Board Facilities 887,100 1,887,100 1,887,100
Self-Amortizing Facilities 17,324,100 16,937,100 16,937,100
University of Wisconsin
Academic Facilities 20,166,100 68,499,600 65,699,600
Self-Amortizing Facilities 75,692,800 75,692,800 75,692,800
Marquette University
Dental Clinic and Educational Facility 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000
Veterans Affairs
Self-Amortizing Facilities 13,909,100 13,909,100 13,909,100
Total $572,264,900 $562,102,000 $548,392,300
*Actual authority over the authorized funding is contingent on the governance of public broadcasting in the state.
[Act 9 Sections: 628 thru 629e, 632m, 633p, 633r, 636d thru 636t, 638c thru 638y, 641g, 641r and 642e thru 642r]

[LRBb0044/1 Sections: 11, 12 (as it relates to section 629e), 13, 14, 16 and 18 thru 21]
Building Commission: Create a program known as the Wisbuild initiative for the purpose of providing financial support for the maintenance, repair and renovation of state-owned buildings. Authorize the Building Commission to allocate funding for Wisbuild projects. Projects funded under the Wisbuild initiative would be financed from the Building Commission's other public purpose bonding authorization or as otherwise specified in the authorized state building program. As indicated in Table 1, the 1999-01 state building program provides $181,080,600 from all funding sources for Wisbuild projects.
Specify that funding may be provided under the initiative for: (a) high priority, comprehensive building renovation projects; (b) maintenance and repair of exterior components of buildings; (c) without limitation because of enumeration, maintenance and repair of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and other building systems; and (d) projects to remove barriers that reduce access to and use of state facilities by persons with disabilities.
Joint Finance/Legislature: Delete $15,000,000 in general fund supported borrowing and specify that $57,527,000 in general fund supported bonding be provided under the current law bonding authorizations established for each agency. In addition, separately enumerate $375,000 of related federal funding. As a result, total funding for the Wisbuild Initiative would be reduced to $108,178,600, as indicated in Table 1.
[Act 9 Sections: 3g and 9107(1)(m)]
Joint Finance/Legislature: Require that the state may not enter into a lease agreement, with an option to purchase a building, including correctional facilities, constructed for purposes of initial occupancy by the state, unless the construction and purchase of the facility is enumerated in a state building program prior to entering into the lease-purchase agreement.
Further, require that any lease or contract that involves the construction of a building for the purposes of initial occupancy by the state, and that contains an option for the state to purchase the building or facility, be subject to the following:
a. current law competitive sealed bids or proposals requirements associated with the state procurement activities;
b. an agreement by the contractor constructing the facility to ensure that 5% of the total amount expended on the construction of the facility be awarded to minority business contractors, which would be subject to DOA enforcement; and
c. that the contractor constructing the facility agrees, in the contract, to pay prevailing wages to those providing labor for the project, including subcontractor labor.
These provisions would first apply to contracts entered into, extended, modified or renewed after the bill's effective date.
Further, direct DOA, to the extent practicable, to ensure that the DOR facility is constructed in a manner consistent with the minority contracting and prevailing wage requirements for state-constructed facilities.
Veto by Governor [E-7]: Delete provisions.
[Act 9 Vetoed Sections: 2t, 3d, 3h, 649m, 649n, 2030m, 2033m, 2353s, 3191d thru 3191g, 9101(18v) and 9307(1x)]
Governor: Provide $3,000,000 in self amortizing general obligation bonding for the construction of an aquaculture demonstration facility at Ashland which would be operated by the University of Wisconsin System (see Tables 1 and 2). Enumerate the facility in the 1999-01 state building program as a UW System facility. The program revenue that would pay debt service on the bonds would be derived from tribal gaming revenue transferred to a UW System annual, sum certain debt service appropriation that would be created for this purpose, from a new appropriation under the Department of Administration. (See "University of Wisconsin System" for other provisions related to the administration of the facility.)
Assembly: Delete provision.
Senate/Legislature: Include provision.
[Act 9 Sections: 293, 549, 628, 628b, 629e, 643 and 9107(1)(i)]
[LRBb0044/1 Sections: 1 (as it relates to section 3g) and 51 (as it relates to 9107(1)(m))]
Building Commission/Legislature: Provide that the Commission could authorize up to $15 million in general fund supported borrowing to aid in the construction of a dental clinic and education facility at Marquette University. Create a $15 million bonding authorization and a sum sufficient debt service appropriation under miscellaneous appropriations associated with project.
Specify that the state funding commitment would be in the form of a construction grant to Marquette University. Require the Building Commission to determine the following conditions are met before approving any state funding commitment and before awarding the grant for the facility:
a. Marquette University has secured additional funding of at least $15 million in non-state revenue sources that are reasonable and available and that in conjunction with the state funding commitments will allow the University to enter into contracts for construction of the facility;
b. The facility will not be used for the purposes of devotional activities, religious worship or sectarian instruction;
c. No religious instruction would be required as a condition for admission to, or graduation from, the Marquette University School of Dentistry; and
d. The Department of Administration has reviewed and approved the plans for construction of the facility.
Specify that the Department of Administration could not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the project. Also, specify that the current law requirements related to the Governor and Secretary of Administration approval of contracts do not apply to the project.
Require that as a condition of the state construction grant for the facility, the University provide the state with an option to purchase the facility under the following conditions:
a. The option price would be the appraised fair market value at the time that the option is exercised less a credit recognizing the amount of the state's construction grant;
b. The option would be subject to any mortgage or other security interest of any private lender;
c. The option could be exercised only if the operation of the dental education program at Marquette university is suspended or a private lender forecloses on any mortgage associated with the facility.
Specify that if the state does not exercise its option to purchase the facility and the facility is sold to a third party, the sale agreement must provide the state the right to receive an amount equal to the state construction grant from the net proceeds of the sale after the mortgage and all other secured debts have been satisfied. Require that the state's right to the net proceeds be paramount to the right of Marquette University.
Specify that the Legislature finds and determines that it is in the public interest to promote the health and well-being of residents of the state by ensuring the availability of a sufficient number of dentists to meet the needs of the residents of the state. Further specify that it is in the public interest, advantage and welfare to ensure the continued availability of dental education in the state and recognize that Marquette University operates the only dental school in the state. Therefore, specify that it is the public policy of the state to assist private institutions
in this state, including Marquette University, in the construction of facilities that will be used to provide dental education.
[Act 9 Sections: 3i, 613m, 628, 628b, 638w, 9107(1)(k) and 9107(6)]
Assembly/Senate/Legislature: Enumerate the construction of a $6,000,000 Swiss Cultural Center in New Glarus as part of the 1999-01 state building program and provide the following funding for the construction of the facility: (a) provide a grant of up to $1,000,000 PR in 2000-01 from the funding appropriated the Department of Commerce’s Indian gaming economic diversification grant and loan program and require that each $1 in state funding be matched by $2 from other sources; (b) provide $1,000,000 in general fund supported general obligation bonding authorized for the purpose of constructing the Center and create an appropriation to fund the debt service associated with the bonding; and (c) specify that $4,000,000 in gifts, grants and other receipts are to be used to fund the remaining costs of the project (see Tables 1 and 2 for project enumerations and funding).
Establish the following requirements related to the release of up to $1,000,000 in general fund supported borrowing: (a) specify that the Building Commission could authorize the bonding to provide a grant to the Swiss Cultural Center to aid in the construction of the Center in New Glarus; (b) require the Building Commission to make a determination that the Swiss Cultural Center has secured at least $2,000,000 in non-state donations for the purposes of the constructing the facility before making the grant; (c) specify that the Department of Administration (DOA) would review and approve the plans for the project although DOA could not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the project; and (d) specify that if the Building Commission makes a grant for the construction of the facility, the state would retain an ownership interest in the facility equal to the amount of the state's grant if the facility is not used as a Swiss Cultural Center.
Require the Swiss Cultural Center to submit a report to the Department of Commerce, within six months of spending the full amount of the grant, which details how the Department’s grant proceeds were used.
[Act 9 Sections: 3im, 209, 628, 628b, 638x, 642x, 9107(1)(Lm), 9107(6g) and 9110(7h)]
Senate/Legislature: Enumerate the construction of a $5,074,000 Milwaukee Police Athletic League Youth Activities Center at the northeast corner of North 24th and Burliegh Streets in Milwaukee as part of the 1999-01 state building program and provide the following funding for the construction of the facility: (a) $1,000,000 in general fund supported general obligation bonding authorized for the purpose of constructing the center and create an appropriation to fund the debt service associated with the bonding; and (b) specify that $4,074,000 in gifts, grants and other receipts are to be used to fund the remaining costs of the project (see Tables 1 and 2 for project enumerations and funding).
Establish the following requirements related to the release of the $1,000,000 in general fund supported borrowing: (a) specify that the Building Commission would be required to provide the proceeds from up to $1,000,000 in bonding for the construction of the center in the form of a grant to the Milwaukee Police Athletic League; (b) require that before approving any state funding commitment for the project, the Building Commission would have to make a determination that the Milwaukee Police Athletic League has secured additional funding commitments of at least $4,074,000 from non-state donations for the construction of the youth center; (c) require that the state would retain an ownership interest in the facility equal to the amount of the state grant, if the grant funds are not used to construct a youth activities center; (d) require that the Building Commission would not be allowed to make the grant for the construction of youth activities center unless the Department of Administration (DOA) reviews and approves the plans for the project; and (e) specify that DOA would not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the project.
Specify that the Legislature finds and determines the following: (a) that preventing youth from engaging in delinquent behavior, encouraging positive moral development in youth and providing youth with opportunities for positive interaction with the police are statewide responsibilities of statewide dimension; (b) that the youth of the City of Milwaukee are disproportionately represented in the state’s juvenile correctional system and that, because those youth are so disproportionately represented, the state has a specific concern in preventing those youth from engaging in delinquent behavior, encouraging positive moral development in those youth and providing those youth with opportunities for positive interaction with the police; (c) that the Milwaukee Police Athletic League prevents that delinquent behavior, encourages positive moral development in youth and provides opportunities for positive interaction with youth through recreational, educational, social and cultural activities for the youth of the greater Milwaukee community; and (d) that assisting the Milwaukee Police Athletic League will provide recreational, educational, social and cultural activities for the youth of the greater Milwaukee community under the supervision of volunteer police officers in the City of Milwaukee will have a direct and immediate effect on that specific statewide concern and on those responsibilities of statewide dimension.
[Act 9 Sections: 3ip, 628, 628b, 638y, 642y, 9107(1)(km) and 9107(6m)]
[LRBb0044/1 Sections: 1 (as it relates to 3i), 8, 10, 18 (as it relates to 638w) and 51 (as it relates to 9107(1)(k) and 9107 (6))]
Building Commission/Legislature: Delete the 1997 Act 27 provisions related to the advanced authorization of facilities to be included in the 1999-01 state building program. These facilities would be re-enumerated as part of the 1999-01 state building program.
[Act 9 Section: 3261p]

[LRBb0044/1 Section: 48 (as it relates to 3261p)]