PR $2,500
Governor/Legislature: Provide $2,500 in 1999-00 to replace the photocopier at the Board's central office. This amount, which represents approximately 40% of the estimated total cost of the new copier ($6,200), reflects the Medigap Helpline's share of the Board's office copying. The remaining 60% of the Board's copying costs are attributed to other functions. The Board would absorb the unfunded portion of the cost of the photocopier ($3,700).

Joint Finance/Legislature: Delete $268,100 GPR and provide $321,200 PR in 1999-00 and delete $228,000 GPR and provide $348,000 PR in 2000-01 and delete 4.80 GPR positions and provide 6.80 PR positions in 1999-00 and delete 4.20 GPR positions and provide 7.20 PR positions in 2000-01 to reflect: (a) the conversion of 6.0 GPR positions to 6.0 PR positions supported by medical assistance administration funds transferred to the Board from DHFS; (b) the addition of 2.0 regional ombudsman positions (1.20 GPR positions and 0.80 PR position), beginning January 1, 2000; and (c) the addition of 1.0 regional ombudsman position (0.60 GPR position and 0.40 PR position), beginning January 1, 2001. The MA administrative funding increase is reflected under "Department of Health and Family Services -- Medical Assistance."
Veto by Governor [C-1]: Delete $16,000 GPR and $10,600 PR in 2000-01 to reflect the elimination of the third ombudsman position that would have been created in 2000-01. The veto also deletes $5,300 GPR in 2000-01 from the medical assistance benefits appropriation, although funding for this purpose is budgeted in the appropriation that supports contracts and inter-agency agreements for the administration of the MA program. The fiscal impact on medical assistance is reflected under "Health and Family Services -- Medical Assistance."
[Act 9 Vetoed Section: 172 (as it relates to 20.432(1)(a)&(k) and 20.435(4)(b))]

Budget Change Items
Governor/Building Commission: Provide $1,064,109,900 in new general obligation bonding authority, as shown in the following table.
Joint Finance: Increase bonding authority by $178,479,100 so that $1,257,589,000 in new general obligation authority would be provided, as shown in the following table:
Assembly: Decrease bonding authority by $52,000,000 from the Joint Finance levels so that $1,205,589,000 in new general obligation bonding authority would be provided, as shown in the following table.
Senate: Increase bonding authority by $458,235,500 over the Joint Finance levels so that $1,715,824,500 in new general obligation bonding authority would be provided, as shown in the following table.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Increase bonding authority by $106,500,300 over the Joint Finance levels so that $1,364,089,300 would be provided, as shown in the following table.
Veto by Governor [A-15, B-48 and B-58]: Decrease bonding authority by $39,212,000 from the levels provided by the Legislature so that $1,324,877,300 in new general obligation bonding authority would be provided, as shown in the following table. As a result, the general obligation bonding authorizations would be reduced from the levels provided by the Legislature for the following purposes: (a) $20,000,000 associated with the creation of a heritage trust program in the State Historical Society; (b) $13,000,000 associated with the creation of a municipal flood control and riparian restoration bonding purpose in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR); (c) $4,100,000 associated with the creation of an urban stormwater loan bonding purpose under the Clean Water fund; (d) $2,000,000 associated with the urban nonpoint source cost sharing program purpose in DNR; and (e) $112,000 associated with the recreation boating development program purpose in DNR. (Summaries of these vetoes are provided in the individual agency summaries.)
Update summary schedules relating to bonding and debt service that appear for informational purposes.
[Act 9 Section: 171]
Building Conference
Commission Jt. Finance Assembly Senate Committee Act 9
Educational Communication
Facilities $16,618,100 $18,067,800 $18,067,800 $0 $0 $0
Black Point Estate 0 0 0 -1,600,000 0 0
Agriculture, Trade Consumer Protection
Soil and Water 3,575,000 3,575,000 3,575,000 3,575,000 3,575,000 3,575,000
Conservation Reserve
Enhancement Program 0 0 0 40,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000
Building Commission
Other Public Purposes 209,830,500 137,303,500 137,303,500 137,303,500 137,303,500 137,303,500
Housing State Agencies 68,419,000 68,419,000 68,419,000 68,419,000 68,419,000 68,419,000
Project Contingencies 7,955,200 7,955,200 7,955,200 7,955,200 7,955,200 7,955,200
Capital Equipment Acquisitions 21,058,300 21,058,300 21,058,300 21,058,300 21,058,300 21,058,300
Refunding Building Corp. Debt 0 -1,070,000 -1,070,000 -1,070,000 -1,070,000 -1,070,000
Milwaukee Police Athletic League 0 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Swiss Cultural Center 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Clean Water Fund
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program 3,870,000 3,870,000 3,870,000 14,080,000 14,080,000 14,080,000
Urban Stormwater Loan Program 0 4,100,000 4,100,000 4,100,000 4,100,000 0
Correctional Facilities 91,840,500 102,998,800 102,998,800 102,998,800 102,998,800 102,998,800
Juvenile Correctional Facilities 1,285,000 1,285,000 1,285,000 1,285,000 1,285,000 1,285,000
Self-Amortizing Facilities 3,700,000 0 0 0 0 0
Educational Communications Board
Educational Communications
Facilities 2,957,000 * 9,713,700 * 9,713,700 * 12,638,700 * 304,000 304,000
Self-Amortizing Educational
Communications Facilities 5,307,000 0 0 0 0 0
Transfer Bonding Authority
to DOA -16,618,100 -18,067,800 -18,067,800 0 0 0
Health and Family Services
Mental Health Facilities 6,283,000 6,993,200 6,993,200 6,993,200 6,993,200 6,993,200
Historical Society
Heritage Trust 0 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 0
Marquette University
Dental Clinic and Educational
Facility 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000
Military Affairs
Armories and Military Facilities 702,100 827,100 827,100 827,100 827,100 827,100
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Digital Television Conversion 0 3,500,000 3,500,000 2,221,800 0 0
Building Conference
Commission Jt. Finance Assembly Senate Committee Act 9
Natural Resources
GPR Supported Administrative
Facilities $2,586,600 $2,586,600 $2,586,600 $2,586,600 $2,586,600 $2,586,600
SEG Supported Facilities 4,630,000 4,630,000 4,630,000 4,630,000 4,630,000 4,630,000
SEG Supported Administrative
Facilities 2,731,500 2,905,900 2,905,900 2,905,900 2,905,900 2,905,900
Recreational Boating 0 112,000 112,000 112,000 112,000 0
Nonpoint Source Grants 14,400,000 22,400,000 22,400,000 22,400,000 22,400,000 22,400,000