Establishment and use, 302.45
Transfer of inmates, 302.18 (6)
Temporary housing, contracts for, 302.27
Transfer of inmates, 302.18 (6)
To state-local shared facility, 973.035
Vocational instruction, 303.05
Bond and oath, 302.03
Duties, 302.04
Maintenance of order, 302.07
Receipt given for persons admitted, 302.06
Work release plan for inmates, 303.065
Worker's compensation, 102.07 (16)
Worker's compensation to inmates, 303.21, 303.215
State 22. Public Debt22. Public Debt
Actions contesting validity, limitation, 893.77
Amounts, 18.04
Anticipatory contracts, 18.10 (1)
Appropriation, 20.866
Authorizing resolution:
Content, 18.06 (1)
Exercise of authority, 18.06 (6)
Bond security and redemption fund, 18.09
Management, records, 18.10 (3)
Bonds, authorizing resolution may authorize issuance, 18.06 (4)
Cancellation of instruments, 18.10 (11)
Capital improvement fund, 18.08
Management, records, 18.10 (3)
Cash flow plan, report, 16.531
Clean water fund bonds, 18.06 (9)
Construction of law, 18.17
Definitions, 18.01
Diversion of funds, liability of officers, 18.15
Evidence of indebtedness, VIII, 9
Form and content, 18.07
Expenses of state, extraordinary, VIII, 6
Fiscal agents, 18.10 (8)
Funding and refunding, 18.06 (5)
Harbor assistance and improvement projects, 85.095 (2) (d)
Highway construction, 84.51
Interest on delayed payments, 16.53 (11)
Internal improvements, VIII, 10
Investments allowed, 219.04
Lawful money to be borrowed and paid, 18.10 (2)
Legislative votes on, quorum, VIII, 8
Limitations on aggregate, 18.05
Authorizing resolution may authorize negotiation, 18.06 (2)
Form and content, 18.07
Minority investment firm underwriting, 18.16
Notes, authorizing resolution may authorize issuance, 18.06 (3)
Operating notes:
Accounting, 16.004 (9), 16.40 (16)
Redemption fund, 18.75
Requests for issuance, 16.405
Pledge of full faith, 18.12
Prepayment, 18.10 (9)
Procedures, 18.06
Projections, 16.40 (17)
Purposes, VIII, 7; 18.04
Record of instruments, 18.10 (7)
Registration, 18.10 (5)
Regulations, 18.10
Replacement of instruments, 18.10 (6)
Restriction, VIII, 4
Retirement of debt, 18.10 (10)
Scope of law, 18.02
Sinking funds, from bond security and redemption fund, 18.09
Suits against the state, 18.13
Trustees, 18.10 (8)
Validation of debt, 18.14
Veterans housing loans, 18.04 (5)
State 23. Public Lands23. Public Lands
, Ch. 24
Abandoned personal property, disposition, 20.909
Acquired by tax sale, action by former owner, condition, 75.63
Additions, by grant or donation, 24.02
Authority, XI, 3a
Administration department, trust lands and investments division, 15.103 (4)
Annexation or detachment, 24.40
Burial sites on, preservation, 157.70 (6m)
Buying by commissioners or employees, 24.56
Certification of title, 891.14
City commissioners, 27.11
Commissioners of public lands:
Appointments by, 24.55
Appraisers, selection of employees, 24.58
Appropriation, 20.507
Buying of public lands, forbidden, 24.56