Abused or neglected children and unborn children, reports, 48.981
Action for compensation, 441.13
Anesthetists, negligent acts, board shall investigate, 441.01 (6)
Assistants, instructional programs, client abuse, 146.40
Associations, county support, 59.53 (15)
Billing and insurance claim forms, standardization, 632.725
Membership, 15.08 (1m (b), 15.405 (7g)
Powers and duties, 441.01, 441.12 (1)
Secretary, 15.07 (2) (b)
Boating intoxication law, chemical tests, 30.684
Civil liability exemption, 441.06
Definitions, 441.11
Disciplinary proceedings, use of information, 441.07 (1m)
Emergency care, civil liability exemption, when, 895.48 (1)
Examinations, 441.05
Examining council, membership, 15.407 (3)
Exceptions to nursing laws, 441.115
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation of, 146.817
Home health agencies, licensing and regulation, 50.49
Lead poisoning, report, immunity granted, 254.13
Application for, 441.04
Fee, renewals, 440.05, 440.08, 441.06
Interstate licensure compact, 441.50
Revocation, reinstatement, 441.07
Licensed attendants, license, practice, 441.10 (3)
Life-sustaining procedures, withdrawal of,
Loan assistance program, 560.184
License, 441.15
Exemption, pre-1953 practitioners, 448.10 (5)
Loan assistance program, 560.184
Revocation of license, 441.07
Temporary permit, 441.15
Patient health care records and confidentiality,
Permit, temporary, 441.08
Examinations, 441.10 (2)
Licenses, 441.10
Nonaccredited schools, 441.12 (2)
Practice defined, 441.11
Schools, qualifications, examinations, 441.10
Temporary permit, 441.10 (3) (e)
Prescription privileges, 441.16
Limitations, controlled substances, 961.395
Professional education, promotion, 441.01
Professional nursing, practice defined, 441.11
Public health nurses, 250.06
Examinations, 441.05
Privileged communications, 905.04
Certification, 115.28 (7m)
Employment, 120.13 (11)
Nonaccredited, 441.12 (2)
Sexual exploitation by therapist, 895.70, 940.22
Student stipend loans, 39.39
Temporary practice, 441.115
Transplants, activities involving, limited liability, 146.31 (3)
Volunteer health care provider program, 146.89
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 146.995