Mentally ill defendants found not guilty, 971.17
Sex crime offenders, pre-1980, 975.06
Communicable diseases,
Community action agencies, approval, 46.30 (2)
Community aids:
Allocation of funds, 46.49
County reimbursement, 46.495
Funding, 46.40
Funds carry-over, 46.45
Community-based residential facilities:
Building requirements for certain facilities, develop, 101.127
Complaints, 50.03
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 48.685
Fees permitted for services workshop, 50.13
Fire notice, 50.035 (4)
Fire protection, 50.035 (2)
Fees, 50.037
Powers and duties, 50.03
Manager's presence in facility, 50.035 (3)
Personnel training, 50.035 (1)
Reports by department to aging and long-term care board, 50.02 (4)
Violations of law, right of injunction of department, 50.03 (7)
Community human services pilot programs, authority to establish, 46.034
Community integration program:
For persons relocated or meeting reimbursable levels of care, 46.277
For persons with mental retardation, 46.278
For residents of state centers, 46.275
Community living arrangements:
Duties, 46.03 (22)
In towns, 60.63
Community program grants, 46.48
Community services:
Children and youth, 48.79
Relocation funds for, 46.266
Relocation services for mentally ill, 46.268
Community spouse, maintenance, protection of income and resources of couple for, 49.455
Community support programs for chronic mentally ill:
Departmental duties, 51.421
Receiver appointed to perform functions, 51.42 (3) (d)
Complaints, investigation, 46.058
Compulsive gambling awareness campaign, 46.03 (43)
Condemnation, 32.02
Contracting with religious organizations, 46.027
Controlled substances,
Controlled substances board, membership, terms, 15.405 (5g)
Cooperate with courts, children's bureau and agencies, 48.48
Cooperate with U.S. as to public welfare, 46.016
Corpses, rules, 157.01
County departments:
Adoptions, license, regulation, 48.66, 48.67, 48.69, 48.70 (4)
Aging units, 46.27, 46.82
Budget and contract, 46.031
Licenses, special provisions, 48.70
Populous counties, 46.215
Probationary license, 48.69
Rules, forms and records, 48.67
County human services dept., 46.23
County infirmaries:
Audits, cost accounting, 49.726 (4)
Forms for admission or commitment, 49.723 (5)
Powers and duties, 49.723, 49.726
County institutions:
Supervision and inspection, 46.16, 46.17
System of accounts, 46.18 (8)
County social services administration, 46.22
Creation, 15.19
Criminal history search, computer link to justice department, 165.825
Cystic fibrosis aids, 49.683
Recovery of aid from estate, 49.682
Data processing projects, report on, 46.03 (26)
Day care centers:
Inspection and investigation, 48.73, 48.74
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 48.685
License, regulation, 48.65 to 48.77
Parental access, 48.655
Parental right to know, 48.656
Probationary license, 48.69
Rules, forms and records, 48.67
Day care providers:
Certification of, 48.651
Information for, 48.653
Deaf and hard of hearing council, 15.197 (8)
Deferred prosecution agreements, 971.39
Depositions concerning institutions, 887.23
Developmental disabilities council:
Duties, 51.437 (14r)