Campaign finance law revisions re disbursement and contribution limitations, mass media, telephoning activities, Wisconsin election campaign fund, political contribution refund, campaign treasury surplus earnings tax and lobbying expenses tax deduction -  SB111
Cemetery and religiously significant property: maximum imprisonment for criminal damage to increased  - AB121
Cemetery merchandise sold by preneed seller: principal deposited into preneed trust fund revised  - SB348
Cesar E. Chavez day: optional holiday for state employes created -  AB623
Civil disorders: prohibiting certain weapon or technique training or instruction for use in -  AB280
Civil disorders re instruction in weapons or techniques capable of causing injury or death: crime created  - SB311
Clean energy rebate program created -  SB56
Color of motor vehicle included in registration application -  AB141
Consecutive terms of office for Governor limited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR18
Cranberry cultivation dams, ditches and drains: exemption re certain trout streams eliminated - SB55
Cranberry cultivation dams, ditches and drains: exemptions from DNR permit and regulation requirements eliminated  - SB336
Crime victim right to make a statement at sentencing or disposition: revision re notice by prosecutor  - SB214
Criminal penalties study committee report deadline extended -  AB200
Death benefits for certain WRS participant beneficiaries retroactively increased -  SB127
Dentistry service corporations permitted -  SB382
Development zones program: duration of designation revised - AB841
Development zones program: duration of designation revised - SB437
District attorney term of office extended to 4-years: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration)  - AJR3
District attorney term of office extended to 4-years: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration)  - SJR3
Divorce cases: personal jurisdiction revised -  SB202
DOJ authorized to prosecute certain criminal cases re firearms  - SB425
Domestic abuse committed in the presence of a child prohibited  - SB219
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited -  AB392
Domestic or child abuse victims: certain insurance coverage practices prohibited -  SB369
Domestic violence awareness month, National work to end domestic violence day and Day of unity proclaimed  - AJR76
Door handles and locks of large passenger vehicles must be operable from seating compartment - AB818
DOR employe treatment of public; filing a return or paying an amount electronically; compromise on delinquent income or franchise taxes; joint income tax return of married couple; reducing nondelinquent taxes; tape-recording interviews  - SB480
Emergency vehicle stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -  AB707
Emergency vehicle stopped on or near a highway and giving a visual signal: approaching motorist required to change lane or slow down while passing -  SB349
Emission of greenhouse gases: DNR to establish and operate system for registering reductions - AB627
Emission of greenhouse gases: DNR to establish and operate system for registering reductions - SB287
Energy efficient equipment purchases: income and franchise tax credits created -  SB462
Firearm possession prohibited re persons convicted of certain serious misdemeanors -  AB476
Firearm possession prohibited re persons convicted of certain serious misdemeanors -  SB236
Firearm transfer or sale: locking device required, definition provided; language of warning expanded  - SB6
General promotional examinations: certain fire and police department members and employes not in classified service in a 1st class city authorized to take  - SB150
Golf club facilities and services: discrimination prohibited; DOR duty specified -  AB398
Great hunger in Ireland, Armenian genocide and Holocaust: school boards required to include in world history instruction - AB528
Handgun sale or transfer: additional restrictions created - SB301
Health care benefits no longer provided by employer: notification requirements revised -  AB122
Health care records: uniform fees charged for certified duplicates revised; patient authority to copy records re statement of informed consent -  SB195
Hearing screening for certain infants: insurance coverage required; exception provided -  AB316
Hearing screening for certain infants prior to discharge from hospital required; GPR funding for certain families  - AB317
Historic district speed limit: DOT and local highway authorities may modify -  SB108
Home detention program escapes and failure to report to jail: penalties revised -  SB84
Injury caused by incest: civil action to recover damages expanded to include sexual assault of a child and time limit increased -  SB304
Interest rate of licensed lender: maximum set -  SB96
Internal revenue code changes adopted re income and franchise taxes; withholding income taxes from lottery prize assignment; lottery administrator to report federal income tax number of assignee to DOR -  AB860
Internal revenue code changes adopted re income and franchise taxes; withholding income taxes from lottery prize assignment; lottery administrator to report federal income tax number of assignee to DOR -  SB451
Jury instruction: explanation of legal conclusion from findings required in civil actions -  SB25
La Crosse, City of: $8,420.92 transportation aids fee claim -  AB933
Land in exclusive agricultural use district: number of lots a parcel may be divided into restricted  - SB472
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision - AB872
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision - SB468
Lobbyist service by former legislators prohibited for certain period -  AB138
Looking into building for sexual purposes: crime created - AB159
Looking into building for sexual purposes: crime created - SB26
Lottery and gaming property tax credit application process revised -  SB423
Mercury emission requirements re reductions by major utilities and certain incinerators and plants, report required; citizen suit, fish advisory notice and medical waste provisions; DNR duty specified -  AB366
Mercury emission requirements re reductions by major utilities and certain incinerators and plants, report required; citizen suit, fish advisory notice and medical waste provisions; DNR duty specified -  SB177
Messner, Robert and Dorothy: $9,926.00 property damage claim - AB650
Miller Park accident: condolences re deaths of ironworkers Jerome Starr, Jeffrey Wischer and William DeGrave  - AJR74
Milwaukee city police latent fingerprint ID unit: procedure for admitting reports as evidence revised  - AB328
Milwaukee county assistant DAs: creditable service under WRS in certain cases -  AB656
Mining, prospecting and mining waste: DNR prohibited from granting rule exemptions -  SB52
Motor vehicle insurance policy rates set re certain federal metropolitan statistical area -  SB160
Motor vehicle registration application: birth date of owner required -  AB327
Motor vehicle safety belt violations: enforcement revised - SB50
MPS revisions re pupils outside attendance area, intradistrict transfer aid, capital improvement bonds, counting transfer pupils and funding early childhood education programs; JLC to study chapter 220 program; report required  - AB468
MPS revisions re pupils outside attendance area, intradistrict transfer aid, capital improvement bonds, counting transfer pupils and funding early childhood education programs; JLC to study chapter 220 program; report required  - SB231
Open-end credit plans: deceptive preapproval practices prohibited -  SB169
Pari-mutuel on-track betting and state lottery constitutional authorizations eliminated; moneys attributable to bingo games used for property tax relief: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR28
Passenger rail projects commission created and biennial recommendations required; state passenger rail plan established and maintained by DOT -  SB473
Pay-per-call service provisions revised re toll-free call transferred to international number or pay-per-call service, billing, penalties and civil liability; reports required  - SB7
Pregnant or breast-feeding employes: reasonable accomodations required; discrimination and DWD provisions  - AB199
Prescription drug assistance for elderly: program created; report required -  AB705
Prostitution laws revised - AB268
Psychiatrist under contract to a county: state agent status provided re representation by DOJ in court actions  - SB313
Public debt for certain projects re state-owned historic properties: Building commission may not issue  - SB296
Public intervenor, Office of, recreated in DOJ; AG and DNR provisions; advisory committee created  - SB54
Public library lending incentive aid program created -  SB59
Public transportation pass provided or paid by employer: individual income tax exemption created  - SB511
Publication, dissemination or broadcast of communication by any person re election candidate: purpose of influencing election presumed -  SB263
Razed property: personal liability for costs revised -  AB178
Reedy, George: life and public service -  AJR81
Rental unit tenancy termination re drug or criminal gang activity nuisance: notice by law enforcement agencies expanded  - SB43
Roman Catholic congregations: mechanism for merger or consolidation of incorporated congregations created  - AB189
Safety inspections and advisory services: civil liability immunity expanded; bringing of action revised  - AB180
School levy tax credit eliminated, school district guarantee of aid for primary costs and counting children at risk modified, and additional delayed school aid payment  - AB631