GPR - $290,100
- 1,000
Total - $291,100
Governor/Legislature: Adjust the base budget for: (a) the removal of noncontinuing items (-$150,000 GPR annually); (b) full funding of salaries and fringe benefits ($2,700 GPR and -$1,000 FED annually); (c) full funding of financial services charges ($200 GPR and $500 FED annually); (d) reclassification of positions ($1,100 GPR in 1999-00 and $1,200 GPR in 2000-01); and (e) fifth week of vacation as cash ($900 GPR annually).

Joint Finance: Provide $100,000 annually in a new, annual appropriation for a grant to the Milwaukee Foundation, Inc. for deposit in the Foundation's High Point Fund. The Board would be required to annually pay the amount appropriated to the Foundation.
Assembly: Delete provision.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Modify Joint Finance provision to delete $50,000 annually.
Veto by Governor [A-1]: Delete $50,000 in 2000-01 for a grant to the Milwaukee Foundation, Inc., providing a net amount of $50,000 in 1999-00 only.
[Act 9 Sections: 226m and 947m]
[Act 9 Vetoed Section: 172 (as it relates to s. 20.215(1)(e))]

Joint Finance: Increase the Board's state aid for the arts appropriation by $50,000 in 1999-00. Require the Board to award a grant of $50,000 from the state aid for the arts appropriation in 1999-00 to a non-profit performing arts foundation located in a county with a population of less than 130,000 for use in improving handicapped accessibility in the foundation's facility. Specify that in order to receive the grant, the foundation would have to provide matching funds equal to at least $150,000.
Senate/Legislature: Provide an additional $100,000 in 1999-00 for this purpose.
Veto by Governor [A-1]: Reduce the amount that the Board is required to award to a non-profit foundation from $150,000 to $50,000. Although the appropriation is not reduced, in his veto message, the Governor requests that the Secretary of Administration place $100,000 in the state aid to the arts appropriation in unallotted reserve in 1999-00 to lapse to the general fund. The veto does not reduce the amount of matching funds that have to be raised by the foundation in order to receive the grant.
[Act 9 Sections: 226g and 9105(1c)]
[Act 9 Vetoed Section: 9105(1c)]
GPR $50,000
Senate/Legislature: Provide $50,000 in 1999-00 in a new annual appropriation for a grant to the City of Stevens Point Arts Council for development of the Portage County Arts Alliance. Specify that the funds could be awarded only if a match of at least $50,000 is provided by the Council. Provide that no monies could be encumbered from this appropriation after June 30, 2000.
[Act 9 Sections: 226n and 9105(2w)]
FED - $480,000
Governor/Legislature: Reestimate federal revenues for state operations and aids to individuals and organizations by -$240,000 annually to more accurately reflect funding received from the National Endowment for the Arts.
PR $50,400
Governor: Provide $25,200 annually in a new, annual appropriation for grants-in-aid to, or contracts with, American Indian groups, individuals, organizations and institutions. Permit the Board to enter into contracts with American Indian individuals, organizations and institutions and American Indian tribal governments for services furthering the development of the arts and humanities. In addition, require the Board to conduct a grant program identical to the Board's state aid for the arts program, but only for American Indian individuals and groups. Under the state aid for the arts program, grants are awarded to groups and individuals of exceptional talent engaged in or concerned with the arts. A grantee must provide monies or in-kind contributions, equal to at least 50% of the total cost of the project. Funding for the new program would be derived from Indian gaming compact receipts and would be transferred to the new appropriation under the Arts Board from an appropriation created for this purpose under the Department of Administration.
Assembly: Delete provision.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Restore provision.
[Act 9 Sections: 227, 551, 947 and 948]
PR $4,000
Governor/Legislature: Provide $2,000 annually to reflect an increase in program revenues due to an increase in the number of arts and crafts fairs listed in the agency's annual arts and crafts fair directory. The directory provides information on arts and crafts fairs to be held in the state. For each fair listed in the directory, the Board charges a fee, ranging from $25 to $200, based on the amount charged to exhibitors by the sponsoring organization and the number of exhibitors participating in the fair.
Governor/Legislature: Transfer 1.0 PR position from the Board's percent-for-art appropriation to the appropriation for funds received from other state agencies. Funding for the position, which is responsible for the administration of the percent-for-art program, is provided under the appropriation for funds received from other state agencies.
Assembly: Eliminate the current law percent-for-art program under which at least two-tenths of one percent of the cost of new state building projects exceeding $250,000 must be used to purchase original works of art to be incorporated into the structure of the building project or for display in or around the project and to pay for the program's administrative costs. Generally, building projects are funded through general obligation bonds issued by the State Building Commission. This provision would first apply to contracts for building projects entered into on the effective date of the bill.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Delete provision.
Senate: Provide an additional $50,000 annually to increase funding for the state aid for the arts program. Under Joint Finance, funding for this program would total $1,290,500 in 1999-00 and $1,240,500 in 2000-01.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Delete provision.

Budget Change Items
PR - $47,300
Governor/Legislature: Provide -$25,100 in 1999-00 and -$22,200 in 2000-01 for standard budget adjustments for: (a) removal of noncontinuing elements from the base (-$15,000 annually); (b) full funding of continuing salaries and fringe benefits costs (-$14,600 annually); (c) full funding of financial services charges ($3,200 annually); (d) reclassifications ($2,900 in 2000-01); and (e) fifth week of vacation as cash ($1,300 annually).

Governor: Provide $199,500 in 1999-00 and $244,600 in 2000-01 to enable the Board to fund master lease and consultant costs to undertake the following information technology (IT) initiatives: (a) replacement of the agency’s existing computer network with a single hardware/software platform ($33,200 in 1999-00 and $59,200 in 2000-01); (b) development of a graphical user interface to permit agency staff to access mapping, loan status and land ownership data ($92,500 in 1999-00 and $104,400 in 2000-01); (c) imaging system enhancements that would add field surveyors’ notebook entries and federal Bureau of Land Management land patent information to the agency’s existing imaging database ($26,800 in 1999-00 and $34,000 in 2000-01); and (d) $47,000 annually for IT consultant services. Under this IT initiative, the principal amount of the 3-year master leases issued for equipment and software would be $395,100 in 1999-00 and $134,100 in 2000-01.
Joint Finance: Provide an additional $11,700 in 1999-00 and $15,700 in 2000-01 to fully fund the projected master lease costs for the Board's proposed IT initiatives. Transfer $128,200 in 1999-00 and $148,900 in 2000-01 of funding for the proposed graphical user interface project and the imaging systems enhancement project from the Board's general program operations appropriation to the Joint Committee on Finance's PR supplemental appropriation account. These transferred funds would be available for release to the Board under a 14-day passive review procedure under s. 16.515 of the statutes once the agency has provided additional documentation to the Committee on these IT initiatives. (The fiscal effect of the increase is shown under "Program Supplements.") This additional information would include: (a) documentation that the prerequisite network replacement project was operational; and (b) updated plans and costs for the Board's graphical user interface project and the imaging systems enhancement project for the Committee's review and approval.
Senate: Add provision to authorizing 1.0 information technology position for IT system development and administration. Increase the salary and fringe benefits component of the Board's appropriation by $43,600 in 1999-00 and by $50,400 in 2000-01 and make an offsetting reduction of $47,000 annually provided in the supplies and services component of the Board's appropriation to delete funds budgeted for general IT support consultant services to perform these same system development and administration functions. The net fiscal effect is zero.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Modify Joint Finance provision to delete $128,200 PR in 1999-00 and $148,900 PR in 2000-01 from the Joint Committee on Finance's PR supplemental appropriation account reserved for IT initiatives of the Board and instead provide those monies to the Board's general program operations appropriation. This would enable the Board to begin the immediate implementation of its proposed graphical user interface and imaging systems enhancement projects.
Veto by Governor [F-28]: Modify the Board's general program operations appropriation [s. 20.507(1)(h) in the appropriations schedule] by deleting the figure "$1,251,100" and inserting "$1,251,000" in 1999-00 and by deleting the figure "$1,306,800" and inserting "$1,308,700" in 2000-01, resulting in a reduction in expenditure authority of $100 PR annually. The Governor's veto message also requests the Secretary of the Department of Administration not to authorize the 1.0 information technology position and not to allot the permanent salary and fringe benefit amounts that would pay for such a position. However, $43,500 in 1999-00 and $50,300 in 2000-01 would remain in the agency appropriation for possible future allotment.
[Act 9 Vetoed Section: 172 (as it relates to s. 20.507(1)(h)]
GPR-REV - $6,600

PR $249,100
Governor: Provide increased expenditure authority of $122,300 in 1999-00 and $126,800 in 2000-01 in the Board's general program operations appropriation to fund the reimbursement of DOA for administrative services provided by that agency to the Board. Under the bill, there is no specification of how DOA is to handle reimbursement from the Board. However, the Executive Budget Book indicates the DOA would annually bill the Board for the cost of administrative services it provides to the Board and deposit these monies in the general fund. Collections under this new reimbursement mechanism are estimated at $122,300 in 1999-00 and $126,800 in 2000-01. Repeal a current law provision specifying that the amounts in the appropriation schedule for the Board's general program operations constitute 90% of the funds deducted from the gross receipts of trust fund investments and provide instead that all of the funds deducted from trust funds investments would now be credited to the appropriation. Under the current law mechanism, the remaining 10% deducted from the gross receipts of trust fund investments is credited to the general fund. Compared to current law, the revised reimbursement mechanism would decrease total general fund collections by $3,300 annually.
Joint Finance/Legislature: Modify the Governor's recommendation to include a requirement that DOA render an accounting of the administrative services provided to the Board by DOA and by other state agencies for which reimbursement is sought. Clarify that the amounts reimbursed by the Board to DOA shall be deposited to the general fund.
[Act 9 Sections: 65r, 588 and 691]

Governor: Provide increased expenditure authority of $37,700 annually for the following trust lands management projects:
Reforestation. Provide $4,600 annually to support the rejuvenation and reforestation of approximately 80 acres of trust land forests annually.
Soil Surveys and Soil Mapping. Amend the statutory enumeration of the types of disbursements that can be made by the Board in the caring for and selling of, trust lands to authorize expenditures for soil surveys and soil mapping activities. Provide $30,000 annually to support the costs of such activities on trust lands.
Protection of Trust Lands Holdings. Provide $3,100 annually for increased trust lands signage ($1,300), additional gating of roads into trust lands ($1,200) and the development of paint with tracer chemicals to aid in the identification of timber stolen from trust lands ($600).
The costs of all of the above projects and activities would be funded from the investment earnings accruing to the Common School Fund, the Normal School Fund, the University Fund and the Agricultural College Fund.
Joint Finance/Legislature: Modify the Governor's recommendation to reduce funding for soil surveys and soil mapping activities on trust lands by $10,200 annually to reflect a six-year, rather than a four-year schedule for undertaking and completing these activities.
[Act 9 Section: 689]
PR $10,400
Governor/Legislature: Provide: (a) one-time funding of $9,000 in 1999-00 to enable the Board to purchase and install a new telephone system in its Madison offices; and (b) on-going funding of $1,400 in 2000-01 for maintenance of the new system.
Governor: Authorize the Board to charge a fee to eligible borrowers from the Common School Fund, the Normal School Fund, the University Fund and the Agricultural College Fund who repay one or more installments of a loan after March 15 but before August 1 of any year. Specify that the fee would cover any administrative costs incurred by the Board in originating and servicing the loan. Under current law, a borrower from the trust funds may prepay, with no prepayment fee being charged, any part of a loan after March 15 and prior to August 1 of any year and all interest on the amount of the payment is forgiven
Joint Finance/Legislature: Modify the Governor's recommendation by including a session law requirement that the Board report to the Joint Committee on Finance, by December 1, 1999, on the accounting and administrative actions that it has taken to allow the acceptance of loan prepayments during any statutorily authorized annual prepayment period for any trust fund loans issued by the Board.