Brownfield redevelopment and blight elimination: community development block grant program expanded [Sec. 2929f, g] -
Act 9
Capital improvement fund and TID provisions re school facilities [Sec. 2108m, 2126m, 2158m] [vetoed]
Capital improvement fund: school board may create; TID and district revenue limit provisions; LAB audit required if referendum is adopted -
Act 17
Contaminated lands which are tax delinquent: transfer from county to city, village or town [Sec. 1806, 9343 (13)]
Act 9
Environmental remediation TID: membership of joint review board clarified [Sec. 1635] -
Act 9
Environmental remediation TIF program modified [Sec. 1632-1636u, 9358 (2)] [1632 — partial veto]
Act 9
Indian trust lands in TIF district: Governor's concurrence with U.S. Interior department determination restricted [Sec. 9158 (7x)] -
Act 9
Individual income tax system structure modified; certain tax credits eliminated, other credits revised; homestead increase; standard deduction and treatment of social security federalized; rates and brackets revised; personal exemption increased; revisions re itemized deductions and filing thresholds [Sec. 1674-1674t, 1688d, 1689-1691, 1692-1707, 1711, 1714, 1715, 1716-1717, 1721-1722, 1762-1763c, 1784-1787, 9343 (13g), (20), (20tx)] [1711, 1716p — partial veto; 1716m — vetoed] -
Act 9
Lead contamination made on eligible cost for TIF financing if public health concern is declared [Sec. 1630e]
Act 9
Lottery credit change to allow credit to person who buys property after the certification date [Sec. 1818Lu, 9343 (14g)] -
Act 9
Onetime rebate of nonbusiness consumer sales tax paid by individuals; school property tax rent credit and school levy tax credit provision; sunset and DOA report with JCF review required [partial veto] -
Act 10
Property tax lottery credit revised and expanded; name changed to lottery and gaming credit [partial veto]
Act 5
Razed property: personal liability for costs revised -
Act 68
School property tax rent credit re taxable years after 1999 -
Act 198
State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and bingo net proceeds distributed for property tax relief for primary residences or agricultural land; not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII): constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [AJR-2]
- JR-2
Tax foreclosure action re brownfields: county may assign right to judgment to a person -
Act 121
TID: special exception for certain city and village [Sec. 1630em-j] -
Act 9
TIF changes for certain city [Sec. 1630ke] -
Act 9
TIF deadlines for Milwaukee extended [Sec. 1630kf, ki] -
Act 9
TIF for village in certain county with less than 25,000 population [Sec. 1630ed-eh, he, hh, k, q] [1630k — vetoed]
Act 9
Agricultural land use assessment [Sec. 1655L, 1798m, 1801n-s, 9343 (23am)] [9343 (23am) — partial veto; 1655L — vetoed] -
Act 9
Assessment manual per acre guidelines: DOR prohibited from publishing unless based on procedures established by rule [Sec. 1797k, 9343 (22tm)] [vetoed] -
Assessor's consideration re low-income rental housing: federal income tax credit excluded [Sec. 1655m]
Act 9
Charter tour boats and commercial fishing equipment: property tax exemption for [Sec. 1653dm, 9443 (7i)]
Act 9
Computer personal property tax exemption does not apply to ATMs [Sec. 1653b] [vetoed] -
Digital broadcasting equipment: property tax exemption for [Sec. 1653f, 9343 (22tx)] -
Act 9
Motion picture theater equipment: property tax exemption for [Sec. 1653d, 9343 (23b)] -
Act 9
Professional football stadium district created; bonding authority; income, property, sales, use and franchise tax provisions; minority and women owned businesses and prevailing wage law requirements; special distinguishing registration plates and sale of engraved tiles or bricks; investment authority of BCPL and the Investment board; state moral obligation pledge re bonds; LAB audit [partial veto] -
Act 167
Property tax exemption report filing fee: churches and religious associations exempted [Sec. 1655p, 9343 (23h)] [1655p — partial veto] -
Act 9
Adolescent pregnancy prevention and Pregnancy services board grants: funding changed to TANF [Sec. 370m, 371, 1120]
Act 9
Badger challenge program: TANF provisions; mentorship coordinator position in DMA [Sec. 498, 655, 9135 (2e)]
Act 9
Burial reimbursement re public assistance: time limit set [Sec. 1356] -
Act 9
Earned income tax credit funding from TANF [Sec. 612m, 1719b] -
Act 9
Governor assistance from DWD re TANF [Sec. 11, 11ac, 474ac, 593, 593ac, 9421 (1x)] -
Act 9
Head start appropriation made continuing, funding from TANF; preference to certain agencies [Sec. 266m, 2046]
Act 9
Homeless transitional housing grants: limit removed; geographical balance ensured [Sec. 64] -
Act 9
Homelessness as an impending situation for families: emergency assistance for [Sec. 1213g, h]
Act 9
Income augmentation funds [Sec. 456r, 1091k, 9323 (13f)] [vetoed] -
Income augmentation receipts: lapse of [Sec. 1091m, 9223 (2g)] -
Act 9
MPS funding; intradistrict integration aid and redevelopment authority bonding [Sec. 261m, 267, 1630d, 2113g-2118r, 2119m-2124, 2135t, 2142nd, nm, 2146r, w] [1630d, 2135t, 2143p — partial veto] -
Act 9
Onetime rebate of nonbusiness consumer sales tax paid by individuals; school property tax rent credit and school levy tax credit provision; sunset and DOA report with JCF review required [partial veto] -
Act 10
Personal needs allowance increased [Sec. 1418m, 9423 (13t)] -
Act 9
Public assistance and local assistance allocations [Sec. 1278g] [partial veto] -
Act 9
Public assistance benefit overpayment recovery: enhanced collection methods provided [Sec. 1275, 1276, 1340-1346c, 9157 (4g), 9457 (1)] [1340 — partial veto]
Act 9
SSI supplemental payment for dependent children; SSI caretaker supplement eligibility re grandchild [Sec. 1483t-1484c, 9123 (13e), 9423 (6)] [1484b — partial veto; 1483t-zb, 1484c — vetoed] -
Act 9
TANF allocations re programs and support for low-income children and youth revised [Sec. 466, 474, 475, 1213, 1277, 1360, 9157 (1)] [466 — partial veto]
Act 9
TANF oversight revisions [Sec. 78, 1244] -
Act 9
Local exposition district board: term limits for certain members [Sec. 2359h] -
Act 9
Local exposition district taxes retained for administration: amount revised [Sec. 594f, 613e, 1638m, 1817d, g, 9443 (7f)] -
Act 9
Milwaukee enterprise center renovation: Technical college system board to fund [Sec. 300m, 9147 (2ct)]
Act 9
Premier resort area threshold exemption [Sec. 1621e, f] [vetoed]
Public debt limit for housing state department and agencies: reconciliation re 1999 WisActs 4 and 9
Act 184
Caseload revision [Sec. 3206g, h, 3207] -
Act 9
CHIPS and juveniles in need of protection: SPD representation [Sec. 1130m, p-x, 1131gm, 3130m, 3131m, 3142g-p, 3143m, 3148m, 9358 (4cs), (4ct)] [3142p, 9358 (4cs), (4ct) — partial veto; all other sections (except 1130x) vetoed]
Act 9
State documents distribution; reports re school district programs for school age parents and special transfer aids; supervision of school nurses and dentists and changing ``limited-English speaking" (remedial legislation) -
Act 19
DER training functions [Sec. 2359ti-uh, 2367d, 9117 (1w)] -
Act 9
Health benefit plans: internal grievance procedures and independent review of certain coverage determinations required; OCI duties set -
Act 155
Immunizations for children: health insurance policy coverage required -
Act 115
Sick leave credits of state employes: time limit to purchase state group health insurance eliminated -
Act 104
State employes activated to serve in the U.S. armed forces: state to pay employer contributions for health insurance
Act 13
U.W. faculty and staff: employer payment of health insurance premiums [Sec. 652m, 930vc, vq, 940c, 9315 (1e)]
Act 9
Bone marrow or human organ donor: paid leave of absence for state employe; written verification required
Act 125
Disaster relief service provided by state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross: collective bargaining provision revised -
Act 101
SSN on WRS and deferred compensation account statements and public employe pay period forms prohibited [Sec. 936t, 944w, 2359tb, 9315 (1p), (2p), 9317 (3p)] [vetoed]
Administrative support bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 171
Assistant district attorneys bargaining unit: contract ratification
Act 40
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 170
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 27
Law enforcement bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 175
Professional education bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 39
Professional engineering bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 168