Funding, 39.37
Teacher education loan program, 39.395
Teachers and orientation and mobility instructors of visually impaired, 39.398
State 16. Insurance16. Insurance
Funds, administration, Ch. 604
Liability and worker's compensation, 66.0137 (2)
Life fund, Ch. 607
Officers and employees, hospital, life, health, 66.0137 (5)
STATE 17. Loans, Trust Fund17. Loans, Trust Fund

Application for, 24.66
Authorized loans, 24.61
Businesses receiving, notifying dept. of workforce development of job openings, 106.16
Certificate of indebtedness, 24.67
Collection, 24.70, 24.71
Commissioners of public land,
Definitions, 24.60
Expenses of program, 24.62
Extension, 24.73
Municipality, territory transferred, certification required, 66.0235 (10), (10a)
Neglect to levy tax to pay interest, remedy, 24.74
Payment, 24.68
Prohibitions, VIII, 3
Purchase money due on state lands, 24.27
Purpose, limitation upon, 24.72
Sale of state trust fund loans, 24.69
School districts, collections from, 24.71
Student loans, 24.61
Trust funds, interest, paid and credited, 24.75
State 18. Officers and Employees18. Officers and Employees
Abuse of inmates of institutions, falsely accused, payment of attorney fees, 775.11
Action against, limited liability, 893.82 (6)
Venue, 801.50 (3)
Affirmative action,
Aid recipients, employment of, 230.147
Airplanes, use, reimbursement; personal or chartered, 20.916 (5)
Appointments, 20.922 (1)
Archaeologist, appointment, powers and duties, 44.47 (3)
Attorney general to defend, 165.25 (6)
Attorneys for revenue dept. may represent state, 73.03 (22)
Audits by legislative audit bureau, reports, 13.94
Automobile allowances, 20.916
Breached, vacancy caused, 17.05
Department head's power to require, 15.04
Payment of premium, 19.01 (8)
Capitol parking, 16.843 (3)
Chairperson, removal by governor, 17.07 (3m)
Child care, leasing or providing space for, 16.841
Claims against, serve notice on attorney general, 893.82
Collective bargaining, 111.80 to 111.94
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
Comparable worth, 230.01 (2), 230.09 (2) (b), 230.12 (1), (3)
Compensation, 230.12
Compensation and fringe benefits, supplementation procedure, 20.928
Cooperation, 20.901
Custodian, legal for records, 19.33
Custodian to deliver official records, 19.21
Damaged personal articles, employee reimbursement, 20.918, 230.12 (1) (dm)
Deferred compensation plan, 40.80 to 40.82
Department heads:
Leave of absence, 230.35 (1m)
Salary ranges, 20.923 (4)
Sick leave, 230.35 (2)
Disability board, hearing to fill temporary vacancies, 17.025
Elected officers, vacations, 230.35 (1r)
Election, time, term, 8.25 (4)
Election official, service as, 7.33, 20.921 (2) (b)
Emergency interim successors to office, 166.08 (4)
Engineer, injured, salary continued, 230.36
Ethics code:
Complaints, 19.49
Conflict of interest prohibited, exception, 19.46
Definitions, 19.42
Development dept., to report items of value received, 19.57
Dual employment, 16.417
Duties of board, 19.48
Expenses for public officials, 19.56
Fees and honorariums for public officials, 19.56
Findings of fact and conclusions, 19.53
Hearing procedure, 19.52
Investigations, 19.50
Operation of board, 19.47
Orders and recommendations, 19.53
Policy, declaration of, 19.41
Probable cause of violation, board to make determination, 19.51
Public inspection of records, 19.55