Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery 1,540,000 1,540,000 1,540,000
Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery Expansion - King 2,312,000 2,312,000 2,312,000
Total $33,185,300 $33,185,300 $33,185,300
Marquette University
School of Dentistry $30,000,000 $30,000,000 $30,000,000
Building Commission
Swiss Cultural Center – New Glarus $0 $0 $6,000,000
Milwaukee Police Athletic League Youth Activities Center 0 0 5,074,000
All Agency
WisBuild Initiative $181,080,600 $108,178,600 $108,178,600
Utilities Repair and Renovation 59,124,900 59,124,900 59,124,900
Health, Safety and Environmental Protection 27,747,000 27,747,000 27,747,000
Preventative Maintenance Program 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Capital Acquisition Program 12,500,000 12,500,000 12,500,000
Land and Property Acquisition 4,600,000 4,600,000 4,600,000
Total $290,052,500 $217,150,500 $217,150,500
TOTAL -- ALL CATEGORIES $755,485,100 $744,421,200 $745,699,100
*Actual authority over the authorized funding is contingent on the governance of public broadcasting in the state.
[Act 9 Section: 9107(1)]
Building Commission: Provide $572,264,900 in new general obligation bonding authority in 1999-01, as shown in the following table.
Joint Finance: Delete $10,162,900 of bonding, so that a total of $562,102,000 in new general obligation authority would be authorized in 1999-01, as shown in the following table.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Delete $13,709,700 from the Joint Finance Committee recommended bonding levels that a total of $548,392,300 would be authorized in 1999-01 as shown in the following table.
Building Conf. Comm./
Purpose Commission Joint Finance Legislature
Building Commission
Other Public Purposes $209,830,500 $137,303,500 $137,303,500
Housing State Agencies 68,419,000 68,419,000 68,419,000
Project Contingencies 7,955,200 7,955,200 7,955,200
Capital Equipment Acquisitions 21,058,300 21,058,300 21,058,300
Swiss Cultural Center 0 0 1,000,000
Milwaukee Police Athletic League Youth Activities Center 0 0 1,000,000
Correctional Facilities 91,840,500 102,998,800 102,998,800
Juvenile Correctional Facilities 1,285,000 1,285,000 1,285,000
Self-Amortizing Facilities 3,700,000 0 0
Health and Family Services
Mental Health Facilities 6,283,000 6,993,200 6,993,200
Educational Communications Board
Educational Communications Facilities 2,957,000* 9,713,700* 304,000
Self-Amortizing Educational Communications Facilities 5,307,000 0 0
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Digital Television Conversion 0 3,500,000 0
Military Affairs
Armories and Military Facilities 702,100 827,100 827,100
Natural Resources
GPR Supported Administrative Facilities 2,586,600 2,586,600 2,586,600
SEG Supported Facilities 4,630,000 4,630,000 4,630,000
SEG Supported Administrative Facilities 2,731,500 2,905,900 2,905,900
State Fair Park
Board Facilities 887,100 1,887,100 1,887,100
Self-Amortizing Facilities 17,324,100 16,937,100 16,937,100
University of Wisconsin
Academic Facilities 20,166,100 68,499,600 65,699,600
Self-Amortizing Facilities 75,692,800 75,692,800 75,692,800
Marquette University
Dental Clinic and Educational Facility 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000
Veterans Affairs
Self-Amortizing Facilities 13,909,100 13,909,100 13,909,100
Total $572,264,900 $562,102,000 $548,392,300
*Actual authority over the authorized funding is contingent on the governance of public broadcasting in the state.
[Act 9 Sections: 628 thru 629e, 632m, 633p, 633r, 636d thru 636t, 638c thru 638y, 641g, 641r and 642e thru 642r]

[LRBb0044/1 Sections: 11, 12 (as it relates to section 629e), 13, 14, 16 and 18 thru 21]
Building Commission: Create a program known as the Wisbuild initiative for the purpose of providing financial support for the maintenance, repair and renovation of state-owned buildings. Authorize the Building Commission to allocate funding for Wisbuild projects. Projects funded under the Wisbuild initiative would be financed from the Building Commission's other public purpose bonding authorization or as otherwise specified in the authorized state building program. As indicated in Table 1, the 1999-01 state building program provides $181,080,600 from all funding sources for Wisbuild projects.
Specify that funding may be provided under the initiative for: (a) high priority, comprehensive building renovation projects; (b) maintenance and repair of exterior components of buildings; (c) without limitation because of enumeration, maintenance and repair of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and other building systems; and (d) projects to remove barriers that reduce access to and use of state facilities by persons with disabilities.
Joint Finance/Legislature: Delete $15,000,000 in general fund supported borrowing and specify that $57,527,000 in general fund supported bonding be provided under the current law bonding authorizations established for each agency. In addition, separately enumerate $375,000 of related federal funding. As a result, total funding for the Wisbuild Initiative would be reduced to $108,178,600, as indicated in Table 1.