AB133-ASA1-CA1,35,16 10(4) Electric utilities. (a) Requirement to charge public benefits fees. Each
11electric utility, except for a municipal utility, shall charge each customer a public
12benefits fee in an amount established in rules promulgated by the department under
13par. (b). An electric utility, except for a municipal utility, shall collect and pay the fees
14to the department in accordance with the rules promulgated under par. (b). The
15public benefits fees collected by an electric utility shall be considered trust funds of
16the department and not income of the electric utility.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,35,2017 (am) Electric bills. An electric utility shall include a public benefits fee in the
18fixed charges for electricity in a customer's bill and shall provide the customer with
19an annual statement that identifies the annual charges for public benefits fees and
20describes the programs for which fees are used.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,35,2421 (b) Rules. In consultation with the council, the department shall promulgate
22rules that establish the amount of a public benefits fee under par. (a). Fees
23established in rules under this paragraph may vary by class of customer, but shall
24be uniform within each class, and shall satisfy each of the following:
11. The fees may not be based on the kilowatt-hour consumption of electricity
2by customers.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,36,53 2. Seventy percent of the total amount of fees charged by an electric provider
4may be charged to residential customers and 30% of the total may be charged to
5nonresidential customers.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,36,76 3. The fees shall allow an electric provider to recover the reasonable and
7prudent expenses incurred by the electric provider in complying with this section.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,36,98 (c) Amount of public benefits fees. A fee established in rules promulgated under
9par. (b) shall satisfy each of the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,36,1610 1. `Low-income funding.' In fiscal year 1999-2000, a portion of the public
11benefits fee shall be an amount that, when added to 50% of the estimated public
12benefits fees charged by municipal utilities and retail electric cooperatives under
13sub. (5) (a) for that fiscal year, shall equal $24,000,000. In each fiscal year after fiscal
14year 1999-2000, a portion of the public benefits fee shall be an amount that, when
15added to the sum of the following shall equal the low-income need target for that
16fiscal year determined by the department under sub. (2) (d) 1.:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,36,1817 a. Fifty percent of the estimated public benefits fees charged by municipal
18utilities and retail electric cooperatives under sub. (5) (a) for that fiscal year.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,36,2019b. All moneys received under 42 USC 6861 to 6873 and 42 USC 8621 to 8629
20for that fiscal year.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,36,2221 c. The total amount spent on programs or contributed to the commission by
22utilities under s. 196.374 (3) for that fiscal year for low-income assistance.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,37,523 2. `Energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource funding.' For
24fiscal year 1999-2000, a portion of the public benefits fee shall be in an amount that,
25when added to 50% of the estimated public benefits fees charged by municipal

1utilities and retail electric cooperatives under sub. (5) (a) for that fiscal year, shall
2equal $20,000,000. In each fiscal year after fiscal year 1999-2000, a portion of the
3public benefits fee shall be the amount determined under this subdivision for fiscal
4year 1999-2000, except that if the department determines to reduce or discontinue
5a program under sub. (2) (b) 2., the department shall reduce the amount accordingly.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,37,116 3. `Limitation on electric bill increases.' For the period beginning on the
7effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], and ending on June 30,
82008, the total increase in a customer's electric bills that is based on the requirement
9to pay public benefits fees, including any increase resulting from an electric utility's
10compliance with this section, may not exceed 3% of the total of every other charge for
11which the customer is billed for that period or $750 per month, whichever is less.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,37,19 12(5) Municipal utilities and retail electric cooperatives. (a) Requirement to
13charge public benefits fees.
Each retail electric cooperative and municipal utility
14shall charge a monthly public benefits fee to each customer or member in an amount
15that is sufficient for the retail electric cooperative or municipal utility to collect an
16annual average of $16 per meter. A retail electric cooperative or municipal utility
17may determine the amount that a particular class of customers or members is
18required to pay under this paragraph and may charge different fees to different
19classes of customers or members.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,38,220 (am) Public benefits fee restriction. Notwithstanding par. (a), for the period
21beginning on the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], and ending
22on June 30, 2008, the total increase in a customer's or member's electric bills that is
23based on the requirement to pay public benefits fees, including any increase
24resulting from a retail electric cooperative's or municipal utility's compliance with

1this section, may not exceed 3% of the total of every other charge for which the
2member or customer is billed for that period or $750 per month, whichever is less.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,38,73 (b) Election to contribute to department programs. 1. No later than the first
4day of the 12th month beginning after the effective date of this subdivision ....
5[revisor inserts date], each municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall notify
6the department whether it has elected to contribute to the programs established
7under sub. (2) (a) or (b) 1. for a 3-year period.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,38,118 2. No later than every 3rd year after the date specified in subd. 1., each
9municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall notify the department whether
10it has elected to contribute to the programs established under sub. (2) (a) or (b) 1. for
11a 3-year period.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,38,1612 (c) Full contribution. If a municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects
13under par. (b) 1. or 2. to contribute to the programs established both under sub. (2)
14(a) and under sub. (2) (b) 1., it shall pay 100% of the public benefits fees that it charges
15under par. (a) to the department in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which it
16has made the election.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,38,1917 (d) Partial contributions and commitment to community spending. A
18municipal utility or retail electric cooperative not specified in par. (c) shall do one of
19the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,38,2320 1. If the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects to contribute only
21to the programs established under sub. (2) (a), the municipal utility or retail electric
22cooperative shall, in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which it elects to
23contribute under par. (b) 1. or 2., do all of the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,38,2524 a. Pay 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) to the
1b. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on energy
2conservation programs.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,39,63 2. If the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects to contribute only
4to the programs established under sub. (2) (b) 1., the municipal utility or retail
5electric cooperative shall, in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which it elects
6to contribute under par. (b) 1. or 2., do all of the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,39,87 a. Pay 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) to the
AB133-ASA1-CA1,39,109 b. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on
10programs for low-income assistance.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,39,1411 3. If the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects not to contribute
12to any of the programs established under sub. (2) (a) or (b) 1., the municipal utility
13or retail electric cooperative shall, in each fiscal year of the 3-year period for which
14it elects not to contribute under par. (b) 1. or 2., do all of the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,39,1615 a. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on
16programs for low-income assistance.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,39,1817 b. Spend 50% of the public benefits fees that it charges under par. (a) on energy
18conservation programs.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,39,2219 (e) Wholesale supplier credit. If a wholesale supplier has established a program
20for low-income assistance or an energy conservation program, a municipal utility or
21retail electric cooperative that is a customer or member of the wholesale supplier
22may do any of the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,40,223 1. Include an amount equal to the product of the municipal utility's or retail
24electric cooperative's wholesale supply percentage and the amount that the
25wholesale supplier has spent on low-income assistance in a fiscal year in calculating

1the amount that the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative has spent on
2low-income assistance in that fiscal year under par. (d) 2. b. or 3. a.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,40,83 2. Include an amount equal to the product of the municipal utility's or retail
4electric cooperative's wholesale supply percentage and the amount that the
5wholesale supplier has spent on energy conservation programs or customer
6applications of renewable resources in a fiscal year in calculating the amount that
7the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative has spent on energy conservation
8programs under par. (d) 1. b. or 3. b.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,40,129 (f) Joint programs. Municipal utilities or retail electric cooperatives may
10establish joint commitment to community programs, except that each municipal
11utility or retail electric cooperative that participates in a joint program is required
12to comply with the spending requirements under par. (d).
AB133-ASA1-CA1,40,1613 (g) Reports. 1. For each fiscal year, each municipal utility and retail electric
14cooperative that does not pay 100% of the public benefits fee that it charges under
15par. (a) to the department under par. (c) shall file a report with the department that
16describes each of the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,40,2017 a. An accounting of public benefits fees charged to customers or members under
18par. (a) in the fiscal year and expenditures on commitment to community programs
19under par. (d), including any amounts included in the municipal utility's or retail
20electric cooperative's calculations under par. (e).
AB133-ASA1-CA1,40,2221 b. A description of commitment to community programs established by the
22municipal utility or retail electric cooperative in the fiscal year.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,40,2423 2. The department shall maintain reports filed under subd. 1. for at least 6
AB133-ASA1-CA1, s. 109no 25Section 109no. 16.958 of the statutes is created to read:
116.958 Air quality improvement program. (1) In this section:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,41,42 (a) "Eligible electric provider" means a generator public utility or a generator
3electric cooperative that provides electric service to customers or members in the
4midcontinent area of this state.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,41,65 (b) "Generator electric cooperative" means an electric cooperative, as defined
6in s. 76.48 (1g) (c), that generates electricity.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,41,87 (c) "Generator public utility" means a public utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (5),
8that generates electricity.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,41,129 (d) "Initial compliance date" means the date specified in a notice by the
10department of natural resources under s. 285.48 (2) by which electric generating
11facilities in the midcontinent area of this state are required to comply with initial
12nitrogen oxide emission reduction requirements.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,41,1513 (e) "Midcontinent area" means the geographic area served by the
14Mid-Continent Area Power Pool reliability council of the North American Electric
15Reliability Council.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,41,18 16(2) If the department of natural resources makes a notification to the
17department of administration under s. 285.48 (2), the department of administration
18shall do each of the following:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,41,2219 (a) In each fiscal year of the 10-year period that commences on July 1 of the
20fiscal year ending before the initial compliance date, transfer $2,500,000, or the
21lesser amount specified in a notice under s. 285.48 (3) (d) 4., from the utility public
22benefits fund to the air quality improvement fund.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,223 (b) From the air quality improvement fund, award grants to eligible electric
24providers to be used for the purpose of complying with requirements under state or
25federal law to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions in the midcontinent area of this state

1pursuant to a state implementation plan. An eligible electric provider that is a public
2utility may receive no more than $500,000 per year in grants under this paragraph.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,53 (c) Promulgate rules for awarding grants under par. (b). The rules shall require
4an applicant for a grant to identify the reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions that the
5applicant is capable of achieving with the grant.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,11 6(3) An eligible electric provider that is awarded a grant under sub. (2) (b) may
7assign the grant to a 3rd party if the 3rd party uses the grant for the purpose of
8reducing nitrogen oxide emissions and the eligible electric provider demonstrates to
9the satisfaction of the department of administration that the 3rd party is capable of
10achieving the reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions identified in the eligible electric
11provider's application for the grant.".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,12 1266. Page 55, line 21: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,15 13"(c) To the Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa Indian tribe, $125,000 in each fiscal
14year to develop law enforcement capabilities on the reservation and trust lands of the
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,16 1667. Page 56, line 5: delete "and" and substitute "or".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,17 1768. Page 56, line 8: delete lines 8 to 11.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,18 1869. Page 56, line 12: delete "(kh)" and substitute "(cm)".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,19 1970. Page 56, line 17: delete "may" and substitute "shall".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,42,21 2071. Page 56, line 18: delete "not more than 25%" and substitute "a
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,2 2272. Page 56, line 20: after "unit." insert "The department shall determine the
23percentage of the cost to be funded by a local governmental unit based on the number

1of applications for grants and the availability of funding to finance grants for the
2fiscal year in which grants are to be provided.".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,3 373. Page 57, line 13: delete "one or more" and substitute "all".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,5 474. Page 57, line 17: delete that line and substitute "all of the following local,
5comprehensive planning goals will be achieved:".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,6 675. Page 58, line 7: delete lines 7 and 8 and substitute:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,8 7"8. Building of community identity by revitalizing main streets and enforcing
8design standards.".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,10 976. Page 58, line 15: after "opportunities" insert "at the state, regional and
10local levels".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,11 1177. Page 58, line 18: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,14 12"14. Providing an integrated, efficient and economical transportation system
13that affords mobility, convenience and safety and that meets the needs of all citizens,
14including transit-dependent and disabled citizens.".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,16 1578. Page 58, line 25: after "participation" insert "throughout the planning
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,17 1779. Page 59, line 9: delete lines 9 to 16.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,18 1880. Page 60, line 22: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,19 19" Section 114nm. 16.969 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,21 2016.969 Fees for certain high-voltage transmission lines. (1) In this
AB133-ASA1-CA1,43,2222 (a) "Commission" means the public service commission.
1(b) "High-voltage transmission line" means a high-voltage transmission line,
2as defined in s. 196.491 (1) (f), that is designed for operation at a nominal voltage of
3345 kilovolts or more.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,44,6 4(2) The department shall promulgate rules that require a person who is issued
5a certificate of public convenience and necessity by the commission under s. 196.491
6(3) for a high-voltage transmission line to pay the department the following fees:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,44,97 (a) An annual impact fee in an amount equal to 0.3% of the cost of the
8high-voltage transmission line, as determined by the commission under s. 196.491
9(3) (gm).
AB133-ASA1-CA1,44,1210 (b) A one-time environmental impact fee in an amount equal to 5% of the cost
11of the high-voltage transmission line, as determined by the commission under s.
12196.491 (3) (gm).
AB133-ASA1-CA1,44,17 13(3) (a) The department shall distribute the fees that are paid by a person under
14the rules promulgated under sub. (2) (a) to each town, village and city that is
15identified by the commission under s. 196.491 (3) (gm) in proportion to the amount
16of investment that is allocated by the commission under s. 196.491 (3) (gm) to each
17such town, village and city.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,44,1918 (b) The fee that is paid by a person under the rules promulgated under sub. (2)
19(b) shall be distributed as follows:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,44,2220 1. The department shall pay 50% of the fee to each county that is identified by
21the commission under s. 196.491 (3) (gm) in proportion to the amount of investment
22that is allocated by the commission under s. 196.491 (3) (gm) to each such county.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,223 2. The department shall pay 50% of the fee to each town, village and city that
24is identified by the commission under s. 196.491 (3) (gm) in proportion to the amount

1of investment that is allocated by the commission under s. 196.491 (3) (gm) to each
2such town, village and city.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,5 3(4) A county, town, village or city that receives a distribution under sub. (3) (b)
4may use the distribution only for park, conservancy, wetland or other similar
5environmental programs.".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,6 681. Page 61, line 8: delete "the weighted" and substitute "a weighted".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,8 782. Page 61, line 9: delete "department of administration under s. 978.042 (1)"
8and substitute "state prosecutors office in the department of administration".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,10 983. Page 61, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10with page 62, line 9.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,12 1184. Page 63, line 2: delete "School for the Visually Handicapped" and
12substitute "Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,14 1385. Page 64, line 3: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
14with page 65, line 9.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,15 1586. Page 83, line 9: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,16 16" Section 161d. 19.35 (1) (am) 2. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1-CA1,45,2417 19.35 (1) (am) 2. c. Endanger the security, including the security of the
18population or staff,
of any state correctional institution, as defined in s. 301.01 (4)
19prison under s. 302.01, jail, as defined in s. 165.85 (2) (bg), secured correctional
20facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), secured child caring institution, as defined in
21s. 938.02 (15g), secured group home, as defined in s. 938.02 (15p), mental health
22institute, as defined in s. 51.01 (12), or center for the developmentally disabled, as
23defined in s. 51.01 (3), or the population or staff of any of these institutions, facilities
24or jails
187. Page 83, line 10: delete lines 10 and 11.
AB133-ASA1-CA1,46,2 288. Page 85, line 6: delete "1.1%" and substitute "1%".
AB133-ASA1-CA1,46,3 389. Page 97, line 16: substitute "C" for "A".