1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
October 13, 1999 - Offered by Committee on Agriculture, Environmental
Resources and Campaign Finance Reform
SB190-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB190-SA1,1,4 21. Page 17, line 9: after "made." insert "A committee that files a report
3pertaining to a disbursement under par. (c) is not required to file a report pertaining
4to the same disbursement under this paragraph.
SB190-SA1,1,5 52. Page 17, line 12: delete "incurs or intends".
SB190-SA1,1,7 63. Page 17, line 14: delete the material beginning with "(f)" and ending with
7"election" in line 15 and substitute "(d), (e) or (f)".
SB190-SA1,1,8 84. Page 17, line 23: delete "incurred or".
SB190-SA1,1,9 95. Page 17, line 24: after that line insert:
SB190-SA1,2,10 10"2. If any committee identified under s. 11.05 (3) (c) makes any disbursement
11or incurs any obligation to make a disbursement for the purpose of advocating the
12election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for a state office specified in s. 11.31

1(1) (a) to (f) at the general or a special election, or any such candidate who seeks a
2nomination for such an office at a primary election, without cooperation or
3consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who
4is supported or whose opponent is opposed, and not in concert with or at the request
5or suggestion of such a candidate, agent or committee, the committee shall, no later
6than 24 hours after making the disbursement or incurring the obligation, report to
7the board, in such manner as the board may prescribe, the name of each candidate
8who is supported or whose opponent is opposed and the total amount of
9disbursements made and obligations incurred for such a purpose in support of or
10opposition to that candidate.".
SB190-SA1,2,11 116. Page 18, line 1: delete "2." and substitute "3.".
SB190-SA1,2,12 127. Page 18, line 2: before "disbursement is" insert "proposed".
SB190-SA1,2,13 138. Page 18, line 7: delete "at the general or a special election".
SB190-SA1,2,14 149. Page 18, line 8: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,2,15 1510. Page 19, line 24: after "(8)" insert "(a)".
SB190-SA1,2,16 1611. Page 19, line 24: delete "at the general or a special election".
SB190-SA1,2,17 1712. Page 19, line 25: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,2,18 1813. Page 20, line 1: delete "incurs or intends".
SB190-SA1,2,19 1914. Page 20, line 4: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,2,20 2015. Page 20, line 8: delete "any" and substitute "each".
SB190-SA1,2,21 2116. Page 20, line 12: after that line insert:
SB190-SA1,3,9 22"(b) If a candidate at the general or a special election for a state office specified
23in s. 11.31 (1) (a) to (f) who does not accept a grant under s. 11.50 makes any

1disbursement or incurs any obligation to make a disbursement after that candidate
2has made disbursements during his or her campaign, as defined in s. 11.31 (7),
3exceeding the amount specified in s. 11.31 (1) (a) to (f), as adjusted under s. 11.31 (9),
4for the office which the candidate seeks, that candidate or the candidate's personal
5campaign committee shall, no later than 24 hours after making the disbursement or
6incurring the obligation, report to the board the information required under s. 11.06
7(1) in such manner as the board may prescribe. The information required under s.
811.06 (1) shall also be included in the next regular report of the candidate or
9committee under s. 11.20.".
SB190-SA1,3,10 1017. Page 21, line 6: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,3,11 1118. Page 21, line 10: delete "Election" and substitute "Election Postelection".
SB190-SA1,3,12 1219. Page 21, line 11: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,3,13 1320. Page 21, line 12: delete "Election" and substitute "Postelection".
SB190-SA1,3,14 1421. Page 22, line 1: after " to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,3,16 1522. Page 22, line 16: delete "the general election or a special" and substitute
SB190-SA1,3,17 1723. Page 22, line 17: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,3,18 1824. Page 22, line 21: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,3,19 1925. Page 23, line 12: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,3,20 2026. Page 23, line 19: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,3,21 2127. Page 25, line 5: delete "$500,000" and substitute "$800,000".
SB190-SA1,3,22 2228. Page 25, line 6: delete "$150,000" and substitute "$250,000".
SB190-SA1,3,23 2329. Page 25, line 9: delete "$50,000" and substitute "$85,000".
130. Page 25, line 10: delete "$25,000" and substitute "$30,000".
SB190-SA1,4,2 231. Page 25, line 11: delete "$12,500" and substitute "$15,000".
SB190-SA1,4,3 332. Page 26, line 20: delete "(intro.)".
SB190-SA1,4,4 433. Page 27, line 3: delete lines 3 to 9.
SB190-SA1,4,5 534. Page 30, line 6: delete "$100,000" and substitute "$70,000".
SB190-SA1,4,6 635. Page 30, line 9: delete "$50,000" and substitute "$35,000".
SB190-SA1,4,8 736. Page 34, line 7: delete the material beginning with "1,000" and ending
8with "2,000" on line 8 and substitute "800 nor more than 1,600".
SB190-SA1,4,10 937. Page 34, line 10: delete that line and substitute "400 nor more than 800
SB190-SA1,4,11 1138. Page 37, line 20: delete "$1,500,000" and substitute "$1,200,000".
SB190-SA1,4,12 1239. Page 37, line 21: delete "$150,000" and substitute "$350,000".
SB190-SA1,4,13 1340. Page 37, line 24: delete "$150,000" and substitute "$115,000".
SB190-SA1,4,14 1441. Page 37, line 25: delete "$75,000" and substitute "$40,000".
SB190-SA1,4,15 1542. Page 38, line 1: delete "$37,500" and substitute "$20,000".
SB190-SA1,4,16 1643. Page 38, line 3: delete lines 3 to 15 and substitute:
SB190-SA1,5,11 17"11.50 (9) (b) If an eligible candidate who accepts a grant is opposed by one or
18more candidates whose names are certified under s. 7.08 (2) (a) or 8.50 (1) (d) to
19appear on the ballot, and if a committee intends to make any disbursement or to incur
20any obligation to make any disbursement that is intended to be used to oppose the
21election of the eligible candidate who accepts a grant or to support a certified
22opponent of that candidate without cooperation or consultation with any certified

1opposing candidate or such a candidate's agent or authorized committee, and not in
2concert with, or at the request or suggestion of any certified opposing candidate's
3agent or authorized committee, or if a committee makes any disbursement or incurs
4any obligation to make any disbursement that is used for such a purpose, then the
5board shall make an additional grant to the eligible candidate who accepts a grant
6in an amount equal to the total amount of disbursements intended to be made or
7made and obligations intended to be incurred or incurred for the purpose of
8advocating the election of the certified opposing candidate or for the purpose of
9opposing the election of the eligible candidate who accepts the grant, as reported by
10committees under s. 11.12 (6) (c), less any proposed disbursements or proposed or
11actual obligations for the same purpose that were previously reported.".
SB190-SA1,5,12 1244. Page 38, line 18: delete "in a general or special election".
SB190-SA1,5,15 1345. Page 39, line 1: delete the material beginning with "obligations" and
14ending with "obligations" in line 3 and substitute "disbursements intended to be
15made or made and obligations intended to be incurred or incurred".
SB190-SA1,5,16 1646. Page 39, line 4: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".
SB190-SA1,5,19 1747. Page 39, line 5: delete "both." and substitute "both, less any proposed
18disbursements or proposed or actual obligations for the same purpose that were
19previously reported".
SB190-SA1,5,20 2048. Page 40, line 12: after "to" insert "(d), (e) or".