AB133-ASA1,1072,87 (c) Filing a materially false or fraudulent income or franchise tax return as
8certified by the department of revenue.
AB133-ASA1,1072,109 (d) Wilful failure to comply with any provision of this section or any rule
10promulgated by the department under this section.
AB133-ASA1,1072,1111 (e) Wilfully defrauding any retail buyer to the buyer's damage.
AB133-ASA1,1072,1212 (f) Wilful failure to perform any written agreement with any retail buyer.
AB133-ASA1,1072,1313 (g) Failure or refusal to furnish and keep in force any bond required.
AB133-ASA1,1072,1414 (h) Having made a fraudulent sale, transaction or repossession.
AB133-ASA1,1072,1715 (i) Fraudulent misrepresentation, circumvention or concealment, through any
16subterfuge or device, of any of the material particulars or the nature thereof required
17hereunder to be stated or furnished to the retail buyer.
AB133-ASA1,1072,2018 (j) Use of fraudulent devices, methods or practices in connection with
19compliance with the statutes with respect to the retaking of goods under retail
20instalment contracts and the redemption and resale of such goods.
AB133-ASA1,1072,2121 (k) Having indulged in any unconscionable practice relating to said business.
AB133-ASA1,1072,2322 (m) Having sold a retail instalment contract to a sales finance company, as
23defined in s. 218.01 (1) (v), that is not licensed under s. 218.01.
AB133-ASA1,1072,2524 (n) Having violated any law relating to the sale, distribution or financing of
25mobile homes.
1(7) (a) The department of commerce may, without notice, deny the application
2for a license within 60 days after receipt thereof by written notice to the applicant,
3stating the grounds for the denial. Within 30 days after such notice, the applicant
4may petition the department of administration to conduct a hearing to review the
5denial, and a hearing shall be scheduled with reasonable promptness. The division
6of hearings and appeals shall conduct the hearing. This paragraph does not apply
7to denials of applications for licenses under s. 101.02 (21).
AB133-ASA1,1073,198 (b) No license may be suspended or revoked except after a hearing thereon. The
9department of commerce shall give the licensee at least 5 days' notice of the time and
10place of the hearing. The order suspending or revoking such license shall not be
11effective until after 10 days' written notice thereof to the licensee, after such hearing
12has been had; except that the department of commerce, when in its opinion the best
13interest of the public or the trade demands it, may suspend a license upon not less
14than 24 hours' notice of hearing and with not less than 24 hours' notice of the
15suspension of the license. Matters involving suspensions and revocations brought
16before the department of commerce shall be heard and decided upon by the
17department of administration. The division of hearings and appeals shall conduct
18the hearing. This paragraph does not apply to licenses that are suspended or revoked
19under s. 101.02 (21).
AB133-ASA1,1073,2420 (c) The department of commerce may inspect the pertinent books, records,
21letters and contracts of a licensee. The actual cost of each such examination shall
22be paid by such licensee so examined within 30 days after demand therefor by the
23department, and the department may maintain an action for the recovery of such
24costs in any court of competent jurisdiction.
1(8) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be fined not less
2than $25 nor more than $100 for each offense.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1998xc 3Section 1998xc. 101.952 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1074,8 4101.952 Mobile home salespersons regulated. (1) No person may engage
5in the business of selling mobile homes to a consumer or to the retail market in this
6state without a license therefor from the department. If a mobile home dealer acts
7as a mobile home salesperson the dealer shall secure a mobile home salesperson's
8license in addition to the license for engaging as a mobile home dealer.
AB133-ASA1,1074,13 9(2) (a) Applications for a mobile home salesperson's license and renewals
10thereof shall be made to the department on such forms as the department prescribes
11and furnishes and shall be accompanied by the license fee required under par. (c) or
12(d). The application shall include the applicant's social security number. In addition,
13the application shall require such pertinent information as the department requires.
AB133-ASA1,1074,1514 (b) 1. The department shall, by rule, establish the license period under this
AB133-ASA1,1074,1716 2. The department may promulgate rules establishing a uniform expiration
17date for all licenses issued under this section.
AB133-ASA1,1074,2018 (c) Except as provided in par. (d), the fee for a license issued under this section
19equals $4 multiplied by the number of years in the license period. The fee shall be
20prorated if the license period is not evenly divisible into years.
AB133-ASA1,1074,2521 (d) If the department issues a license under this section during the license
22period, the fee for the license shall equal $4 multiplied by the number of calendar
23years, including parts of calendar years, during which the license remains in effect.
24A fee determined under this paragraph may not exceed the license fee for the entire
25license period under par. (c).
1(3) Every licensee shall carry his or her license when engaged in his or her
2business and display the same upon request. The license shall name his or her
3employer, and, in case of a change of employer, the mobile home salesperson shall
4immediately mail his or her license to the department, which shall endorse that
5change on the license without charge.
AB133-ASA1,1075,10 6(5) The provision of s. 218.01 (3) relating to the denial, suspension and
7revocation of a motor vehicle salesperson's license shall apply to the denial,
8suspension and revocation of a mobile home salesperson's license so far as applicable,
9except that such provision does not apply to the denial, suspension or revocation of
10a license under s. 101.02 (21) (b).
AB133-ASA1,1075,13 11(6) The provisions of s. 218.01 (3) (g) and (5) shall apply to this section, mobile
12home sales practices and the regulation of mobile home salespersons, as far as
AB133-ASA1, s. 1998xg 14Section 1998xg. 101.953 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1075,21 15101.953 Warranty and disclosure. (1) A one-year written warranty is
16required for every new mobile home sold, or leased to another, by a mobile home
17manufacturer, mobile home dealer or mobile home salesperson in this state, and for
18every new mobile home sold by any person who induces a resident of the state to enter
19into the transaction by personal solicitation in this state or by mail or telephone
20solicitation directed to the particular consumer in this state. The warranty shall
21state all of the following:
AB133-ASA1,1075,2422 (a) That the mobile home meets those standards prescribed by law or
23administrative rule of the department of administration or of the department of
24commerce, which are in effect at the time of the manufacture of the mobile home.
1(b) That the mobile home is free from defects in material and workmanship and
2is reasonably fit for human habitation if it receives reasonable care and maintenance
3as defined by rule of the department.
AB133-ASA1,1076,124 (c) 1. That the mobile home manufacturer and mobile home dealer shall take
5corrective action for defects which become evident within one year from the delivery
6date and as to which the mobile home owner has given notice to the manufacturer
7or dealer not later than one year and 10 days after the delivery date and at the
8address set forth in the warranty; and that the mobile home manufacturer and
9mobile home dealer shall make the appropriate adjustments and repairs, within 30
10days after notification of the defect, at the site of the mobile home without charge to
11the mobile home owner. If the mobile home dealer makes the adjustment, the mobile
12home manufacturer shall fully reimburse the dealer.
AB133-ASA1,1076,2113 2. If a repair, replacement, substitution or alteration is made under the
14warranty and it is discovered, before or after expiration of the warranty period, that
15the repair, replacement, substitution or alteration has not restored the mobile home
16to the condition in which it was warranted except for reasonable wear and tear, such
17failure shall be considered a violation of the warranty and the mobile home shall be
18restored to the condition in which it was warranted to be at the time of the sale except
19for reasonable wear and tear, at no cost to the purchaser or the purchaser's assignee
20notwithstanding that the additional repair may occur after the expiration of the
21warranty period.
AB133-ASA1,1076,2422 (d) That if during any period of time after notification of a defect the mobile
23home is uninhabitable, as defined by rule of the department, that period of time shall
24not be considered part of the one-year warranty period.
AB133-ASA1,1076,2525 (e) A list of all parts and equipment not covered by the warranty.
1(2) Action by a lessee to enforce the lessee's rights under this subchapter shall
2not be grounds for termination of the rental agreement.
AB133-ASA1,1077,9 3(3) The warranty required under this section shall apply to the manufacturer
4of the mobile home as well as to the mobile home dealer who sells or leases the mobile
5home to the consumer, and shall be in addition to any other rights and privileges that
6the consumer may have under any instrument or law. The waiver of any remedies
7under any law and the waiver, exclusion, modification or limitation of any warranty,
8express or implied, including the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for
9a particular purpose, is expressly prohibited. Any such waiver is void.
AB133-ASA1,1077,14 10(4) The transfer of a mobile home from one mobile home owner to another
11during the effective period of the warranty does not terminate the warranty, and
12subsequent mobile home owners shall be entitled to the full protection of the
13warranty for the duration of the warranty period as if the original mobile home owner
14had not transferred the mobile home.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1998xL 15Section 1998xL. 101.954 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1077,19 16101.954 Sale or lease of used mobile homes. In the sale or lease of any used
17mobile home, the sales invoice or lease agreement shall contain the point of
18manufacture of the used mobile home, the name of the manufacturer and the name
19and address of the previous mobile home owner.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1998xp 20Section 1998xp. 101.955 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1078,2 21101.955 Jurisdiction and venue over out-of-state manufacturers. (1)
22The importation of a mobile home for sale in this state by an out-of-state
23manufacturer is considered an irrevocable appointment by that manufacturer of the
24department of financial institutions to be that manufacturer's true and lawful
25attorney upon whom may be served all legal processes in any action or proceeding

1against such manufacturer arising out of the importation of such mobile home into
2this state.
AB133-ASA1,1078,10 3(2) The department of financial institutions upon whom processes and notices
4may be served under this section shall, upon being served with such process or notice,
5mail a copy by registered mail to the out-of-state manufacturer at the nonresident
6address given in the papers so served. The original shall be returned with proper
7certificate of service attached for filing in court as proof of service. The service fee
8shall be $4 for each defendant so served. The department of financial institutions
9shall keep a record of all such processes and notices, which record shall show the day
10and hour of service.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1998xt 11Section 1998xt. 101.965 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1078,14 12101.965 Penalties. (1) Any person who violates ss. 101.953 to 101.955, or any
13rule promulgated under ss. 101.953 to 101.955, may be fined not more than $1,000
14or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both.
AB133-ASA1,1078,17 15(2) In any court action brought by the department for violations of this
16subchapter, the department may recover all costs of testing and investigation, in
17addition to costs otherwise recoverable, if it prevails in the action.
AB133-ASA1,1078,23 18(3) Nothing in this subchapter prohibits the bringing of a civil action against
19a mobile home manufacturer, mobile home dealer or mobile home salesperson by an
20aggrieved consumer. If judgment is rendered for the consumer based on an act or
21omission by the mobile home manufacturer, mobile home dealer or mobile home
22salesperson, which constituted a violation of this subchapter, the plaintiff shall
23recover actual and proper attorney fees in addition to costs otherwise recoverable.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1999 24Section 1999. 102.01 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
1102.01 (2) (d) "Municipality" includes a county, city, town, village, school
2district, sewer district, drainage district and family care district and other public or
3quasi-public corporations.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2000 4Section 2000. 102.04 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1079,75 102.04 (1) (a) The state, each county, city, town, village, school district, sewer
6district, drainage district, family care district and other public or quasi-public
7corporations therein.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2002 8Section 2002. 102.27 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1079,119 102.27 (2) (a) A benefit under this chapter is assignable under s. 46.10 (14) (e),
10301.12 (14) (e), 767.23 (1) (L), 767.25 (4m) (c), 767.265 (1) or (2m), 767.51 (3m) (c) or
11767.62 (4) (b) 3.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2003 12Section 2003. 102.29 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1079,2013 102.29 (9) No participant in a work experience component of a job opportunities
14and basic skills program who, under s. 49.193 (6) (a), is 1997 stats., was considered
15to be an employe of the agency administering that program, or who, under s. 49.193
16(6) (a), is 1997 stats., was provided worker's compensation coverage by the person
17administering the work experience component, and who makes a claim for
18compensation under this chapter may make a claim or maintain an action in tort
19against the employer who provided the work experience from which the claim arose.
20This subsection does not apply to injuries occurring after February 28, 1998.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005 21Section 2005. 103.001 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1080,222 103.001 (6) "Employer" means any person, firm, corporation, state, county,
23town, city, village, school district, sewer district, drainage district , family care
and other public or quasi-public corporations as well as any agent, manager,

1representative or other person having control or custody of any employment, place
2of employment or of any employe.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005f 3Section 2005f. 103.49 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1080,134 103.49 (5) (a) Each contractor, subcontractor or agent thereof performing work
5on a project that is subject to this section shall keep full and accurate records clearly
6indicating the name and trade or occupation of every person described in sub. (2m)
7and an accurate record of the number of hours worked by each of those persons and
8the actual wages paid therefor. If requested by any person, a contractor,
9subcontractor or agent thereof performing work on a project that is subject to this
10section shall permit that person to inspect and copy any of those records to the same
11extent as the department would be required to permit inspection and copying of those
12records under ss. 19.31 to 19.39 if those records were in the custody of the
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005g 14Section 2005g. 103.50 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1080,2415 103.50 (7m) Records; inspection. Each contractor, subcontractor or agent
16thereof performing work on a project that is subject to this section shall keep full and
17accurate records clearly indicating the name and trade or occupation of every person
18described in sub. (2m) and an accurate record of the number of hours worked by each
19of those persons and the actual wages paid therefor. If requested by any person, a
20contractor, subcontractor or agent thereof performing work on a project that is
21subject to this section shall permit that person to inspect and copy any of those
22records to the same extent as the department of transportation would be required to
23permit inspection and copying of those records under ss. 19.31 to 19.39 if those
24records were in the custody of the department of transportation.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005k 25Section 2005k. 106.11 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
1106.11 (title) Employment and training Workforce investment
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005m 3Section 2005m. 106.11 of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act ....
4(this act), sections 2005k, 2005p and 2005r, is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1081,12 5106.11 Workforce investment programs. The department shall cooperate
6with the federal government in carrying out the purposes of the federal Job Training
7Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501 to 1781, and the
federal Workforce Investment Act of
81998, 29 USC 2801 to 2945. In administering the programs authorized by those acts
9that act the department shall, in cooperation with other state agencies and with local
10workforce development boards established under 29 USC 2832, establish a
11statewide workforce investment system to meet the employment, training and
12educational needs of persons in this state.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005p 13Section 2005p. 106.11 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1081,2214 106.11 (1) The department shall cooperate with the federal government in
15carrying out the purposes of the federal job training partnership act Job Training
16Partnership Act
, 29 USC 1501 to 1781, and the federal Workforce Investment Act of
171998, 29 USC 2801 to 2945
. In administering the programs authorized by that act
18those acts the department shall, in cooperation with other state agencies and with
19private industry councils local workforce development boards established under 29
20USC 2832
, establish a statewide coordinated employment and training delivery
21workforce investment system to meet the employment, training and educational
22needs of persons in this state.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005r 23Section 2005r. 106.11 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act ....
24(this act), section 2005p, is renumbered 106.11.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005t 25Section 2005t. 106.11 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005v
1Section 2005v. 106.11 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2005x 2Section 2005x. 106.115 of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2012 3Section 2012. 106.12 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1082,5 4106.12 (title) Division of connecting education and work Governor's
5work-based learning board
AB133-ASA1, s. 2013 6Section 2013. 106.12 of the statutes is renumbered 106.12 (2) and amended
7to read:
AB133-ASA1,1082,208 106.12 (2) Employment and education program administration. Based on the
9recommendations of the governor's council on workforce excellence, the division of
10connecting education and work
The board shall plan, coordinate, administer and
11implement the department's workforce excellence initiatives, programs, policies and
the youth apprenticeship and, school-to-work and work-based learning
13programs under s. 106.13 (1) and such other employment and education programs
14as the governor may by executive order assign to the division board.
15Notwithstanding any limitations placed on the use of state employment and
16education funds under this section or s. 106.13, 106.14, 106.15, 106.20 or 106.21 or
17under an executive order assigning an employment and education program to the
18division board, the secretary board may issue a general or special order waiving any
19of those limitations on finding that the waiver will promote the coordination of
20employment and education services.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2014 21Section 2014. 106.12 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1082,2322 106.12 (1) Definition. In this section and s. 106.13, "board" means the
23governor's work-based learning board.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2015 24Section 2015. 106.12 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
1106.12 (3) Executive director. The governor shall appoint an executive
2director of the board outside the classified service to serve at the pleasure of the
3governor. The executive director shall be in charge of the board's administrative
AB133-ASA1, s. 2016 5Section 2016. 106.13 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1083,7 6106.13 (title) Youth apprenticeship and, school-to-work and
7work-based learning
AB133-ASA1, s. 2017 8Section 2017. 106.13 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1083,179 106.13 (1) The department board shall provide a youth apprenticeship
10program and that includes the grant programs under subs. (3m) and (4), a
11school-to-work program in accordance with 20 USC 6101 to 6251 that includes the
12school-to-work program for children at risk under sub. (4m) and, for youths who are
13eligible to receive temporary assistance for needy families under 42 USC 601 to 619,
14a work-based learning program. The board shall include in that work-based
15learning program a component that would permit a participant to earn a youth
16apprenticeship skills certificate through participation in that program if the
17participant meets the requirements for earning that certificate
AB133-ASA1, s. 2018 18Section 2018. 106.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,1083,2319 106.13 (2) The governor's council on workforce excellence council on workforce
20investment established under 29 USC 2821
, the technical college system board and
21the department of public instruction shall assist the department of workforce
board in providing the youth apprenticeship program and, the
23school-to-work program and the work-based learning program under sub. (1).
AB133-ASA1, s. 2019d 24Section 2019d. 106.13 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
1106.13 (2m) After reviewing the recommendations of the governor's council on
2workforce excellence under s. 106.115 (2) (e), the department
The board shall
3approve occupations and maintain a list of approved occupations for the youth
4apprenticeship program and shall approve statewide skill standards for the
5school-to-work program. From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (ev) (7) (a), the
6department board shall develop curricula for youth apprenticeship programs for
7occupations approved under this subsection.
AB133-ASA1, s. 2020 8Section 2020. 106.13 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,1084,139 106.13 (3m) (a) In this subsection, "local partnership" means one or more
10school districts, or any combination of one or more school districts, other public
11agencies, as defined in sub. (4) (a) 2., nonprofit organizations, as defined in sub. (4)
12(a) 1., individuals or other persons, who have agreed to be responsible for
13implementing and coordinating a local youth apprenticeship program.
AB133-ASA1,1084,2314 (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (7) (b), the board shall award grants
15to applying local partnerships for the implementation and coordination of local youth
16apprenticeship programs. A local partnership shall include in its grant application
17the identity of each public agency, nonprofit organization, individual and other
18person who is a participant in the local partnership, a plan to accomplish the
19implementation and coordination activities specified in subds. 1. to 6. and the
20identity of a fiscal agent who shall be responsible for receiving, managing and
21accounting for the grant moneys received under this paragraph. A local partnership
22that is awarded a grant under this paragraph may use the grant moneys awarded
23for any of the following implementation and coordination activities:
AB133-ASA1,1084,2524 1. Recruiting employers to provide on-the-job training and supervision for
25youth apprentices and providing technical assistance to those employers.