Causing by fire, 192.44
Violating ch. 195, treble, 195.35
Real estate, slander of title, 706.13
Recovery in mandamus bars action for, 783.05
Refusal to satisfy mortgage, 706.05 (9), (10)
Refusing copies of commitment, 782.37
Reimprisoning party discharged, 782.38
Restrictions on recovery under commercial code, 401.106
Restrictive covenants, removal, 847.03
Resulting from injunction, 813.07
Sales contract:

Breach, assignment of right to damages, 402.210 (2)
Incidental damages, 402.710, 402.715
Limitation of damages, 402.718, 402.719
Settlement and advance payment of claims for, 885.285
Settlement offers, 807.01
Sewage drains, 281.47
Sexual exploitation by therapist, 895.70
Soil and plant additives, regulation, violations, 94.65 (12)
Solar access, obstruction, 700.41, 844.22
Taking down notice of execution sale, 815.35
Telegram, nondelivery, 182.019
Tort actions against governmental subdivisions, officers and employees, limitation, 893.80
Trade secrets, uniform law violations, 134.90 (4)
Fraudulent filing, 132.032
Unlawful use, 132.033
Trespass on riparian lands, 29.717
Unfair competition and trade practices, 100.20 (5)
U. S. surveys, caused by, 1.06
Usurpation of office, 784.11
Vending machines, theft damage, 895.79
Vessel hulls and parts, illegal duplication, 134.34 (5)
Victims of crimes, violations by claimants, state's cause of action, 949.17
Warehouse keeper, liability on sale to enforce lien, 407.210 (9)
Warehouse receipts, 407.204

Liability for nonreceipt or misdescription, 407.203
Overissue, 407.402
Water diversion or withdrawal for mining, 293.65
Wild animals, removal of, 29.885
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.889
Witness failing to attend, 885.11
Wrongful death, 895.03
Actions, 895.04
Recovery from estate of wrongdoer, 895.031