Statute of frauds, 706.02
Tax key number, 59.43 (7)
Forms, 706.10
Fraternal orders, Ch. 188
Fraudulent conveyances,
Future interests and estates,
Husband and wife:
Conveyances between, pre 1895, 992.05
Homestead, both signatures required, 706.02 (1) (f)
Joint tenants, 700.19 (2)
Marital interest, statement of, effect, 706.09 (1) (e)
Marital property rules,
Implied warranty of fitness, improvements by grantor, 706.10 (7)
Incompetents' property:
Contracts to convey, specific performance, 786.04, 786.05
Guardian's deed, passes title, 786.15
Property received by will, 786.14
Trust and mortgage interests, 786.01
Joint tenancy, creation by conveyance, 700.19
Land patents, state,
Life tenant or tenant for years, conveying greater estate, effect, 710.07
Limited partnerships, 179.065
Marital interest,
see Husband and wife, under this subhead
Mineral interests, 706.05 (3)
Applicability of commercial code, 402.102, 402.304 (2)
Lapse by nonuse, 706.057
Guardian's deed, passes title, 786.15
Trust and mortgage interests, 786.01
Veterans, 880.32
Municipal power districts, 198.14 (4)
Municipality may accept or make, XI, 3a
Name of drafter to be included, effect, 59.43 (5), (6)
Names to be printed or typed, effect, 59.43 (1) (a), (6)
Nominal conditions not enforced, 700.15
Nonrecording, effect, 706.08
Notarial acts,
see Acknowledgments, under this subhead
Notice from record, 706.09
Offer to purchase,
see Purchase agreement, under this subhead
Part performance, equitable relief, 706.04
Partnership property, 178.07
Patents, state,
Perpetuities, rule against, 700.16
Personal representative's conveyances, generally, Ch. 860
For detailed analysis,

Plats, references to in conveyances,
see Descriptions, under this subhead
Private streets, lot on, sale restriction, 236.35
Purchase agreement:
Arbitration agreements, 788.015
Court actions regarding, 799.01, 799.06, 799.213
Vendor and purchaser risk act, 706.12
Quitclaim deed, 706.10 (4)
Execution, filing, 190.11
Right of way, sale by land commissioners, 190.15
Recitals, as evidence, 889.19
Recorded conveyances, evidence, 889.17
Recording, formal requirements,
see Formal requirements, under this subhead
Religious societies, 187.07
Renewable energy resource easements, requirements, 700.35
Rental units:
Energy efficiency certificate, required to record, 706.05 (12)
Energy efficiency requirements, 101.122
Reservation for street, highway or alley, 80.01 (5)
Residential property, disclosures required on transfer, Ch. 709
Restrictive covenants:
Limitations, 893.33 (5)
Removal, 847.03
Riparian rights, conveyances restricted, 30.133
Sales agreement,
see Purchase agreement, under this subhead
Sex offender registry information; disclosure duty, immunity for providing, 706.20
Sheriff's deed:
Execution sale, when to issue, 815.55, 815.56
Mortgage foreclosure sale, 846.17
Partition, 842.20
Presumptive evidence of facts stated, 891.06
Title passed by, 840.16 (3)
Slander of title, 706.13
Criminal, 943.60
Agencies, to transportation department, 84.09 (6)
May accept or make, XI, 3a
Statute of frauds, 706.001, 706.02
Survey map, certified, use of description, 236.34
Tax stamps, as evidence, 891.08
Taxes, who to pay, grantor or grantee, 74.15
Tenancy in common, creation by conveyance, 700.18, 700.20