Miscellaneous Motor Vehicle Fees 14,558,200 14,866,300
Aeronautical Taxes and Fees 9,892,100 9,752,600
Railroad Revenue 11,977,100 12,279,500
Motor Carrier Fees 3,306,200 3,566,200
Investment Earnings 7,228,000 7,178,000
Miscellaneous Revenue 12,936,000 12,773,200
Total Annual Revenues $1,160,954,000 $1,175,800,400
Total Available $1,196,976,700 $1,201,774,100
Appropriations and Reserves
DOT Appropriations $1,153,640,600 $1,162,365,500
Other Agency Appropriations 16,774,500 17,512,000
Less Estimated Lapses -3,000,000 -3,000,000
Compensation and Other Reserves 3,587,900 14,105,300
Net Appropriations and Reserves $1,171,003,000 $1,190,982,800
Unappropriated Balance, June 30 $25,973,700 $10,791,300
*Actual opening balance. Enrolled AB 133 assumed an opening balance of $25,553,600.

Estimated 1999-01 Transportation Fund Revenues
Source Amount of Total
Motor Fuel Taxes $1,627,328,600 64.3%
Gross Motor Vehicle and Driver Fees* 820,010,400 32.4
Railroad Taxes and Fees 24,256,600 1.0
Aeronautics Taxes and Fees 19,644,700 0.8
Miscellaneous Revenues 40,115,200 1.6
TOTAL $2,531,355,500 100.0%
*Total motor vehicle fees before revenue bond debt service is subtracted and deposited to a separate debt service trust fund.
NOTE: The July 1, 1999, unappropriated balance of the transportation fund was $36,022,700. Therefore, the total amount available in the transportation fund for the 1999-01 biennium is estimated to be $2,567,378,200.

1999-01 Transportation Fund Appropriations
By Category
Category Amount of Total
Local Assistance $1,034,575,900 40.4%
Highway Programs 930,437,100 36.3
Debt Retirement* 208,071,100 8.1
Division of Motor Vehicles 151,513,700 5.9
Departmental Administration 98,976,900 3.9
Division of State Patrol 87,032,500 3.4
Other Agencies 34,286,500 1.3
Reserves 17,693,200 0.7
TOTAL $2,562,586,900 100.0%
*Includes debt service on revenue bonds, which is subtracted from vehicle registration revenues prior to deposit in the transportation fund.
NOTE: Lapses from the appropriations above are estimated to be $6,000,000 in 1999-01. Therefore, expenditures in the 1999-01 biennium are estimated to be $2,556,586,900.
1999-01 Lottery Fund Condition Statement
1999-00 2000-01
Opening Balance $33,467,000 $8,437,200
Operating Revenues
Ticket Sales $421,776,400 $427,279,200
Retailer Fees and Miscellaneous 84,000 84,000
Gross Revenues $421,860,400 $427,363,200