1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
March 28, 2000 - Offered by Joint committee on Finance.
AB721-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB721-AA1,1,2 21. Page 1, line 3: delete that line and substitute:
AB721-AA1,1,3 3" Section 1g. 978.042 of the statutes is created to read:
AB721-AA1,1,13 4978.042 Prosecutor caseload measurement; redistribution of assistant
5district attorney positions.
(1) The department of administration shall develop
6a weighted prosecutor caseload measurement formula to assist in determining the
7comparative need for prosecutors in this state. The formula shall be based on the
8types of cases prosecuted by district attorneys' offices and the time needed to
9prosecute those cases, as applied to the average number of cases filed by a
10prosecutorial unit during the most recent 3-year period for which data is available
11and to the number of prosecutor positions allocated to the prosecutorial unit. The
12department may consult with the Wisconsin District Attorneys' Association in
13developing the formula.
1(2) (a) If a vacancy occurs in an authorized assistant district attorney position
2or a portion of such a position and the position is allocated to a prosecutorial unit that
3has a prosecutor workload of less than 100% of the standard full-time workload,
4according to the weighted prosecutor caseload measurement formula developed
5under sub. (1), the department of administration shall notify the Wisconsin District
6Attorneys' Association of the vacancy.
AB721-AA1,2,147 (b) After receiving notice of a vacancy under par. (a), the Wisconsin District
8Attorneys' Association shall make a recommendation to the department of
9administration as to whether the vacancy or any portion of the vacancy should be
10transferred to a prosecutorial unit that has a prosecutor workload of more than 100%
11of the standard full-time workload, according to the weighted prosecutor caseload
12measurement formula developed under sub. (1), and that requested additional
13assistant district attorney position authorization for the fiscal biennium in which the
14vacancy occurs.
AB721-AA1,3,215 (c) After receiving the recommendation of the Wisconsin District Attorneys'
16Association prepared under par. (b), the department of administration shall decide,
17subject to par. (d), whether to transfer the vacancy or any portion of the vacancy to
18a prosecutorial unit that has a prosecutor workload of more than 100% of the
19standard full-time workload, according to the weighted prosecutor caseload
20measurement formula developed under sub. (1), and that requested additional
21assistant district attorney position authorization for the fiscal biennium in which the
22vacancy occurs. The department of administration shall consider the
23recommendation of the Wisconsin District Attorneys' Association in making its
24decision under this paragraph. If the department of administration decides under
25this paragraph to transfer a vacancy or portion of a vacancy from one prosecutorial

1unit to another, the department shall, notwithstanding ss. 978.03 and 978.04,
2transfer the position or portion of the position.
AB721-AA1,3,93 (d) The department of administration may not transfer a position or a portion
4of a position under this subsection if the transfer from the prosecutorial unit that has
5a prosecutor workload of less than 100% of the standard full-time workload,
6according to the weighted prosecutor caseload measurement formula developed
7under sub. (1), would result in the prosecutorial unit having a prosecutor workload
8of more than 100% of the standard full-time workload, according to the weighted
9prosecutor caseload measurement formula developed under sub. (1).
AB721-AA1, s. 1r 10Section 1r. Appropriation changes.".