Section 2734hg. 342.14 (1r) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.14 (1r) Upon filing an application under sub. (1) or (3) before the first day of the 2nd month beginning after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], an environmental impact fee of $5, by the person filing the application. Upon filing an application under sub. (1) or (3) on or after the first day of the 2nd month beginning after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], an environmental impact fee of $6, by the person filing the application. All moneys collected under this subsection shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental management. This subsection does not apply after June 30, 2001.
9,2734hgd Section 2734hgd. 342.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.15 (2) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which is not a salvage vehicle, the transferee shall, promptly after delivery to him or her of the vehicle, execute the application for a new certificate of title in the space provided therefor on the certificate or as the department prescribes, and cause deliver or mail the certificate and application to be mailed or delivered to the department. A salvage vehicle purchaser shall comply with s. 342.065 (1) (b) (a).
9,2734hgf Section 2734hgf. 342.15 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.15 (3) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which is not a salvage vehicle and as between the parties, a transfer by an owner is not effective until the provisions of this section have been complied with. An owner who has delivered possession of the vehicle to the transferee and has complied with the provisions of this section requiring action by him or her is not liable as owner for any damages thereafter resulting from operation of the vehicle.
9,2734hgh Section 2734hgh. 342.15 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.15 (6) (a) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which is not a salvage vehicle, any transferee of a vehicle who fails to make application for a new certificate of title immediately upon transfer to him or her of a vehicle may be required to forfeit not more than $200. A certificate is considered to have been applied for when the application accompanied by the required fee has been delivered to the department or deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid.
(b) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which is not a salvage vehicle, any transferee of a vehicle who with intent to defraud fails to make application for a new certificate of title immediately upon transfer to him or her of a vehicle may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both. A certificate is considered to have been applied for when the application accompanied by the required fee has been delivered to the department or deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid.
9,2734hgj Section 2734hgj. 342.16 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.16 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), if a dealer acquires a new or used vehicle that is not a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale, or acquires a salvage vehicle that is currently titled as a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale or accepts a vehicle for sale on consignment, the dealer may not submit to the department the certificate of title or application for certificate of title naming the dealer as owner of the vehicle. Upon transferring the vehicle to another person, the dealer shall immediately give the transferee on a form prescribed by the department a receipt for all title, registration, security interest and sales tax moneys paid to the dealer for transmittal to the department when required. The dealer shall promptly execute the assignment and warranty of title, showing the name and address of the transferee and of any secured party holding a security interest created or reserved at the time of the resale or sale on consignment, in the spaces provided therefor on the certificate or as the department prescribes. Within 7 business days following the sale or transfer, the dealer shall mail or deliver the certificate or application for certificate to the department with the transferee's application for a new certificate. A nonresident who purchases a motor vehicle from a dealer in this state may not, unless otherwise authorized by rule of the department, apply for a certificate of title issued for the vehicle in this state unless the dealer determines that a title is necessary to protect the interests of a secured party. The dealer is responsible for determining whether a title and perfection of security interest is required. The dealer is liable for any damages incurred by the department or any secured party for the dealer's failure to perfect a security interest which the dealer had knowledge of at the time of sale.
9,2734hgm Section 2734hgm. 342.16 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.16 (1) (c) Except when all available spaces for a dealer's or wholesaler's reassignment on a certificate of title have been completed or as otherwise authorized by rules of the department, a dealer or wholesaler who acquires a new or used vehicle that is not a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale, or acquires a salvage vehicle that is currently titled as a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale or accepts a vehicle for sale on consignment may not apply for a certificate of title naming the dealer or wholesaler as owner of the vehicle. The rules may regulate the frequency of application by a dealer or wholesaler for transfer of registration or credits for registration from a previously registered vehicle to another vehicle that the dealer or wholesaler intends to register in his or her own name.
9,2734hgo Section 2734hgo. 342.16 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.16 (1) (d) Unless exempted by rule of the department, a dealer or wholesaler who acquires a new or used vehicle that is not a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale or acquires a salvage vehicle currently titled as a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale shall make application for a certificate of title naming the dealer or wholesaler as owner of the vehicle when all of the available spaces for a dealer's or wholesaler's reassignment on the certificate of title for such vehicle have been completed.
9,2734hh Section 2734hh. 342.18 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.18 (4) (a) Whenever application therefor accompanied by the required fee is made by a finance company licensed under s. 138.09 or 218.01, a bank organized under the laws of this state, or a national bank located in this state, and the vehicle in question is a used vehicle for which the department had issued a certificate of title to the previous owner or a vehicle previously registered in another jurisdiction or is a mobile home recreational vehicle.
9,2734hp Section 2734hp. 342.18 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.18 (4) (b) Whenever application therefor accompanied by the required fee is made by any other person and the vehicle in question is a vehicle for which the department had issued a certificate of title to the previous owner or is a vehicle previously registered in another jurisdiction or is a mobile home recreational vehicle and the department is satisfied that the present owner has not operated or consented to the operation of the vehicle since it was transferred to that owner and that he or she understands that the certificate of title merely is evidence of ownership of the vehicle and does not authorize operation of the vehicle on the highways of this state.
9,2734ht Section 2734ht. 342.22 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.22 (3) (a) For a mobile home recreational vehicle, 20 years.
9,2734pd Section 2734pd. 342.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
342.30 (2) An identification number assigned by the department to a mobile home recreational vehicle, trailer or semitrailer shall be stamped upon the frame in a readily visible location. An identification number assigned to a motor vehicle manufactured prior to January 1, 1969, shall be permanently affixed to the left front pillar. The vehicle identification number for motor vehicles manufactured after January 1, 1969, shall be permanently affixed upon either a part of the vehicle that is not designed to be removed except for repair, or a separate plate which is permanently affixed to such part. The vehicle identification number shall be located inside the passenger compartment and shall be readable, without moving any part of the vehicle, through the vehicle glazing under daylight lighting conditions by an observer having 20/20 vision (Snellen) whose eyepoint is located outside the vehicle adjacent to the left windshield pillar. Identification numbers assigned for cycles shall be stamped on the left side, near the top of the engine casting just below the cylinder barrel. Such stamping or affixing shall be done under the supervision of a dealer, distributor or manufacturer registered under s. 341.51 or under the supervision of a peace officer. The person supervising the stamping or affixing shall make a report thereof to the department.
9,2734pt Section 2734pt. 343.055 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.055 (1) (d) Recreational vehicle operators. The operator of the commercial motor vehicle is a person operating a motor home, or a vehicle towing a 5th-wheel mobile home or single-unit touring mobile home not exceeding 45 feet in length recreational vehicle and the vehicle or combination, including both units of a combination towing vehicle and the 5th-wheel mobile home or mobile home recreational vehicle, is both operated and controlled by the person and is transporting only members of the person's family, guests or their personal property. This paragraph does not apply to any transportation for hire or the transportation of any property connected to a commercial activity. In this paragraph, "controlled" means leased or owned.
9,2734qd Section 2734qd. 343.06 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
343.06 (1) (cm) To operate "Class D" vehicles to any person under 18 years of age, unless the person has accumulated at least 30 hours of behind-the-wheel driving experience, at least 10 hours of which were during hours of darkness. Each hour of behind-the-wheel driving experience while accompanied by a qualified instructor, as defined in s. 343.07 (5), shall be considered to be 2 hours of behind-the-wheel driving experience, except that no more than 5 hours of behind-the-wheel driving experience while accompanied by a qualified instructor may be counted in this manner. This paragraph does not apply to applicants for a restricted license under s. 343.08 or a special restricted operator's license under s. 343.135. The department may promulgate rules that waive the requirement of accumulating at least 30 hours of behind-the-wheel experience for qualified applicants who are licensed by another jurisdiction to operate "Class D" vehicles.
9,2734qf Section 2734qf. 343.07 (1) (a) and (b) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered 343.07 (1) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
343.07 (1) (a) (intro.) If the permittee is at least 16 years of age, the permittee shall not Except as provided in this subsection, no permittee may operate a motor vehicle unless accompanied by a qualified instructor, or a licensed person with who has at least 2 years of licensed driving experience, who presently holds a valid regular license, occupying as defined in s. 343.03 (3) (a), who occupies the seat beside the permittee. No other passengers are allowed in the vehicle except as provided in par. (c) or (cm). (b) and who is one of the following:
1. A permittee under the age of 16 is restricted to operation of a motor vehicle only while accompanied by a qualified instructor, the who is 19 years of age or older. If the motor vehicle is equipped with dual controls, up to 3 other persons, in addition to the qualified instructor, may occupy seats in the motor vehicle other than the front seat.
2. The permittee's parent or, guardian who meets the other qualifications of par. (a) or a licensed or spouse who is 19 years of age or older. In addition to the parent, guardian or spouse, the permittee's immediate family members may occupy seats in the motor vehicle other than the front seat.
3. A person who is 21 years of age or older who meets the other qualifications of par. (a) and who has. If the permittee is under 18 years of age, this subdivision applies only if the licensed person has been designated in writing to accompany the permittee by the permittee's parent or guardian prior to operation of the vehicle by the permittee. Upon reaching the age of 16, the permittee gains the privilege of any other permittee.
9,2734qh Section 2734qh. 343.07 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
343.07 (1) (bm) Except as provided in par. (a), no permittee may operate a motor vehicle upon a highway in this state whenever any person is in the motor vehicle.
9,2734qp Section 2734qp. 343.07 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.