(f) "Respite care" means care that is provided to a person with special needs, or a person at risk of abuse or neglect, in order to provide temporary relief to the caregiver of that person or when the caregiver is unable to provide care.

(g) "Special need" means a person's need resulting from an emotional, behavioral, cognitive, physical or personal condition that necessitates receipt of care or supervision in order to meet the person's basic needs or to prevent harm from occurring to him or her.

(h) "Tribe or band" means the governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.

(2) PROGRAM. (a) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (7) (br), the department shall contract for the administration of life-span respite care projects with an organization to which all of the following apply:

1. The organization is a private, nonprofit organization, as defined in s. 108.02 (19), that is capable of operating on a statewide basis and has expertise in respite care issues.

2. At least 51% of the members of the organization's governing board are consumers of respite care or caregivers.

3. The membership of the organization's governing board includes providers and elected officials and represents the diverse geographical areas and cultural groups of the state.

(b) The organization with which the department contracts under par. (a) shall do all of the following:

1. After consulting with the department, county departments, tribes or bands, providers and caregivers, prescribe criteria for the distribution of grants to conduct life-span respite care projects. The criteria shall include the requirement that grant funds be equally distributed among 5 administrative regions of the state, as prescribed by the department.

2. Solicit applications from and, using the criteria under subd. 1., award in the 1999-2001 state fiscal biennium up to one grant in each of the 5 administrative regions prescribed by the department to any of the following to conduct a life-span respite care project:

a. A county department.

b. A tribe or band.

c. A community-based private, nonprofit entity.

d. A community-based private entity that is operated for profit.

3. Require that the grantee contribute matching funds to the operation of the life-span respite care project in the following amounts:

a. Ten percent of the amount of the grant awarded by the organization, as direct services, which shall be used by the grantee to fund payments from caregivers to providers.

b. Fifteen percent of the amount of the grant awarded by the organization, as in-kind services.

4. Oversee grants awarded under subd. 2., and monitor, provide technical assistance to and evaluate the life-span respite care projects.

5. Develop best practice guidelines and a training curriculum that may be used by life-span respite care projects that are funded under this section and that may be used, if appropriate, by any other respite care providers in the state.

6. Promote the exchange of information and coordination among the state, local governments, life-span respite care projects, entities serving persons with special needs, families of persons with special needs and persons in favor of the promotion of respite care services, to encourage the efficient provision of respite care services.

7. Act as a statewide clearinghouse of information about respite care and existing respite care programs and resources and operate a library of materials that may be lent to persons or organizations upon request.

8. Conduct analyses of respite care policies and proposals, and identify and promote resolution of respite care policy concerns at legislative, state and local levels.

(3) GRANTS NOT TO SUPPLANT OTHER MONEYS. Moneys awarded as grants under sub. (2) (b) may not be used to supplant moneys otherwise available and, prior to receipt of the grant, dedicated by the grantee to respite care.

(4) LIFE-SPAN RESPITE CARE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. Life-span respite care projects for which a grant is awarded under sub. (2) (b) 2. shall do all of the following:

(a) Operate in a culturally competent manner and be sensitive to the unique needs and strengths of a person with special needs and his or her family or caregiver.

(b) Identify, coordinate and develop resources for respite care that are built, to the extent possible, on existing community support services.

(c) Recruit and screen providers.

(d) Identify training resources and organize training programs for providers that address different populations in need of respite care.

(e) Facilitate access by caregivers and families of persons with special needs to an array of respite care service options for which the person with special needs is eligible, that are responsive to caregiver and family needs and that are available before families and primary caregivers reach a crisis situation.

(f) Assist caregivers and families of persons with special needs to identify and coordinate funds and resources available for respite care for which the person with special needs is eligible, and authorize and provide a variety of funds and resources to make available additional respite care services for persons with special needs, under eligibility criteria established by the project.

(5) ADVISORY COMMITTEES. Each grantee of moneys to conduct a life-span respite care project under sub. (2) shall create an advisory committee that shall advise the project on how the project may best serve persons with special needs and their caregivers. Consumers of respite care services and caregivers shall comprise at least 51% of the advisory committee membership and shall be representative of the diversity of persons who receive services under the project. Other members shall include providers, representatives of local service agencies and members of the community.

(6) By June 1, 2004, the department and the organization with which the department contracts under sub. (2) (a) shall together evaluate the life-span respite care projects that are conducted under this section. If, following the evaluation, the department and the organization together determine that it is feasible to integrate the life-span respite care projects with any integrated, organized system of long-term care services that is operated by the department, the department shall, by July 1, 2004, provide to the department of administration statutory language that is proposed for inclusion in the 2005-07 biennial budget bill to effect the integration.

SECTION 1122. 46.99 of the statutes is created to read:

46.99 Brighter futures initiative. (1) DEFINITIONS. In this section:

(a) "Nonprofit corporation" means a nonstock, nonprofit corporation organized under ch. 181.

(b) "Public agency" means a county, city, village, town or school district or an agency of this state or of a county, city, village, town or school district.

(2) AWARDING OF GRANTS. (a) From the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) (eg), (km) and (nL), the department, beginning on January 1, 2001, shall distribute $2,125,200 in each fiscal year to applying nonprofit corporations and public agencies operating in a county having a population of 500,000 or more and $1,229,300 in each fiscal year to applying county departments under s. 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437 operating in counties other than a county having a population of 500,000 or more to provide programs to accomplish all of the following:

1. Prevent and reduce the incidence of youth violence and other delinquent behavior.

2. Prevent and reduce the incidence of youth alcohol and other drug use and abuse.

3. Prevent and reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect.

4. Prevent and reduce the incidence of nonmarital pregnancy and increase the use of abstinence as a method of preventing nonmarital pregnancy.

5. Increase adolescent self-sufficiency by encouraging high school graduation, vocational preparedness, improved social and other interpersonal skills and responsible decision making.

(b) A nonprofit corporation or public agency that is applying for a grant under par. (a) shall provide to the department a proposed service plan for the use of the grant moneys. If the department approves the service plan, the department may award the grant. The department shall award the grants on a competitive basis and for a 3-year period.

(3) OUTCOMES EXPECTED. (a) The department shall provide a set of benchmark indicators to measure the outcomes that are expected of a program funded under sub. (2) (a). Those benchmark indicators shall measure all of the following among youth who have participated in a program funded under sub. (2) (a):

1. The rate of participation in violent or other delinquent behavior.

2. The rate of alcohol and other drug use and abuse.

3. The rate of nonmarital pregnancy and the rate at which abstinence is used to prevent nonmarital pregnancy.

4. The rate of substantiated cases of child abuse and neglect.

5. The development of self-sufficiency, as indicated by the rate of high school graduation, the degree of vocational preparedness, any improvements in social and other interpersonal skills and in responsible decision making and any other indicators that the department considers important in indicating the development of adolescent self-sufficiency.

6. Any other indicators that the department considers important in indicating the development of positive behaviors among adolescents.

(b) The department shall require a grant recipient under sub. (2) (a) to provide an annual report showing the status of its program participants in terms of the benchmark indicators provided under par. (a) and may renew a grant only if the recipient shows improvement on those indicators.

SECTION 1123d. 46.995 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:

46.995 (title) Tribal adolescent services.

SECTION 1123e. 46.995 (1) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (title) and amended to read:


SECTION 1123f. 46.995 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:

46.995 (3) (a) (intro.) In this section subsection, "high-risk adolescent" means a person who is at least 13 years of age but under the age of 20 and who is at risk of becoming an unmarried parent as an adolescent and of incurring long-term economic dependency on public funds and is characterized by one or more of the following:

SECTION 1123g. 46.995 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (a) 1.

SECTION 1123h. 46.995 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (a) 2.

SECTION 1123i. 46.995 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (a) 3.

SECTION 1123j. 46.995 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (a) 4.

SECTION 1123k. 46.995 (1) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (a) 5.

SECTION 1123L. 46.995 (1) (f) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (3) (a) 6.

SECTION 1123p. 46.995 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:

46.995 (1m) TRIBAL ADOLESCENT SERVICES ALLOCATIONS. From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (km), the department may allocate $172,500 in each fiscal year and, from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (eg), the department may allocate $7,500 in each fiscal year to provide the grants specified in subs. (2), (3) (b) and (4m) (b).

SECTION 1124. 46.995 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

46.995 (2) ADOLESCENT SELF-SUFFICIENCY SERVICES. (intro.) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (eg) (ky), the department may allocate $582,100 in each fiscal year to provide a grant annually to a public or private entity or to the elected governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band to provide services in counties or to a tribe or band for adolescent parents which shall emphasize high school graduation and vocational preparation, training and experience and may be structured so as to strengthen the adolescent parent's capacity to fulfill parental responsibilities by developing social skills and increasing parenting skills. The public or private entity seeking to receive a grant to provide these services shall develop a proposed service plan that is approved by the department. Except with respect to award of a grant to a tribe or band, the department shall rank individual counties and give priority by this ranking for the award of grants under this subsection, based on all of the following factors:

SECTION 1124g. 46.995 (2) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is renumbered 46.995 (2) and amended to read:

46.995 (2) ADOLESCENT SELF-SUFFICIENCY SERVICES. From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (ky), the department may allocate $582,100 in each fiscal year to allocations under sub. (1m), the department may provide a grant annually to a public or private entity or in the amount of $85,000 to the elected governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band to provide services in counties or to a tribe or band for adolescent parents which shall emphasize high school graduation and vocational preparation, training and experience and may be structured so as to strengthen the adolescent parent's capacity to fulfill parental responsibilities by developing social skills and increasing parenting skills. The public or private entity tribe or band seeking to receive a grant to provide these services shall develop a proposed service plan that is approved by the department. Except with respect to award of a grant to a tribe or band, the department shall rank individual counties and give priority by this ranking for the award of grants under this subsection, based on all of the following factors:

SECTION 1124h. 46.995 (2) (a) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1124i. 46.995 (2) (b) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1124j. 46.995 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1124k. 46.995 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1125. 46.995 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

46.995 (3) ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY PREVENTION SERVICES. From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (eg) (ky), the department may allocate $340,000 in each fiscal year to provide a grant annually to a public or private entity or to the elected governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band to provide to high-risk adolescents pregnancy and parenthood prevention services which shall be structured so as to increase development of decision-making and communications skills, promote graduation from high school and expand career and other options and which may address needs of adolescents with respect to pregnancy prevention. Except with respect to award of a grant to a tribe or band, the department shall rank individual counties and give priority by this ranking for the award of grants under this subsection, based on the factors specified under sub. (2) (a) to (d).

SECTION 1125g. 46.995 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is renumbered 46.995 (3) (b) and amended to read:

46.995 (3) (b) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (ky), the department may allocate $340,000 in each fiscal year to allocations under sub. (1m), the department may provide a grant annually to a public or private entity or in the amount of $65,000 to the elected governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band to provide to high-risk adolescents pregnancy and parenthood prevention services which shall be structured so as to increase development of decision-making and communications skills, promote graduation from high school and expand career and other options and which may address needs of adolescents with respect to pregnancy prevention. Except with respect to award of a grant to a tribe or band, the department shall rank individual counties and give priority by this ranking for the award of grants under this subsection, based on the factors specified under sub. (2) (a) to (d).

SECTION 1125r. 46.995 (4) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1126. 46.996 of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed.

SECTION 1127. 46.996 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

46.996 Adolescent services. (intro.) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (eg), the department shall allocate funds in distribute $62,500 and from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (3) (ky), the department shall distribute $287,500, for the following amounts:

SECTION 1128d. 46.997 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (4m) (title).

SECTION 1128g. 46.997 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (4m) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:

46.995 (4m) (a) (intro.) In this section subsection:

SECTION 1128i. 46.997 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (4m) (a) 1.

SECTION 1128k. 46.997 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 46.995 (4m) (a) 2.

SECTION 1128m. 46.997 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1128p. 46.997 (1) (d) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 1128r. 46.997 (1) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
