29.2295 (4) (c) 1. The department shall make the payments under this subsection from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (9) (hk).

2. If the amount appropriated under s. 20.370 (9) (hk) is insufficient to make all of the payments under this subsection, the department shall make the remaining payments from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (9) (ht).

SECTION 730f. 29.319 of the statutes is created to read:

29.319 Falconry regulation. (1) In regulating falconry and the taking of raptors for use in falconry, the department may do any of the following:

(a) Establish by rule a fee for any approval that it issues as part of this regulation.

(b) Allow persons who are not residents to take raptors from the wild to be used for falconry, but only if all of the following apply:

1. The person holds an approval, issued by the department, that authorizes the taking of raptors for use in falconry.

2. The person holds an approval, issued by the state, province or country of which he or she is a resident, that authorizes the taking of raptors for use in falconry.

3. The state, province or country of which the person is a resident allows residents of this state to take raptors from the wild in that state, province or country.

(2) Any fees collected by the department under this section shall be deposited in the conservation fund to be used for department activities relating to fish and wildlife.

SECTION 730h. 29.324 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:

29.324 (2m) (a) In this subsection, "group deer bow hunting party" means 2 or more hunters hunting in a group all using bows and arrows, each of whom holds an individual license to hunt deer.

(b) Beginning on April 1, 2000, any member of a group deer bow hunting party may kill a deer for another member of the group deer bow hunting party if all of the following conditions exist:

1. The deer is an antlerless deer.

2. At the time and place of the kill, the person who kills the antlerless deer is in contact with the person for whom the antlerless deer is killed.

3. The person for whom the antlerless deer is killed possesses a current unused deer carcass tag that is authorized for use on the antlerless deer killed.

(c) This subsection does not apply after March 31, 2002.

SECTION 730j. 29.324 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.324 (3) A person who kills a deer under sub. (2) or (2m) shall ensure that a member of his or her group deer hunting party without delay attaches a current validated deer carcass tag to the deer in the manner specified under s. 29.347 (2). The person who kills the deer may not leave the deer unattended until after it is tagged.

SECTION 730m. 29.347 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.347 (2) DEER TAGS. Except as provided under sub. (5) and s. 29.324 (3), any person who kills a deer shall immediately attach to the ear or antler of the deer a current validated deer carcass tag which is authorized for use on the type of deer killed. Except as provided under sub. (2m) or s. 29.871 (7), (8) or (14) or 29.89 (6), no person may possess, control, store or transport a deer carcass unless it is tagged as required under this subsection. The carcass tag may not be removed before registration. The removal of a carcass tag from a deer before registration renders the deer untagged.

SECTION 732. 29.506 (7m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.506 (7m) (a) The department shall issue a taxidermy school permit to a person who applies for the permit; who, on August 15, 1991, holds a valid taxidermist permit issued under this section; and who, on August 15, 1991, operates a taxidermy school approved by the educational approval board under s. 39.51 45.54.

SECTION 733. 29.556 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 29.556 (1m) and amended to read:

29.556 (1m) In addition to any other fee imposed under s. 29.563, the department may collect a handling fee for the approvals that the department itself issues to cover long-distance handling costs and in-person credit transaction costs incurred in issuing approvals.

SECTION 733d. 29.556 (1b) (a) of the statutes is created to read:

29.556 (1b) (a) "In -person credit transaction costs" means the costs associated with issuing approvals that are applied for and issued in person and that are paid for by using a credit card.

SECTION 734. 29.556 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 29.556 (2) (a) and amended to read:

29.556 (2) (a) If the department collects a handling fee under sub. (1) (1m), it shall promulgate rules to designate do all of the following:

1. Designate the approvals to which the fee applies and to establish.

2. Establish the amounts amount of the fee. The

(c) A handling fee may not be more than the amounts necessary to cover the long-distance handling costs or the in-person credit transaction costs of issuing the approvals.

(1b) In this paragraph, "handling section:

(b) "Long-distance handling costs" includes means the costs associated with paying for approvals that are requested by mail, telephone or electronic means and includes credit transaction fees, mailing costs and personnel costs that are necessary to process the a credit transaction.

SECTION 735b. 29.556 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:

29.556 (2) (b) 1. The department may collect long-distance handling costs and in-person credit transaction costs for the approvals that the department itself issues.

2. The department may allow a person with whom it has contracted under s. 29.024 (6) (a) 4. to collect handling fees that cover long-distance handling costs. The department may allow the person to retain all or a portion of each handling fee.

3. The department may allow an agent who is appointed under s. 29.024 (6) (a) 2. or 3. to collect handling fees that cover in-person credit transaction costs. The department may allow the agent to retain all or a portion of each handling fee.

SECTION 736. 29.556 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.556 (3) Any fees collected under this section by the department shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9) (hu).

SECTION 737. 29.559 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.559 (1) COLLECTION OF ISSUING FEE. Any person, including the department, who issues any license or stamp under this chapter shall collect, in addition to the statutory license or stamp fee, an issuing fee for each license and each stamp the person issued. A person appointed under s. 29.024 (6) (a) 2. or, 3. or 4. may retain the amounts specified in sub. (3) 50 cents of each issuing fee for each license and 15 cents for each issuing fee of each stamp to compensate for services in issuing the license or stamp.

SECTION 738. 29.559 (1r) of the statutes is created to read:

29.559 (1r) COLLECTION OF ISSUING FEE FOR BONUS DEER HUNTING PERMITS. (a) Any person, including the department, who issues a bonus deer hunting permit shall collect, in addition to the statutory permit fee, an issuing fee for each permit. A person appointed under s. 29.024 (6) (a) 2., 3. or 4. may retain 50 cents of each issuing fee for each permit to compensate for services in issuing the permit.

(b) The issuing fees received by the department for bonus deer hunting permits under this section shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (5) (fq).

SECTION 739. 29.559 (3) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 740. 29.561 of the statutes is created to read:

29.561 Back tag number reservation fee. (1) COLLECTION OF FEE. The department shall establish a system under which the department shall reserve a deer hunting back tag number for a person who pays a reservation fee. The department may limit the number of back tag numbers that may be reserved under this system. Upon payment of the fee each year, the department shall issue the same back tag number to that person. Any person, including the department, who reserves a back tag number shall collect, in addition to each reservation fee, an issuing fee of 50 cents.

(2) HANDLING AND RETENTION OF FEES. An issuing fee collected by any employe of the department under this section shall be remitted to the department. An issuing fee collected by a person appointed under s. 29.024 (6) (am) 2. or 3. may retain the issuing fee to compensate for services in making the reservation.

SECTION 753. 29.563 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (2) (c) 1. Bonus deer: $12 $11.25.

SECTION 754. 29.563 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (2) (d) Nonresident permit. Bonus deer: $20 $19.25.

SECTION 760m. 29.563 (3) (a) 7m. of the statutes is created to read:

29.563 (3) (a) 7m. One-day group fishing issued under s. 29.193 (5): $24.25.

SECTION 767. 29.563 (9) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (9) (a) 2. Pheasant and quail farm: $20 $100.

SECTION 768. 29.563 (9) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (9) (a) 3. Game bird and animal farm: $10 $25.

SECTION 769. 29.563 (9) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (9) (a) 5. Deer farm: $25 $100.

SECTION 770. 29.563 (9) (a) 10. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (9) (a) 10. Wildlife exhibit: $10 $25.

SECTION 771. 29.563 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (9) (b) Late fee. For a license for a pheasant and quail farm, game bird and animal farm or fur animal farm, in addition to the regular fee: $10 $20.

SECTION 772. 29.563 (9) (c) of the statutes is created to read:

29.563 (9) (c) Surcharges. For the following licenses, the following surcharges in addition to the fees in pars. (a) and (b):

1. A license for a game bird and animal farm on which there are bear: $25.

2. A license for a game bird and animal farm on which the licensee permits an individual to hunt game birds for a fee: $75.

3. A license for a game bird and animal farm on which the licensee permits an individual to hunt grouse for a fee: $25.

4. A license for a game bird and animal farm on which the licensee sells game animals, the gross revenue from which is $10,000 or more during the 12 months immediately preceding the issuance of the license: $25.

5. A license for a wildlife exhibit at which the licensee exhibits a bear or a cougar: $25.

SECTION 773. 29.563 (11) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (11) (b) 1. Hunter education and firearm safety instruction fee: $3 the fee as established by rule.

SECTION 777. 29.563 (14) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (14) PROCESSING, HANDLING, RESERVATION AND ISSUING FEES. (intro.) The fees for processing, handling, reserving and issuing approvals are as follows:

SECTION 777g. 29.563 (14) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (14) (a) 1. The processing fee for applications for approvals under the cumulative preference systems for the hunter's choice deer hunting permit, bonus deer hunting permit, wild turkey hunting license, Class A bear license, Canada goose hunting permit, sharp-tailed grouse hunting permit, bobcat hunting and trapping permit, otter trapping permit, fisher trapping permit or sturgeon fishing permit: $2.75.

SECTION 778. 29.563 (14) (bn) of the statutes is created to read:

29.563 (14) (bn) Reservation fee. Reservation fee for a deer hunting back tag number: $4.50.

SECTION 779. 29.563 (14) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

29.563 (14) (c) 3. Each application for a hunter's choice permit, bonus deer hunting permit, wild turkey hunting license, Canada goose hunting permit, sharp-tailed grouse hunting permit, bobcat hunting and trapping permit, otter trapping permit, fisher trapping permit or sturgeon fishing permit: 25 cents.

SECTION 780. 29.563 (14) (c) 4. of the statutes is created to read:

29.563 (14) (c) 4. Each bonus deer hunting permit issued for which a fee is charged under s. 29.563 (2) (c) 1. or (d): 75 cents.

SECTION 781. 29.563 (14) (c) 5. of the statutes is created to read:

29.563 (14) (c) 5. Each reservation for a deer hunting back tag number: 50 cents.

SECTION 782. 29.591 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

29.591 (3) INSTRUCTION FEE. The department shall establish by rule the fee for the course of instruction under the hunter education program and the bow hunter education program. The instructor shall collect the this instruction fee specified under s. 29.563 (11) (b) 1. from each person who receives instruction under the hunter education program and the bow hunter education program and remit the fee to the department. The department may authorize an instructor under either program to retain 50% determine the portion of this fee, which may not exceed 50%, that the instructor may retain to defray expenses incurred by the instructor in conducting the course. The instructor shall remit the remaining portion remainder of the fee or, if nothing is retained, the entire fee to the department.

SECTION 782m. 29.598 of the statutes is created to read:
