12. Health and Family Services2 250,000 250,000 Compulsive gambling awareness campaign grants. Done no #REF! #REF!
13. Higher Education Aids Board1 779,800 779,800 Indian student assistance grant program for Native American undergraduate or graduate students. Done no #REF! #REF!
14. Higher Education Aids Board 400,000 400,000 Wisconsin Higher Education Grant (WHEG) program for tribal college students. Done no #REF! #REF!
15. Historical Society1 170,100 170,100 Northern Great Lakes Center operations funding.
16. Justice3 758,900 758,900 County-tribal law enforcement programs: local assistance ($708,400 annually) and state operations ($50,500 annually). Done yes #REF! #REF!
17. Natural Resources4 2,500,000 2,500,000 Transfer to the fish and wildlife account of the conservation fund. Done no #REF! #REF!
18. Natural Resources5 669,000 619,000 Snowmobile enforcement program. Done no #REF! #REF!
19. Natural Resources1 120,000 120,000 Nonpoint grants and local assistance to the Oneida Nation. Done no #REF! #REF!
20. Natural Resources1 109,700 109,700 Management of state fishery resources in off-reservation areas where tribes have treaty-based rights to fish. Done no #REF! #REF!
21. Natural Resources 50,000 200,000 Management of an elk reintroduction program. Done no #REF! #REF!
22. Natural Resources6 100,000 100,000 Payment to the Lac du Flambeau Band relating to certain fishing and sports licenses. Done no #REF! #REF!
Program Revenue
Department 1999-00 2000-01 Purpose
23. Natural Resources $81,000 $131,000 Mandatory snowmobile education program. Done no #REF! #REF!
24. Natural Resources 100,000 300,000 One-time grant to the Town of Swiss in Burnett County and the St. Croix Band for a drinking water study and for planning activities related to construction of wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities. Done yes #REF! #REF!
25. Natural Resources 130,300 147,000 Study of crop damage by cranes and a position relating to the reintroduction of whooping cranes.
26. Public Instruction7 198,000 203,000 Aid to alternative schools operating American Indian language and culture education programs. Done no #REF! #REF!
27. Tourism 4,000,000 4,000,000 General tourism marketing, including grants to nonprofit tourism promotion organizations and specific earmarks.
28. University of Wisconsin System 0 0 Ashland full-scale aquaculture demonstration facility: debt service payments and operational costs. Done grey #REF! #REF!
29. Veterans Affairs 79,400 85,500 American Indian services coordinator project position and grants to assist American Indians in obtaining federal and state veterans benefits. Done no #REF! #REF!
30. Workforce Development 350,000 350,000 Vocational rehabilitation services for Native American individuals and tribes or bands. Done no #REF! #REF!
Total $20,595,100 $22,534,200
1 Would eliminate GPR funding and provide an identical amount of gaming revenue for the same purpose.
2 Would eliminate PR lottery and racing revenue funding and provide tribal gaming revenue in a greater amount for the same purpose.
3 Would eliminate GPR and PR penalty assessment funding and provide an identical amount of gaming revenue for the same purpose (funding provided in budget bill reflects an increase previously approved under s. 16.515 of the statutes after the adjusted base was established).
4 Would increase revenue for fish and wildlife account, possibly holding down fee increases or preventing certain program reductions.
5 Would eliminate GPR and SEG funding and provide an identical amount of gaming revenue for the same purpose.
6 Would supplant SEG funding (fish and wildlife account) currently used for this purpose.
7 Would eliminate GPR funding and provide gaming revenue in a greater amount for the same purpose.
Under the Joint Finance provisions, the tribal gaming program revenue appropriation would have an estimated balance of $425,900 on June 30, 2001.
Assembly: Allocate $20,594,400 PR in 1999-00 and $23,023,800 PR in 2000-01 from tribal gaming revenue. These allocations are $700 less in 1999-00 and $489,600 more in 2000-01 than the allocations under Joint Finance. The following provisions adopted by the Assembly reflect changes to the tribal gaming revenue allocation amounts or the purposes for the allocations approved by the Joint Committee on Finance.
a. Arts Board: American Indian Arts. Delete $25,200 PR annually for grants-in-aid to, or contracts with, American Indian groups, individuals, organizations and institutions.
b. Building Program: Swiss Cultural Center. Enumerate the construction of a $6,000,000 Swiss Cultural Center in New Glarus as part of the 1999-01 state building program and provide the following funding for the construction of the facility: (1) provide a grant of up to $1,000,000 PR in 2000-01 from the funding appropriated the Department of Commerce’s Indian gaming economic diversification grant and loan program and require that each $1 in state funding be matched by $2 from other sources; (2) provide $1,000,000 in general fund supported general obligation bonding authorized for the purpose of constructing the Center and create an appropriation to fund the debt service associated with the bonding; and (3) specify that $4,000,000 in gifts, grants and other receipts are to be used to fund the remaining costs of the project. The earmarking of funding from the gaming economic diversification grant and loan program for this purpose does not modify the allocation amount for the program under the Governor/Joint Finance provision. This provision is identical to the Senate provision.
c. Commerce: Economic Development Grant for Menomonee Valley. Delete $500,000 PR in 1999-00 for gaming economic development grants and loans. Further, reduce a grant to the City of Milwaukee for redevelopment activities in the Menomonee Valley from $1.0 million to $500,000 in 1999-00. Tribal gaming funding of $500,000 in 1999-00 and $1,000,000 in 2000-01 would remain for the Menomonee Valley grant.
d. Tourism: County Tourism Aid. Allocate $150,000 PR in each year of the 1999-01 biennium from the Tourism tribal gaming marketing appropriation to Burnett and Polk counties ($75,000 each) to promote tourism in northwestern Wisconsin. Within six months of expending the grant, require each county to report to Tourism on how the funds were used.
e. Tourism: Milwaukee Public Museum. Delete the allocation of $200,000 PR annually from the tourism tribal gaming marketing appropriation for grants to the Milwaukee Public Museum for Native American exhibits and activities. These funds would instead be available for general tourism marketing.
f. University of Wisconsin System: Aquaculture Demonstration Facility. Delete $3,000,000 in program revenue supported borrowing for the construction of an aquaculture demonstration facility. Delete the provision which would require the Board of Regents to operate the facility as well as a related planning requirement. While no funding for the facility would be provided in the 1999-01 biennium, tribal gaming revenue would be provided for future operating costs and debt service.
g. Workforce Development: Funding Transfer to Governor’s Work-Based Learning Board. Delete $175,500 PR in 1999-00 and $185,200 PR in 2000-01 from the Indian gaming economic development program administered by Commerce and provide $700,000 annually from the Indian gaming program revenue account to the Governor's Work-Based Learning Board (Board). This represents an allocation increase of $524,500 in 1999-00 and $514,800 in 2000-01. The Board would be required to use the funding to make grants to a tribal college that is recognized as a land grant college to provide work-based learning programs for students of the college. A separate program revenue appropriation would be created under the Board for the Indian gaming funding.
Under the Assembly provisions, the tribal gaming program revenue appropriation would have an estimated balance of -$18,000 on June 30, 2001.
Senate: Allocate $20,795,100 PR in 1999-00 and $22,734,200 PR in 2000-01 from tribal gaming revenue. These allocations are $200,000 more annually than the allocations under Joint Finance. The following provisions adopted by the Senate reflect changes to the tribal gaming revenue allocation amounts or the purposes for the allocations approved by the Joint Committee on Finance.
a. Administration – Office of Justice Assistance: Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance. Provide $125,000 PR annually to the Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa tribe to develop law enforcement capacity on the reservation under the tribal law enforcement assistance grant program administered by the Office of Justice Assistance. Delete $125,000 PR annually from the Department of Commerce appropriation for gaming economic development grants and loans.
b. Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Aquaculture Research Grants. Delete $250,000 PR annually from the Commerce Indian gaming economic development program and provide $250,000 PR annually and 1.0 PR position for grants under the DATCP agricultural development and diversification grant program to Native American aquaculture facilities, the private aquaculture industry or state-owned hatcheries for water quality research and other purposes related to aquaculture. Of the $250,000, provide $65,000 annually and a position to coordinate aquaculture activities and research between Native American aquaculture facilities, the private aquaculture industry, the University of Wisconsin System and other state agencies.
c. Building Program: Swiss Cultural Center. Enumerate the construction of a $6,000,000 Swiss Cultural Center in New Glarus as part of the 1999-01 state building program and provide the following funding for the construction of the facility: (1) provide a grant of up to $1,000,000 PR in 2000-01 from the funding appropriated the Department of Commerce’s Indian gaming economic diversification grant and loan program and require that each $1 in state funding be matched by $2 from other sources; (2) provide $1,000,000 in general fund supported general obligation bonding authorized for the purpose of constructing the Center and create an appropriation to fund the debt service associated with the bonding; and (3) specify that $4,000,000 in gifts, grants and other receipts are to be used to fund the remaining costs of the project. The earmarking of funding from the gaming economic diversification grant and loan program for this purpose does not modify the allocation amount for the program under the Governor/Joint Finance provision. This provision is identical to the Assembly provision.
d. Commerce: Grant to College of the Menominee Nation. Require Commerce to make annual grants of $350,000 from the tribal gaming economic development grant and loan program to the College of the Menominee Nation for new work-based programs at the College. Commerce would be required to promulgate rules related to the use of grant proceeds and auditing and reporting requirements.
e. Commerce: Brown County Arena. Delete the requirement that Commerce provide tribal gaming economic development grants of $500,000 in 1999-00 and $1,000,000 in 2000-01 to Brown County for construction of a new arena.
f. Justice: County-Tribal Law Enforcement Grants. Provide $200,000 PR annually to the Department’s county-tribal programs, local assistance appropriation to provide grants to fund cooperative county-tribal law enforcement programs established by Burnett County and the St. Croix Chippewa Indian tribe and by Polk County and the St. Croix Chippewa Indian tribe. Direct DOJ to approve the joint program plans submitted to DOJ from these counties and tribe. Exempt these programs from the criteria established for current county-tribal programs. Prior to January 15 of the year for which funding is sought, require DOJ to distribute $100,000 to each of the approved joint program plans. Require DOJ to distribute these funds only if: (1) the program uses the funds it receives for law enforcement operations; and (2) the program, prior to the receipt of the funds for the second and any subsequent year, submits a report to DOJ regarding the performance of law enforcement activities on the reservation in the previous fiscal year.
g. Natural Resources: Drinking Water Study. Provide $130,000 PR in 1999-00 (in addition to the $100,000 PR provided in 1999-00 and the $300,000 PR provided in 2000-01 under Joint Finance) for a one-time grant to the Town of Swiss in Burnett County and the St. Croix Band of Chippewa for a drinking water study and for engineering design and feasibility activities related to construction of wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities. Delete $130,000 PR in 1999-00 from the Commerce gaming economic development grants and loans appropriation.
h. Tourism: Grant to Fort Folle Avoine. Allocate $100,00 PR in each year of the 1999-01 biennium from the tribal gaming tourism marketing appropriation for a grant to the Burnette County Historical Society for educational programming, marketing and advertising for Fort Folle Avoine. Within six months of expending the grant, require the Burnett County Historical Society to report to Tourism on how the funds were used.
i. Tourism: St. Croix Valley Tourism Alliance. Allocate $50,000 PR in 1999-00 from the tribal gaming tourism marketing appropriation for grants to the St. Croix Valley Tourism Alliance. Within six months of expending the grant, require the Alliance to report to Tourism on how the funds were used.
j. University of Wisconsin System: Aquaculture Demonstration Facility. Modify a requirement that the Board of Regents operate the proposed aquaculture demonstration facility to specify that the Board would operate the facility in consultation with representatives of the aquaculture industry. Require the Board to ensure that the facility provide applied research and training to aquaculturists, including Native American aquaculturists and to personnel at state fish hatcheries. Provide that the research and training emphasize all of the following areas related to aquaculture: (1) environmental impact; (2) water quality; (3) appropriate water use; (4) fish health science; (5) innovative methods and practices; and (6) demonstration, education and outreach activities through UW-Extension.
Under the Senate provisions, the tribal gaming program revenue appropriation would have an estimated balance of $25,900 on June 30, 2001.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Allocate $20,844,400 PR in 1999-00 and $22,773,800 PR in 2000-01 from tribal gaming revenue. The following provisions adopted by the Conference Committee/Legislature reflect changes to the tribal gaming revenue allocation amounts or the purposes for the allocations approved by the Joint Committee on Finance. A more detailed summary of each item, including the underlying Assembly and/or Senate provisions, can be found under the respective agency summaries.
a. Administration -- Office of Justice Assistance: Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance. Adopt the Senate provision to provide $125,000 PR annually to the Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa tribe to develop law enforcement capacity on the reservation under the tribal law enforcement assistance grant program administered by the Office of Justice Assistance. Delete $125,000 PR annually in tribal gaming revenues from the Department of Commerce appropriation for gaming economic development grants and loans.
b. Building Program: Swiss Cultural Center. Adopt the Assembly/Senate provision to enumerate the construction of a $6,000,000 Swiss Cultural Center in New Glarus as part of the 1999-01 state building program and provide the following funding for the construction of the facility: (1) provide a grant of up to $1,000,000 PR in 2000-01 from the funding appropriated the Department of Commerce’s Indian gaming economic diversification grant and loan program and require that each $1 in state funding be matched by $2 from other sources; (2) provide $1,000,000 in general fund supported general obligation bonding authorized for the purpose of constructing the Center and create an appropriation to fund the debt service associated with the bonding; and (3) specify that $4,000,000 in gifts, grants and other receipts are to be used to fund the remaining costs of the project.
c. Commerce: Economic Development Grant for Menomonee Valley. Delete $100,000 PR annually from the gaming economic development grants and loans program and reduce a grant to the City of Milwaukee for redevelopment activities in the Menomonee Valley from $1.0 million to $900,000 annually.
d. Natural Resources: Drinking Water Study. Adopt the Senate provision to delete $130,000 PR in 1999-00 from the Commerce gaming economic development grants and loans program and provide $130,000 PR in 1999-00 (in addition to the $100,000 PR provided in 1999-00 and the $300,000 PR provided in 2000-01 under Joint Finance) for a one-time grant to the Town of Swiss in Burnett County and the St. Croix Band of Chippewa for a drinking water study and for engineering design and feasibility activities related to construction of wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities.
e. Tourism: County Tourism Aid. Adopt the Assembly provision to allocate $150,000 PR in each year of the 1999-01 biennium from the Tourism tribal gaming marketing appropriation to Burnett and Polk counties ($75,000 each) to promote tourism in northwestern Wisconsin. Within six months of expending the grant, require each county to report to Tourism on how the funds were used.
f. Tourism: Grant to Fort Folle Avoine. Adopt the Senate provision to allocate $100,000 PR in each year of the 1999-01 biennium from the tribal gaming tourism marketing appropriation for a grant to the Burnett County Historical Society for educational programming, marketing and advertising for Fort Folle Avoine. Within six months of expending the grant, require the Burnett County Historical Society to report to Tourism on how the funds were used.
g. Tourism: St. Croix Valley Tourism Alliance. Adopt the Senate provision to allocate $50,000 PR in 1999-00 from the tribal gaming tourism marketing appropriation for grants to the St. Croix Valley Tourism Alliance. Within six months of expending the grant, require the Alliance to report to Tourism on how the funds were used.
h. University of Wisconsin System: Aquaculture Demonstration Facility. Adopt the Senate provision to modify a requirement that the Board of Regents operate the proposed aquaculture demonstration facility to specify that the Board would operate the facility in consultation with representatives of the aquaculture industry. Require the Board to ensure that the facility provide applied research and training to aquaculturists, including Native American aquaculturists and to personnel at state fish hatcheries. Provide that the research and training emphasize all of the following areas related to aquaculture: (1) environmental impact; (2) water quality; (3) appropriate water use; (4) fish health science; (5) innovative methods and practices; and (6) demonstration, education and outreach activities through UW-Extension.
i. Workforce Development: Work-Based Learning Board Grants to Tribal Colleges. Modify the Assembly provision and delete $250,700 PR in 1999-00 and $260,400 PR in 2000-01 from the gaming economic development grant and loan program and provide $600,000 PR annually to the Governor’s Work-Based Learning Board for grants to tribal colleges.
Under the Conference Committee/Legislature provisions, the tribal gaming program revenue appropriation would have an estimated balance of -$18,000 on June 30, 2001.
Veto by Governor: The following partial vetoes of enrolled Assembly Bill 133 reflect changes to the tribal gaming revenue allocation amounts or the purposes of the allocations approved by the Legislature:
a. Administration – Office of Justice Assistance: Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance. Delete the statutory language earmarking funds for the Stockbridge-Munsee tribe ($175,000 annually), the St. Croix Chippewa tribe ($150,000 annually), and the Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa tribe ($125,000 annually). Total funding for the grant program is unaffected by the partial veto.
b. Commerce: Gaming Economic Development and Diversification Grant Programs. Delete the requirement that the Indian gaming economic development grants to the City of Milwaukee and Northwest Regional Planning Commission be annual grants. In addition, eliminate the requirement that the $600,000 in annual tribal gaming revenues be used for grants to tribal colleges for work-based learning programs for their students. In his veto message, the Governor indicates he is vetoing the requirement that the tribal gaming revenues funding for the Work-Based Learning Board be used for grants for tribal colleges to allow DWD to be less restricted in administering grants under the work-based learning program.
c. Health and Family Services: Indian Health Program Funding. Delete $450,000 PR annually for a grant program to support tribal health care entities that provide primary health care, health education and social services to tribal members and their families and to tribal employes and delete all the statutory provisions for the grant program.
d. Natural Resources: Drinking Water Study. Delete $130,000 PR in 1999-00 for a one-time grant to the Town of Swiss in Burnett County and the St. Croix Band of Chippewa for a study of water quality problems and for engineering design and feasibility activities related to construction of wastewater and drinking water treatment facilities. Remaining grant funding would total $400,000 during the 1999-01 biennium.