Affiliated societies, 44.03
American heritage, promote appreciation, 44.02 (15)
American history research center, 44.02 (10), 44.05
Antiquities, exhibit, 44.02 (18)
Appropriation, 20.245
Capital improvement authorizations, 20.866 (2) (zg)
Archaeological site, identify, 44.02 (23)
Archaeology, regulation on state sites, 44.47
Archaeology program, 44.48 (2)
Archives, 16.61 (13)
Bank records, preservation and disposition, 220.08 (17)
Benefits, acceptance, 44.01 (4)
Blue Book duties, 35.24
Books, circulation and loaning, 44.02
Board of curators, 15.70
Central depository, 44.11
Burial sites preservation,
Carriage museum at Old Wade House, 44.13
Central depository loan collection, 44.14
Central library depository, 44.11
Circus World Museum foundation, lease agreement, 44.16
Collect materials on state history, 44.02 (16)
Constitution, bylaws, rules, 44.01 (2)
Corporate structure, 44.01 (1)
County, 44.03
County or local records, custody, 44.03 (6)
County records transferred to, 19.23 (2), 44.09, 59.52 (4)
Court records transferred to, 19.23 (3), 44.09
Appoint state archaeologist, 44.47
Burial sites preservation duties, 157.70 (2), 979.01 (1r)
Report to joint committee on finance, 44.20
Salary, 20.923 (4)
State historic preservation officer, serve as or designee, 44.32
District attorney records, transfer to, 44.09, 978.07 (2)
Duties and powers, 44.015, 44.02, 44.34
Exchanges, 35.86
Farm and craft museum at Nelson Dewey state park, develop, 44.12
Federal document loan collection, 44.14
Governors' portraits, 44.02 (12)
Historic buildings:
Notify municipality of existence, 66.0413 (3)
Razing, notification, 66.0413 (3)
Historic preservation agency of state, 44.02 (21)
Historic preservation ordinances:
Certification, 44.44
Model, society to prepare, 44.34 (12)
Historic preservation program,
Historic preservation review board:
Creation, membership, 15.705 (2)
Duties, 44.33
Historic sites:
Acquire and develop, 44.02 (20)
Operation, 44.20
Within state parks, 27.01 (2) (d)
Historical legacy program, 44.025
Trust fund, 25.17 (1) (gm), 25.72
Historical markers program, 44.15
Administration, 44.02 (27)
Historical society endowment fund, 25.17 (1) (gn), 25.73
Council, 15.707 (3)
Local, 44.03
County appropriation, 59.56 (5)
Inactive, disposition of collection, 44.03 (3)
Metropolitan sewerage commission records, notice of proposed destruction, 19.21 (8)
Museum extension service, 44.07
Museums, representation by attorney general, 165.25 (8)
Officers, 44.01 (2)
Old World Wisconsin site, restoration, exempt from low bid law, 16.855 (18)
Parking on property, regulations, 44.21
Printing, 35.01
Property, hold for state, 44.02 (14)
Public documents:
Depository, distribution, 35.81 to 35.85, 44.06
Historical society to receive, 35.85 (12)
Public records, depository, 16.61 (13)
Publications, delivery, 35.85 (12)
Preservation, 44.02
Transfer to, 19.23
Regional and county depositories, 44.10
Salaries for certain positions, 20.923 (6) (bg)
School district records, 120.13 (12)
School services, 44.04
Seal, 44.01 (2)
Sesquicentennial commission, powers and duties, 14.26
Souvenirs, sale, 44.02 (5)
State parks, sites within, 27.01 (2) (d)
Tax exemption, 70.11 (4)