Depository, designation, 34.05 (1), 120.12 (7)
Disbursement of funds:
Payment orders, 66.0607
Actions on unpaid orders, 66.0121
Withdrawal of public deposits, 34.105
Federal aid; power to apply for, receive, expend, 120.13 (6)
Federal revenue sharing funds, use, 121.17
Holiday celebrations, appropriations for, 66.0601 (2)
Accident coverage for students, 120.13 (2)
Buses, 121.53
Medical coverage for employees, self-insurance authorized, 120.13 (2)
Property, 120.12 (6)
Local government property fund, coverage through, Ch. 605
Investment of funds, 66.0603
Mobile home license fees, distribution to district, 66.0435 (8)
Revenue limits, 121.91
Applicability, 121.905
Calculations, 73.0305
Definitions, 121.90
Penalties for exceeding, 121.92
Salary and benefit limits, professional employees, 118.245
Special assessments, district property subject to, 66.0705
Spending authority, after July 1, 120.13 (33)
Authority to tax:
Annual meeting, 120.10
Board, 120.12 (3), (4)
Constitutional authorization, X, 4
Levy certifications, clerk's duties, 120.17 (8)
Payments in lieu of by county, 59.52 (16)
Town clerk, apportionment of revenues received, 60.33 (9)
Teacher compensation and contracts,
Transportation costs, payment, 121.54 (8)
Actions by and against:
Actions against:
Adverse possession; prohibition, exception, 893.29
Attorneys, power to retain, 120.13 (9m)
Claims against, 118.26, 893.80
Actions on unpaid payment orders, 66.0121
First class city schools, 119.68
Damages, liability, 895.46
Expenses, 895.35
Judgment against, how collected, 66.0117
Motor vehicle accidents, negligence, 345.05
Service of summons on board or officers, 801.11 (4)
Statute of limitation, contract for payment of money, 893.61
Direction to defend or prosecute, annual meeting to give, 120.10 (14)
Duty of president, forfeitures, 120.15 (4)
Administration department to provide services, 16.58
Adult education, provision of, 120.13 (21)
Annual district meeting:
, 120.08
Board to report to, 120.11
Consolidation or discontinuation of school in union high district, 120.10 (19)
Powers, 120.10
Special meetings, 120.08 (2)
Special subjects, 120.09
Unified district board has powers and duties of, 120.44 (2)
Annual school district report, census, 120.18, 121.05
Architects and engineers, contracting for, 120.13 (9)
Applicability of statutes:
Common or union high district, 120.001
Unified district, 120.40, 120.44 (2)
Apportionment plan, 120.02 (2)
Attorneys, power to retain, 120.13 (9m)
Common and union districts with same territory have same board, 120.05 (2)
Contracts for courses, 120.21
Duties, 120.12
Construction of statutes regarding, 118.001
State standards, implementation, 121.02
Educational goals, setting, 118.01
Common or union high district, 120.06
Names on spring ballot, 5.58 (3)
Number of members, plan when changing, 120.02 (3)
Numbered seats, changing to, 120.02 (4)
Spring ballot, 5.60 (4)
Unified district, 120.42
Expense reimbursement, 120.10 (4)
Gifts and grants:
Accept, use, 118.27
Technology donations to educational institutions, liability exemption, 895.515
Common or union high district, 120.11
Open to public, 19.81 to 19.98