Hazardous substance discharge, emergency response and reimbursement, 166.22
Medical services, 60.565, 146.55
Police powers of officers, 213.095
Phone system, 146.70
Employment offices, 106.09 (2)
Environmental damage compensation, 283.87 (4)
Environmental remediation, tax incremental financing, 66.1106
Exposition districts,
Farmland preservation, 91.80
Receipts to be given for fees, 66.0515
Fees, unpaid; state income tax setoff, 71.935
Fire protection, 60.55
Fire calls on public highways, reimbursement of town, 60.557
Fire commission, 60.57
Fire companies,
Fire departments,
Forest fires suppression, 26.11
Investigation of cause of fire, report, 165.55 (1)
Prohibition against setting, 26.13 (3)
Safety regulations, 60.555
State aids, 101.575
Local regulation, 66.0409
Seized firearms and ammunition, disposal of, 968.20
Shooting range exception, 895.527
Fireworks, regulation of, 167.10
Flood control projects,
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Community forests, 28.20 to 28.23
Forest fires, suppression, 26.11
see Ordinances, under this subhead
Gambling, prohibition, 66.0107
see Solid waste, under this subhead
Hazardous waste sites, cost recovery and negotiation, 292.35

Health and sanitation, expense of carrying out laws, 146.16
Health insurance for unemployed, 66.0137 (3)
Homeless persons, state grants for, 16.339, 16.352
Horses running at large, regulation, 60.23 (30)
County-town, 66.0927
Facility acquisition or leasing, 66.0129
Municipal, board, 66.0127

Inspection authority, 66.0417, 254.69 (2)
Room tax imposed, forfeiture, 66.0615
Antidiscrimination ordinance, 66.1011
Intergovernmental cooperation in housing projects, 66.0311
Housing authority, 60.23 (27)
For detailed analysis,

Loans or donations to, 66.1211 (2)
Town power, 66.1341
Impact fees, 66.0617
Incorporation as city, 66.0215
Litigation, notice, 66.0231
Industrial development, 66.1101
Revenue bonding, job impact estimates, 66.1103, 560.034
Industrial development agency, 60.23 (4)
Inspection warrants, 66.0119
Insurance, 66.0137
Local government property fund, Ch. 605
Intergovernmental cooperation, 60.23 (1), 66.0301
Island towns, health care provider appropriation, 60.23 (9)
Junk car storage permits, 175.25
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Authority to acquire, XI, 3a
Conveyances, execution, 60.33 (5)
Gifts and dedications, relief from conditions, 66.1025
Legal notices:
Ordinances and resolutions, publication or posting, 60.80
Posting, procedure, 985.02
Publication in official newspaper, 985.05, 985.06
Legal status, 60.01
Libraries, generally, Ch. 43
For detailed analysis,

Boards, 43.54
Joint libraries, 43.53
Municipal libraries, 43.52
Licenses and permits; appeal rights generally,
Liquor license law, Ch. 125
For detailed analysis,
Local exposition districts,
Manure storage facility control ordinances, 92.16
Marijuana possession, ordinances, 66.0107
Mass transportation,
see Public transportation, under this subhead
Meat and poultry inspection, 97.42 (5)
Medical waste incinerator fees, 285.54