Governor: Create an annual appropriation for maintaining, developing and operating information systems funded from penalty assessment revenues. Under the bill, penalty assessment revenues would be deposited to a newly-created appropriation under the Office of Justice Assistance for penalty assessment surcharge receipts. The bill requires that the amounts specified in the information technology appropriation ($2,000,000 PR annually) would then be transferred to Corrections.
Joint Finance/Legislature: Delete provision.
Governor/Legislature: Transfer funding and positions within the Department to align funding and positions with current departmental structure. The realignment would: (a) create separately identifiable budgetary units for bureaus and programs within the Division of Management Services; (b) combine budgetary units for the northern and southern correctional centers; (c) align funding for the Bureau of Health Services; and (d) align funding of positions in the Secretary’s Office and the Division of Management Services with current duties.
FED $5,117,800
Joint Finance/Legislature: Provide additional funding in the following federal appropriations to reflect revenue reestimates: (a) federal project operations--adults, $2,442,100 annually; (b) federal operations--adults, $86,800 annually; and (c) federal program operations--juveniles, $30,000 annually.
Joint Finance: Create 5.0 GPR unclassified division administrator positions in the Department of Corrections beginning in 1999-00. Delete 5.0 GPR classified division administrator positions in 1999-00. Under current law, division administrator positions in Corrections are classified positions. As unclassified employes, division administrators would be appointed and dismissed at the discretion of the Secretary of the Department of Corrections. Unclassified division administrator positions would be assigned to an executive salary group by the Department of Employment Relations, receive increased fringe benefits (approximately $17,100 annually for the five positions based on current salaries), receive additional vacation and leave privileges, have a higher formula factor (from 1.6 to 2.0) for determining Wisconsin retirement system formula benefits and could retire with full benefits at age 62 rather than age 65. Current employes could be appointed to the unclassified positions. Current employes would retain civil service status and as a result have the ability to be placed in other classified positions in Corrections, if not retained as division administrators.
Senate: Delete the Joint Finance provision which creates 5.0 unclassified division administrator positions in the Department of Corrections and deletes 5.0 classified division administrator positions.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Include Joint Finance provision.
[Act 9 Section: 2359x]
Adult Correctional Facilities
Governor: Estimate an average daily population in the adult correctional facilities (correctional institutions and centers) of 21,721 in 1999-00 and 25,823 in 2000-01. The following table identifies the distribution of this population.
February 26, 1999 Average Daily Population
Actual Population 1999-00 2000-01
Institutions 12,311 13,666 14,325
Centers 1,795 1,885 2,485
Contract Beds
In-State1 594 654 654
Out-of-State 3,607 3,857 3,857
Undetermined Location --- 1,659 4,502
Total 18,307 21,721 25,823
1In-state contract beds include beds provided by Wisconsin counties, the Division of Juvenile Corrections at Prairie du Chien, and beds at the federal correctional facility in Oxford, Wisconsin. The numbers do not, however, include approximately 75 beds for temporary lock-up of center system inmates.
Joint Finance: Estimate adult correctional facility populations as follows:
Average Daily Population
1999-00 2000-01
Institutions1 13,747 15,457
Centers 1,885 2,485
Contract Beds
In-State2 654 654
Out-of-State 3,857 3,857
Undetermined Location 700 1,484
Total 20,843 23,937
1Institutional totals include the estimated average daily population for the Stanley Correctional Facility (81 in 1999-00 and 1,132 in 2000-01).
2In-state contract beds include beds provided by Wisconsin counties, the Division of Juvenile Corrections at Prairie du Chien, and beds at the federal correctional facility in Oxford, Wisconsin. The numbers do not, however, include approximately 75 beds for temporary lock-up of center system inmates.
Senate: Due to the provision to place an increased number of individuals in the intensive sanctions program, estimate adult correctional facility populations as follows:
Average Daily Population
1999-00 2000-01
Institutions 13,666 14,325
Centers 1,885 2,485
Contract Beds
In-State1 654 654
Out-of-State 3,857 3,857
Undetermined Location 181 1,892
Total 20,243 23,213
1In-state contract beds include beds provided by Wisconsin counties, the Division of Juvenile Corrections at Prairie du Chien, and beds at the federal correctional facility in Oxford, Wisconsin. The numbers do not, however, include approximately 75 beds for temporary lock-up of center system inmates.
Conference Committee/Legislature: Estimate adult correctional facility populations as follows:
Average Daily Population
1999-00 2000-01
Institutions 13,666 14,325
Centers 1,885 2,485
Contract Beds
In-State1 654 654
Out-of-State 3,857 3,857
Undetermined Location 781 2,616
Total 20,843 23,937
1In-state contract beds include beds provided by Wisconsin counties, the Division of Juvenile Corrections at Prairie du Chien, and beds at the federal correctional facility in Oxford, Wisconsin. The numbers do not, however, include approximately 75 beds for temporary lock-up of center system inmates.
GPR $9,387,400
Governor/Legislature: Provide $3,854,700 in 1999-00 and $5,532,700 in 2000-01 to reflect population-related cost adjustments for prisoners in facilities operated by the Division of Adult Institutions and the Division of Community Corrections as follows: (a) $1,360,500 in 1999-00 and $1,749,200 in 2000-01 for food costs; (b) $233,400 in 1999-00 and $862,400 in 2000-01 for variable non-food costs, such as clothing, laundry, inmate wages and other supplies; and (c) $2,260,800 in 1999-00 and $2,921,100 in 2000-01 for inmate health care.
Governor: The bill provides GPR funding and positions over the 1999-01 biennium associated with the operation of an additional 7,057 beds. Of the total number of beds, 4,502 are related to an increase in the number of contracted beds, 2,255 beds are from previously approved building projects and 300 beds are associated with the proposed inmate work centers. The following table identifies the institution, the total number of additional beds, and the operational and staffing increases provided in the bill. [Each provision is described in greater detail following this summary.]
Additional 1999-00 2000-01
Institution Beds Amount Positions Amount Positions
Existing Contract Beds 0 $25,059,800 0.00 $26,081,700 0.00
Additional Contract Beds 4,502 27,323,700 0.00 73,945,400 0.00