Immunity from liability, 895.55
Powers, 292.11
Waste management,
Ice age trail, 23.17
Grants to nonprofit corporations, 23.295
Land dedication, 23.293
See also Lakes

Acidification experiments, 30.204
Inland lakes protection and rehabilitation:
, Ch. 33
Departmental powers and duties, 33.02
Districts, creation or alteration, notice and filing requirements, 33.265
Financial assistance, action, 33.16
Plan review, hearing, ruling, 33.14, 33.15
Unfunded applications, rejection statement, 33.17
Lake bed conveyances, review of legislation providing for, 13.097
Lake research, voluntary contributions, 29.564, 30.52 (3m)
Lake Winnebago structure and fill project, powers and duties of dept., 30.203
Management grants and financial assistance, 281.68, 281.69
Land acquisition:
Approval required, 23.14
Priorities, 23.09 (2dm)
Purposes, 23.09 (2)
Lands, sale of, 23.15
Lease of land:
County lands for game management, 59.52 (6) (e)
U.S. lands, for forests, parks, 1.056
Licenses and permits:
Denial or suspension of delinquent support obligors, 49.857, 299.08
Denial or suspension of delinquent tax obligors, 73.0301, 299.07
Lower Wis. state riverway,
Menomonee river conservation project, 23.19
Milwaukee river basin, priority watershed designation, management, 281.65 (4)
Milwaukee river revitalization council, 23.18
Membership, 15.347 (15)
Natural areas:
Heritage program, land dedications, 23.29
Importance, inventory, acquisition, sales, 23.27
In towns, 60.23 (6)
Preservation council, 15.347 (4), 23.26, 23.28
State, designation, 23.28
Natural resources, waste of, penalty, 23.095
Nonpoint source water pollution,
Oil and gas exploration and drilling, powers and duties, 295.35
Disposal of dredged materials, 289.54
Indemnification of municipalities who accept contaminated material for disposal, 292.70
Manufacture and purchase, 299.45
Waste storage and treatment facilities, 289.53
See also Pollution

Prevention promotion, 299.13
Public complaints, hearings, review, 299.91
Purple loosestrife, control of, 23.23, 23.235
Radioactive waste:

Department rules, 293.15 (8)
Records, environmental repair, confidentiality, 292.37

Demonstration grants, 287.25
Department duties, 287.03
Education program, 287.21
Review of programs, 287.11
Technical assistance, 287.19
Refrigerants, rules, citations, 285.59
St. Croix river:
Preservation, 30.27
Watercraft use rules, 30.72
Zebra mussels, boat and equipment restrictions, 30.725
St. Feriole island facilities, use, 87.305
Septage disposal, approval of county regulation, 281.48 (5m)
Septic tanks:
Regulations, 281.17 (5)
Servicing, regulations, 281.48
Sewage system, private; replacement or rehabilitation, state grants, enforcement, 145.245
Shoreland zoning, 59.692 (6), 61.351, 62.231
Shorelines, protection study, 30.2035
Soil absorption field, servicing, regulations, 281.48
Soil and water conservation:

Assistance of counties, 92.10 (8)
State aids, administration, 92.14
Solid waste disposal:

Inspections of facilities by dept., 289.91
Powers and duties, 289.06, 289.07
Imminent danger, actions authorized, 289.94
Orders, 289.93
Research by dept., 289.07 (4)
Stewardship program: