Educational Communications Board. Modify the duties and appropriations of the ECB, as follows:

Provide ECB the authority to: (a) enter into contracts that allow other public or commercial broadcasters to lease additional broadcast bandwidth available to the Board under its public broadcasting licenses due to the conversion to digital television; (b) rent, lease or sell space on its broadcast towers to other public or commercial broadcasters; and (c) rent, lease or sell any products available to the Board.

Authorize $5,307,000 in self-amortizing program revenue supported bonding to fund the Board’s conversion to digital television projects enumerated in the 1999-01 state building Additionally, provide $2,957,000 in general fund-supported borrowing and $1,350,000 federal funding. Specify that the state may not contract public debt associated with the self-amortizing bonding authority on or after the date the last broadcasting license held by ECB and the Board of Regents of the UW System is transferred to the Educational Broadcasting Corporation.

Modify the current appropriation for gifts, grants, contracts and leases to also include all moneys received from the sale of excess capacity, broadcast bandwidth or broadcast tower space or other revenue sources authorized by law. Specify that in addition to being used to carry out the purpose for which these funds were received, the Board could transfer an amount necessary to make the principal and interest payments on the Board's self amortizing facilities and to make payments to comply with federal restrictions on arbitrage, if needed.

Create a program revenue debt service appropriation for all monies transferred from the Board's gifts grants, contracts and leases appropriation to fund the debt service costs associated with financing the acquisition, construction, development and enlargement or improvement of self-amortizing facilities and to make payments to comply with federal restrictions on arbitrage, if needed.

If the Department of Administration (DOA) Secretary determines that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved the transfer of all broadcasting licenses held by ECB and the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System to the proposed Educational Broadcasting Corporation, the ECB, these, and all current, duties and appropriations would be deleted.

Department of Administration. The following duties would be provided to DOA if the DOA Secretary determines that the FCC has approved the transfer of all broadcasting licenses held by ECB and the UW Board of Regents to the proposed Educational Broadcasting Corporation.

Provide DOA the authority to sell space on its towers to other public or commercial broadcasters. Further, allow the DOA Secretary, by contract, to authorize the proposed Educational Broadcasting Corporation to rent or lease space on broadcast towers leased to the Corporation to other public or commercial broadcasters.

Increase DOA's general fund-supported borrowing bonding authorization to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge or improve educational communications facilities by $8,264,000. This amount would be equivalent to the increase in bonding provided ECB in the 1999-01 state building program.

Joint Finance: Delete provisions related to the changes in governance of the Educational Communications Board contained in the Building Commission recommendations (See "Educational Communications Board"). Delete the $5,307,000 in self amortizing general obligation bonding and provide an additional $6,756,700 in general fund supported borrowing and $1,106,400 in gifts, grants and other receipts for conversion to digital television projects. Create a bonding authorization under the Milwaukee Area Technical College and provide $3,500,000 in general fund supported bonding and $350,000 in gifts, grants and other receipts for conversion to digital television projects and create a general fund sum sufficient debt service appropriation under the Building Commission to fund the debt service associated with the authorized bonding. Provide $2,800,000 in general fund supported bonding and $280,000 in gifts, grants and other receipts to the to the University of Wisconsin System for conversion to digital television projects. (See Tables 1 and 2 for changes to project enumerations and funding).
Assembly: Increase the matching requirements that ECB, and upon the creation of the broadcasting corporation, the corporation, the UW and MATC would be required to secure from nonstate donations for the purpose of digital television conversion before the Building Commission could approve any state funding for digital television. Require ECB, or the corporation, to raise $5,531,900, rather than $1,106,400. Require UW to raise $1,400,000, rather than $280,000. Require MATC to raise $1,750,000, rather than $350,000. (See "Educational Communications Board" for provisions related to the governance of ECB.)
Senate: Modify the provision of funding for the transition to digital television from Joint Finance levels as follows. Provide $2,221,800, rather than $3,500,000, in general fund supported bonding as a grant to the Milwaukee Area Technical College for the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement or improvement of facilities and equipment related to the conversion to digital television. Delete the requirement that MATC secure $350,000 from nonstate donations for this purpose and instead provide $350,000 FED for this purpose.
Provide $2,778,700, rather than $2,800,000, in general fund supported bonding to the UW for the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement or improvement of facilities and equipment related to the conversion to digital television. Delete the requirement that the UW secure $280,000 from nonstate donations for this purpose.
Provide $12,638,700, rather than $9,713,700, in general fund supported bonding to the ECB for the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement or improvement of facilities and equipment related to the conversion to digital television. Delete the requirement that the ECB secure $1,106,400 from nonstate donations for this purpose. Delete $350,000 FED for ECB for this purpose. (See "Educational Communications Board" for provisions related to the governance of ECB.)
Conference Committee/Legislature: Delete $15,709,700 in general fund supported borrowing, $1,350,000 in federal funding and $1,736,400 in gifts and grants as follows; (a) $9,409,700 in general fund supported borrowing, $1,350,000 in federal funding and $1,106,400 in gifts and grants for ECB conversion to digital television projects; (b) $3,500,000 in general fund supported borrowing and $350,000 in gifts and grants for Milwaukee Area Technical College for conversion to digital television projects; and (c) $2,800,000 in general fund supported bonding and $280,000 in gifts and grants for UW-system conversion to digital television projects. (See Tables 1 and 2 for changes to project enumerations and funding and "Educational Communications Board" for provisions related to the governance of ECB).
[Act 9 Sections: 641g and 9107(1)(c)]
[LRBb0044/1 Sections: 2 thru 5, 9, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 38 and 39]
Building Commission/Legislature: Delete the reference to housing facilities under the Veterans Administrations self-amortizing bonding authorization. As a result, the bonding could be used to acquire, develop, enlarge or improve any facilities at state veterans homes rather than only veterans housing facilities. Specify that the veterans cemetery located in southeastern Wisconsin is the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery and the veterans cemetery in northwestern Wisconsin is the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Also, specify that the veterans nursing care facilities in southeastern Wisconsin be known as the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement Center.
[Act 9 Sections: 642e, 982m and 984m]
[LRBb0044/1 Sections: Section 21 (as it relates to 642e), 40 and 41]
Building Commission/Legislature: Require DOA to submit a report to the Joint Committee on Finance and the Building Commission by March 31, 2000, on the status of the centralized advanced food production system project at the Southern Center for the Developmentally Disabled that would be enumerated in the 1999-01 state building program. Require that the report address the status of the renovation project and the proposed plans for the transfer of the assets and operational responsibilities for the food service activity at the center from the Department of Health and Family Services to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
[Act 9 Section: 9101(19t)]
Joint Finance: Require state agencies to submit a workplan to DOA on expenditure of capital building maintenance funds appropriated to each agency under their operating budget. Allow DOA to specify the timeframe to be covered by the workplan and the date by which the workplan is to be submitted. Specify that upon approval of a plan by DOA, the plan would be forwarded to the Building Commission. Require that the Building Commission review the workplan and provide that the Commission could approve or disapprove any plan or approve a plan with modifications. Provide that DOA may withhold any maintenance funding appropriated to the individual agencies for significant maintenance projects determined by DOA if a project does not conform to a work plan. Further, require DOA to submit a report to the Joint Finance Committee relating to the annual expenditure of capital building maintenance funds and capital building maintenance projects completed by each agency following the end of each fiscal year.
Senate: Delete provision.
Assembly/Legislature: Include Joint Finance provision.
Veto by Governor [E-8]: Delete provision.
[Act 9 Vetoed Sections: 3hg and 105m]
Joint Finance/Legislature: Require that DOA include projections relating to the long-term trends in debt service as a proportion of general fund tax revenues in the building program recommendations that are submitted to the Joint Committee on Finance in April of each odd-numbered year. Specify that this estimate reflect all of the proposed bonding in the budget bill, including the building program as well as other borrowing purposes.
[Act 9 Sections: 2r and 65m]
Joint Finance/Legislature: Direct the State Building Commission to conduct a study on the feasibility of constructing a state office facility in the Wausau area to consolidate state employe staff. Require that a report on the study’s findings and recommendations be submitted to the Legislature by July 1, 2000.
Veto by Governor [E-10]: Delete provision.
[Act 9 Vetoed Section: 9107(8m)]
[LRBb0044/1 Section: 49]

Budget Change Items
PR - $11,000
Governor/Legislature: Reduce the Board's base budget by $5,500 annually to reflect: (a) the removal of noncontinuing items (-$11,600 annually); (b) full funding of salaries and fringe benefits ($5,400 annually); (c) full funding of charges for financial services ($300 annually); and (d) full funding of rental costs ($400 annually).
PR $26,300
Governor/Legislature: Provide $6,600 in 1999-00 and $19,700 in 2000-01 to fund: (a) pay plan increases ($5,400 in 1999-00 and $10,800 in 2000-01); (b) health insurance premiums ($1,200 in 1999-00 and $1,800 in 2000-01); and (c) the 27th pay period in 2000-01 ($7,100 in 2000-01).

Governor: Provide $30,000 in 1999-00 and $80,000 in 2000-01 to reflect reestimates of the amount of funding available from the Children's Trust Fund to support the Board's activities due to revenue from fees collected from the sale of a special license plate. Further, authorize the Board to expend all moneys credited to the Children's Trust Fund from fees collected from the sale of the license plate in order to support: (a) grants to prevent child abuse and neglect; (b) the actual and necessary operating costs of the Board; and (c) statewide projects to prevent child abuse and neglect. Require the Board to use revenue from the sale of the special plate, like other moneys deposited to the Trust Fund, in accordance with the wishes of the donor. Further, specify that the license plate will have the words "Celebrate Children" on it, rather than "Children First" as required under current law.
Under current law, the Board is required to solicit and accept contributions, grants, gifts and bequests for the Children's Trust Fund. Further, with the exception of fees collected from the sale of the special license plate, the Board is authorized to expend funds in the Trust Fund in accordance with the wishes of the donor to award grants, fund the actual and necessary operating costs of the Board and for statewide projects to prevent child abuse and neglect. All fees collected from the sale of the plate are required to accumulate indefinitely in the Trust Fund.
Joint Finance/Legislature: Delete the Governor's recommendations, except the provision which would specify that the special license plate has the words "Celebrate Children" on it. Further, increase revenue available to the Children's Trust Fund by $15,000 in 1999-00 and $24,800 in 2000-01 to reflect a reestimate of the amount of revenue available from the sale of the license plate.
[Act 9 Sections: 369d, 1199d, 1200d and 2729]
PR $680,000
Joint Finance/Legislature: Provide $340,000 annually from federal TANF funds transferred from DWD to increase funding for the 17 family resource centers that currently receive grants. Under this provision, the grant award for each of these family resource centers would increase from $80,000 to $100,000 annually.
[Act 9 Sections: 475 and 1278g]

Budget Change Items
Funding Positions
GPR $6,219,800 13.00
Governor/Legislature: Provide $3,109,900 and 13.0 positions annually for the following: (a) full funding of salaries and fringe benefits ($3,091,300 and 13.0 positions annually); (b) full funding of financial services charges ($3,100 annually); and (c) fifth week vacation as cash ($15,500 annually). Full funding of salaries and fringe benefits includes: (a) circuit court judges' 1997-99 pay increases not reflected in the adjusted base; (b) funding and 13.0 positions for the six new circuit court branches created in 1997 Act 203, effective August 1, 1999; and (c) other full funding adjustments.
PR - $90,000
Governor: Delete $45,000 annually and repeal the program revenue appropriation for court interpreter fee reimbursement to counties. This appropriation was created in 1997 Act 27 to supplement GPR funds with program revenues from certain court fees deposited to the Circuit Court Automation Program (CCAP). According to the Director of State Courts, program revenues have been insufficient to support this appropriation and expenditure authority, therefore, is not being used. Under the bill, county reimbursement for court interpreter fees would continue to be funded through a GPR appropriation of $188,800 annually.
Joint Finance/Legislature: Modify the court information systems (CCAP) appropriation language and schedule title to reflect the repeal of the court interpreter fees program revenue appropriation.
[Act 9 Sections: 599 and 605]
PR - $320,000
Joint Finance/Legislature: Delete $160,000 annually and repeal the appropriation for drug court costs; local assistance. 1991 Act 39 (the 1991-93 biennial budget act) created an appropriation under the Circuit Courts, with a sunset date of June 30, 1993 (later extended to June 30, 1997), to receive anti-drug abuse monies administered by the Office of Justice Assistance to reimburse Milwaukee County for certain operating costs of a speedy trial drug court.
[Act 9 Section: 598x]
Joint Finance/Legislature: Increase the fee charged for legal custody and physical placement study services from $300 to $500, to first apply to studies ordered on the effective date of the bill. Currently, a county or two or more contiguous counties are statutorily required to provide legal custody and physical placement study services in family court actions. These studies may be ordered whenever legal custody or physical placement of a minor child is contested and mediation is not used or does not result in agreement between the parties, or at any other time the court considers it appropriate. The county determines when and how to collect the fee for the study, and the fee is deposited into a separate county account for the exclusive purpose of providing mediation services and studies in family court actions.
Veto by Governor [D-1]: Delete provision.
[Act 9 Vetoed Sections: 3096m and 9309(3t)]
Joint Finance/Legislature: Exempt parties filing an action in termination of parental rights (TPR) and adoption cases from the requirement to pay a filing fee, to first apply to actions commenced on the effective date of the bill.
[Act 9 Sections: 3095n, 3095p, 9309(1w) and 9309(1x)]
Joint Finance/Legislature: Require the Director of State Courts to submit a report regarding the recruitment, retention and compensation of reserve judges to the Governor, Joint Committee on Finance and appropriate standing committees of the Legislature by October 1, 2000.
[Act 9 Section: 9146(1w)]
Funding Positions
GPR $161,800 2.00
Assembly/Legislature: Provide $161,800 and 2.0 positions in 2000-01 and create an additional judgeship in Waupaca County beginning August 1, 2000. Provide that the initial election for the Circuit Court judge be at the Spring election of 2000. Waupaca County currently has two circuit court branches. Funding includes salaries and fringe benefits for a judge and a court reporter ($160,200) and legal publications ($1,600). Of the amount provided, $1,400 is one-time funding. [See "Supreme Court" for circuit court automation funding provided for this additional judgeship.]
[Act 9 Sections: 3049m, 9109(1g), 9109(1h) and 9109(1i)]
Senate: Create three additional circuit court branches in Milwaukee County and authorize an additional 9.0 GPR positions, effective August 1, 2001 (3.0 GPR judge positions and 6.0 GPR court reporter positions) to increase the number of circuit court branches within Milwaukee County to 50 branches.