Federal liens, 779.97
Financing statements:
Prescribe forms by rules, 409.402 (3m)
Computer storage, statewide system, 409.410
Filing, 409.401
Fees, 409.407 (2)
Fraternal organizations, ch. 188
Limited liability companies:
Confirmation of status, 183.0113
Correcting filed documents, 183.0112
Department duties, 183.0110
Effective date of document, 183.0111
Fees, 183.0114
Filing requirements, 183.0108
Forms, 183.0109
Foreign companies, annual report, 183.0120
Limited liability partnerships:
Applicability of law to foreign and interstate commerce, 178.53
Correcting filed documents, 178.50
Effective date and time, 178.49
Forms, 178.47
Requirements, 178.46
Filing and service fees, 178.48
Filing duties, 178.51
Appeal from refusal to file, 178.52
Registration, 178.40
Effect, 178.41
Limited partnerships:
Amendments, 179.12
Cancellation, filing, fee, 179.13
Execution, 179.14
Filing, contents, fee, 179.11, 179.16
Restated, original and amendments, 179.185
Waiver, charges, 179.16
Charges, 179.16
Name of drafter on, 182.01 (3)
Amendments to application for registration, 179.85
Cancellation of registration, 179.86
Issuance of registration, 179.83
Name, 179.84
Registration, 179.82
Substituted service, 179.88
Notice conferred by filing certificate, 179.18
Reservation of name, filing, fee, 179.03 (2)
Substituted service of process, 179.04 (2)
Loan originators, 224.72
Mortgage bankers and brokers, 224.72
Railroad conveyances, filing, fees, 190.11, 192.71
Records, maintaining and copying, 182.01
Religious societies, Ch. 187
Veterans corporations, investigation, 188.26
Adjustment service companies, license, regulation, 218.02
Agricultural marketing contracts, duties, 100.23 (6)
Appropriation, 20.144
Banking division:
Consumer act administration, Ch. 426
Consumer credit insurance regulation, 424.601
Consumer credit law:
Registration, administrator to adopt rules regarding, 426.201 (3)
Rules, 766.565 (7)
Creation, 15.183 (1)
Duties, generally, 220.02
Employee immunity, 220.065
Examinations, employee restrictions, 220.08
Bank examinations, 220.05
Certified copies, 221.1006
Finance company regulation,
Instalment interest, license, regulation, 138.09
Powers, generally, 220.04
Public deposits:
Powers, generally, 34.03
Payment of losses, 34.08
Public documents, exchange with other jurisdictions, 35.86
Records, as evidence, 220.13
Sellers of checks, regulation,
Banking review board:
Annual report, 15.07 (6)
Banking division actions, review, 220.02 (5), 220.035
Creation, membership, 15.183 (1)
Duties, procedure, 220.035 (1)
General provisions, 15.07