DATE: January 4, 1999

TO: Charles Sanders
Assembly Chief Clerk

FROM: Katherine C. Lyall, President
The University of Wisconsin System

RE: 1999 Salary Group/Range Assignment Report
Required under Section 20.923(5), Wis. Stats.
Section 20.923(5), Wis. Stats., requires that the Board of Regents assign specified titled positions to salary ranges in whatever manner the board determines. The board is required to file a report annually with the Governor and Legislature.
A16 The board has directed that all positions referenced in s. 20.923(5) be assigned to either a State Executive Salary Group or to a UW System salary range based on the following assignment criteria:
I. Positions subject to State Executive Salary Group Assignment:
A. All positions referenced in s. 20.923(5) which carry the following titles regardless of annual salary:
Associate Vice Presidents
Assistant Vice Presidents
Associate Chancellors
Assistant Chancellors
Vice Chancellors not designated in s. 20.923(4m)
Associate Vice Chancellors
Assistant Vice Chancellors
B. All positions carrying the director or associate director title with over 50 percent of their activities coded as physical plant, general operations and services, and auxiliary enterprises whose fiscal year annual salary rate exceeds the maximum of pay range 1-17 (1998-99 maximum is $64,155) of the general non-represented pay schedule #1.
II. Positions subject to UWS Salary Range Assignment:
All directors or associate directors with over 50 percent of their position assigned to an enumerated activity code in the statute whose annual salary does not exceed the maximum of pay range 1-17.
Part A of the attached report designates those positions assigned to State Executive Salary Groups and Part B provides the minimum and maximum for those positions assigned to a UWS Salary Range. The report is dated January 1, 1999 and serves to fulfill this calendar year's reporting requirement.
Referred to committee on Colleges and Universities.
Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
December, 1998
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Attached is the Department of Administration's annual report to the Council on Small Business, Veteran-owned and Minority Business Opportunities as required by s. 16.75(4)(a)5, Wis. Stats.
The report evaluates the performance of Wisconsin's small businesses in submitting bids or proposals to the state and identifies the department's initiatives to encourage small, veteran-owned and minority businesses to participate in the state's purchasing program.
The report shows that the dollars the state spends with Wisconsin small businesses continues to increase.
* The dollars awarded to Wisconsin small businesses increased to $325,322,893 up $2,080,584 (.6%) from 1996-97.
* The number of purchase orders placed decreased to 74,650 down 17,098 (18.6%) from 1996-97.
* The percent of dollars awarded to Wisconsin small businesses, of all state awards, decreased slightly to 39.9% from 40.8% for 1996-97.
* The number of Wisconsin small businesses decreased by 538 (.4%) to 120,371.
The report excludes purchase orders to other state agencies as well as orders that are exempt from the purchasing prices. It also excludes orders for postage, memberships, telephones, electric power, steam, water, and sewer, as no known Wisconsin small businesses exist to provide these commodities.
The Department of Administration remains strongly committed to working with Wisconsin's small, veteran-owned and minority businesses to increase their competitiveness and participation in the state purchasing program. This commitment is shown by the outreach and assistance activities identified in the report and in the increased share of state dollars ($2 million) awarded to small businesses.
mark d. bugher
State of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Family Services
December 30, 1998
To the Honorable, the Assembly:
Section 46.03(26) of the statutes requires the Department of Health and Family Services to report annually on information systems projects under development. The attached report is a summary of the departmental systems currently under development.
Joe Leean