· Dramatically increases the base standard deduction from $9,040 to $12,970 for joint filers and from $5,280 to $7,200 for single filers and raises the ceiling for using the sliding scale standard deduction to $70,380 for individuals and $80,150 for married, joint filers.
· Creates a new personal exemption for each tax filer, spouse and dependent of $600 for tax year 2000 and $700 for tax year 2001 and provides elderly filers with an added $200 exemption in 2000, which would increase to $250 in 2001.
· Increases the school property tax rent credit to 16.4% in tax year 1999 and continues the 10% credit into tax year 2000.
· Increases the married couple credit by raising the income ceiling to $16,000 from $14,000. The maximum credit would increase to $480 in tax year 2001.
· Increases the homestead income ceiling from $19,154 to $24,500.
· Reduces the typical homeowner’s property tax bill by 3.6% in December 1999.
· Increases the lottery credit by $77 million in fiscal year 1999-2000.
· Increases the school levy tax credit by $60 million for December 2000.
· Increases funding for the expenditure restraint program by $9.0 million (19%), for the small municipalities shared revenue program by $1.0 million (10%), for the county mandate relief program by $600,000 (3%) and for the payments for municipal services program by $3.5 million (19%).
· Provides $64 million in fiscal year 1999-2000 and $71 million in fiscal year 2000-2001 to fully fund the personal property exemption for computer equipment effective January 1999.
Economic Development and Transportation
· Improves highway safety and enhances economic development by increasing state and federal support for highway construction projects and local transportation aids by over $150 million over the biennium.
· Establishes a new municipal street improvement program funded at $2 million over the biennium and increases local road improvement funding by a total of 9.3% for critical transportation infrastructure projects.
· Establishes mechanisms to ensure that state and federal transportation aid is dedicated to infrastructure improvement.
· Increases local transportation aids by 6.75% to meet rehabilitation and maintenance costs and to limit growth in property taxes.
· Establishes a four-tier transit aid distribution structure, creates performance-measurement and cost-effectiveness mechanisms for transit systems, and increases state assistance to local systems by 7.5%.
· Increases highway safety and law enforcement efforts by authorizing 14 new State Patrol troopers.
· Provides over $6 million in new funding for brownfields assessment, remediation and redevelopment efforts.
· Expands funding to promote Wisconsin tourism destinations by over 25% through use of gaming compact revenues.
· Provides $9 million from gaming compact revenues for support of economic development and diversification through grants to businesses.
Environmental Protection and Resource Management
· Reauthorizes the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program at $460 million for the next decade, or $46 million annually, almost doubling the size of the current program.
· Continues state assistance for local recycling programs at the current levels.
· Provides $40 million to leverage up to $200 million of federal funds for farmer water quality and habitat improvement efforts through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program.
· Increases funding for water quality protection efforts by 32% for rural nonpoint source pollution abatement projects and by 72% for urban nonpoint source pollution abatement, municipal flood control and riparian restoration projects.
· Enhances environmental cleanup and redevelopment efforts through expanded responsible and voluntary party exemptions from liability, additional site cleanup approval staff and implementation of the Brownfields Study Group recommendations.
· Improves the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Administration (PECFA) Program by authorizing $270 million in revenue bonds to reduce state interest costs, increasing claimant deductibles, reducing claimant interest rate cost reimbursements, implementing risk-based site assessment and cleanup processes and requiring competitive bidding for site cleanup activities.
· Provides over $3 million for local land use planning activities, establishes statewide local land use goals and links local land use activities to those goals through the new Smart Growth program.
· Provides nonuser fee support of $5 million for fish and wildlife programs from gaming compact revenues, and contains no increase in fish and wildlife fees.
· Increases public access to Lake Michigan and recreational opportunities in the City of Milwaukee by providing $9 million for development of Lakeshore State Park, the first new state park in 25 years.
Education and Training
· Creates a new Work-Based Learning Board, chaired by the Governor, which will consolidate and strengthen efforts to expand work-based learning activities statewide and adds $4 million GPR biennially to increase opportunities for students in the youth apprenticeship program.
· Provides $28 million GPR to the University of Wisconsin System (UWS) in fiscal year 2000-2001 to freeze tuition for Wisconsin resident undergraduate students for the 2000-2001 school year.
· Provides a $19 million GPR biennial increase to the UW-Madison to allow the UW System’s flagship campus to attract the best and brightest Wisconsin high school graduates, hire and retain the best faculty, continue cutting edge research and help maintain Wisconsin’s competitiveness in the global economy.
· Provides $16 million over the biennium in new GPR to support UW systemwide initiatives to expand the use of instructional technology, provide increased opportunities for students and faculty to study abroad, enhance library services and holdings, increase diversity and increase funding for Area Health Education Centers.
· Provides the Board of Regents of UWS with more flexibility to set tuition to take advantage of an expanded educational marketplace and new opportunities and methods to deliver educational programs.
· Provides $11.2 million over the biennium to increase financial aid programs for students at Wisconsin’s public and private universities and colleges.
· Provides $6.6 million to the Wisconsin Technical College System to create a new grant program that will provide $500 annually, for up to two years, to every recent high school graduate who attends a technical college full-time in an associate degree or technical training program.
· Increases general aid funding to the technical college system by $7.3 million over the biennium.
· Enhances the ability of Wisconsin technical colleges to expand and create programs and course sections in high skill occupational areas to address skilled workforce needs by providing $7.2 million GPR in two new grant programs.
· Maintains the state’s commitment to fund two-thirds of school costs by providing increases in state school aid of $237 million for the 1999-2000 school year and an additional $239 million in fiscal year 2000-01.
· Significantly expands the Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) program to lower class size by providing $47.2 million (a 260% increase) in new GPR over the biennium, adding an estimated 400 schools to the program.
· Increases funding for school district special education programs by $53 million GPR over the biennium.
· Provides $5 million in fiscal year 2000-2001 to establish alternative education programs for students who are not achieving in traditional educational environments.
· Increases the low-spending revenue limit exemption for school districts from the 1998-99 level of $6,100 per pupil to $6,300 in 1999-2000 and $6,500 in 2000-2001.
· Adjusts the allowable increase in school district revenue limits from $209 per pupil in 1998-99 to an estimated $212 in 1999-2000 and $217 in 2000-2001.