Personal identifiers: disclosure by DOT, DNR or DORL prohibited; confidentiality and penalty provisions  -  Act 88
Prisoner access to financial information, SSN or identity of a minor re data entry or telemarketing: Corr.Dept contracts restricted [Sec. 2689, 9311 (1)] [2689 — partial veto] -  Act 9
Prisoner identification re making telephone solicitations or answering toll-free calls: regulations created [Sec. 2165rx, rz, 2313m-y] [vetoed] -  AB-133
Private employer health care coverage program and board created; coverage mandates; audit, report and grant provisions; toll-free telephone [Sec. 4m, r, 14p, r, 28fc, fd, 591gb-gy, 930wb-931c, 944ym, yr, 9115 (1g), (3), 9415 (1g)]  -  Act 9
Services for children and families: funding re sales and use taxes collected by out-of-state direct marketers [Sec. 390d, 1104g, 1815g] -  Act 9
Shareholder appointment of a proxy: use of electronic transmission permitted [Sec. 2304c-jm] -  Act 9
Cable television: mobile home park owner or operator may not prevent service to residents [Sec. 1608p]  -  Act 9
Digital broadcasting equipment: property tax exemption for [Sec. 1653f, 9343 (22tx)] -  Act 9
Embarrass river valley instructional network group: grant for [Sec. 9148 (4w)] -  Act 9
Municipal court revisions re hearings by telephone or audiovideo, prosecutor signing summons and service by private servers [Sec. 3073m, 3075m, 3078g] -  Act 9
Restructuring public broadcasting and funding digital television transition committee created; duties defined; report and sunset provided [Sec. 9113 (1mm)] [partial veto]  -  Act 9
temporary assistance for needy families _tanf_Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF), see Public assistance
temporomandibular disorderTemporomandibular disorder, see Dentistry
Literacy improvement: free book program repealed [Sec. 11d, n, 51m, 511d, 516m, 517m, 3261g] -  Act 9
Motion picture theater equipment: property tax exemption for [Sec. 1653d, 9343 (23b)] -  Act 9
Theater maintained by a 1st class city: transfer of interest permitted -  Act 112
thompson, robert mThompson, Robert M.
Life and public service [AJR-67] -  JR-18
tid _tax incremental district_TID (Tax incremental district), see Property tax
tif _tax incremental financing_TIF (Tax incremental financing), see Property tax
timberTimber, see Forestry
time_share propertyTime-share property, see Housing
tobaccoTobacco, see also Cigarette
Cigarette or tobacco product sold or gifted to minors: investigation of compliance with prohibitions; survey provision [Sec. 2033p, 2165mr-p, 2353sm, 2485g-L, 3072g, 3176m-t] [2485j — partial veto] -  Act 9
Employment-related cancer diseases for municipal firefighters who smoke after January 1, 2001: exemption from presumption [Sec. 3111r] -  Act 9
Smoking in state capitol building and immediate vicinity prohibited; forfeiture provided -  Act 72
Tobacco control provisions re Tobacco control board, minority health, community health center grants and statewide control program; reports required [Sec. 30d, 250m, 294g, 432g, 457m, 698m, 717t, 2240r, 2400m, 2486g, 9123 (9k), 9158 (9c), (11mg)] [30d, 717t, 2400m, 2486g — partial veto; 9158 (11mg) — vetoed] -  Act 9
Tobacco litigation funds: DOA to study selling and transferring Wisconsin's rights to moneys re creation of permanent endowment fund [Sec. 9101 (20c)] [partial veto]  -  Act 9
Tobacco product manufacturer must join master settlement agreement or place money into certain escrow fund; AG civil action authority; DOA, DOR and Revisor of statutes duties -  Act 122
Tobacco products tax changed from occupational to excise tax; revision re cigarette and tobacco products taxes for Native American tribes [Sec. 610, 2171m, 2173-2182, 9343 (6), (7)] [2178, 2179 — partial veto] -  Act 9
Tobacco research and use prevention: LAB audit of Medical college of Wisconsin and U.W. Center for tobacco research and intervention [Sec. 9131 (2g)] -  Act 9
tourism, department ofTourism, Department of
America's Black Holocaust Museum: Tour.Dept grants; DOT to erect and maintain directional sign [Sec. 342, 1855r] [342 — partial veto] -  Act 9
Aztalan state park: grant for upgrade of [Sec. 9149 (1to)] [vetoed] -  AB-133
Burnett county historical society: grant from Indian gaming revenue re Fort Folle Avoine [Sec. 9149 (2c)] [partial veto] -  Act 9
Internet tourism-related referral system: Tour.Dept to provide grant for establishment of [Sec. 342g, h, 9149 (2rs), 9449 (2rs)] -  Act 9
Payments for department programs and activities [Sec. 684m] [vetoed] -  AB-133
St. Croix valley tourism alliance: grant from Indian gaming revenues [Sec. 9149 (3e)] [vetoed] -  AB-133
State fair park board made an independent agency; building approval, lease agreement with private person, grant to city of West Allis and minority business provisions; LAB audit and report required [partial veto] -  Act 197
Tour.Dept customer lists: confidentiality and access fee provisions [Sec. 944yt, 9349 (1m)] -  Act 9
Tourism marketing and economic development: Indian gaming compact moneys for; Tour.Dept appropriation revision; joint effort marketing [Sec. 342, 343, 343d, 554, 945am-c] [343 — partial veto] -  Act 9
Tourism promotion in northwestern Wisconsin: grants to Burnett and Polk counties [Sec. 9149 (2tw)] [partial veto]  -  Act 9
County and municipal best practices reviews [Sec. 6g] -  Act 9
National forest income payments from federal government: distribution to certain towns; Natural resources magazine revenue provision -  Act 74
town _ boardTown — Board
Farmland preservation pilot program created in the town of Troy; provision re purchase of development rights for farmland [Sec. 184c, 1580p] [vetoed] -  AB-133
town _ financeTown — Finance
Fire call on state trunk or interstate highway: DOT reimbursement of costs to towns revised -  Act 131
town _ health, board ofTown — Health, Board of, see Public health
town _ lawsTown — Laws
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision -  Act 148
Zoning ordinances that limit alterations or repairs to nonconforming structures allowed re Lower St. Croix river  -  Act 153
trade practiceTrade practice
Intoxicating liquor dealerships [Sec. 2166e-s, 9358 (7c), 9458 (3c)] [2166m, s — partial veto; 9358 (7c), 9458 (3c) — vetoed] -  Act 9
Motor vehicle manufacturers' dealership practices, ownership interests and automobile factory stores [Sec. 2342abc-abw, avm, avw] [2342abw — vetoed]  -  Act 9
Services for children and families: funding re sales and use taxes collected by out-of-state direct marketers [Sec. 390d, 1104g, 1815g] -  Act 9
trades and occupationsTrades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Audiologist, hearing instrument specialist and speech-language pathologist license renewal dates; license exemption for assistants [Sec. 2863, 2924-2926, 9142 (1), 9342 (2)]  -  Act 9
Bodyworker or massage therapist license: educational and examination requirements revised -  Act 98
New production bakery for Corr.Dept: DOA to study [Sec. 9101 (18i)] -  Act 9
Occupational therapists affiliated credentialing board created; license, education and registration provisions  -  Act 180
Volunteer health care provider program: dietitians permitted to participate -  Act 23
traffic officerTraffic officer
Citation quotas for law enforcement officers re traffic violations: state agency or political subdivision requirement prohibited; performance evaluation provision -  Act 16
County-tribal law enforcement projects: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 481, 482-484, 576, 577, 2295, 2299-2301] -  Act 9
Motor vehicle stops: law enforcement agency to collect certain information; DOJ duties and annual report required [Sec. 2289t] [vetoed] -  AB-133
State patrol vehicle strobe lighting equipment [Sec. 9150 (1p)]  -  Act 9
State traffic patrol: number of officers increased; administrator revisions re WRS and member of the patrol [Sec. 935, 936, 2031, 2032, 9450 (3)] -  Act 9
traffic regulationTraffic regulation, see Road — Marking
traffic safetyTraffic safety
Federal hazard elimination safety funds: allocation requirements re reduction in vehicle accidents and response time of emergency vehicles [Sec. 1830p, q]  -  Act 9
transmission facilityTransmission facility, see Electric utility