To the joint committee on Information Policy: Senators Jauch, (Co-Chair), Erpenbach, Burke, Rosenzweig and Darling;
To the joint Survey committee on Retirement Systems: Senators Wirch, (Co-Chair), Erpenbach and Panzer;
To the joint Survey committee on Tax Exemptions: Senators Decker and Cowles;
To the Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse: Senators George and Roessler;
To the Building Commission: Senators Risser, Wirch and Roessler;
To the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board: Senator Darling;
To the Education Commission of the States: Senator Shibilski;
To the Educational Communications Board: Senators George and Rosenzweig;
To Forward Wisconsin: Senators Grobschmidt and Welch;
To the Council on Highway Safety: Senators Breske and Lazich;
To the Historical Society of Wisconsin, Board of Curators: Senator Rude;
To the Joint Legislative Council: Senators Grobschmidt, Erpenbach, Robson, Rosenzweig and Zien;
To the Migrant Labor Council: Senator Welch;
To the Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership Council: Senator Darling;
To the Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission: Senators Jauch, Clausing and Rude;
To the Mississippi River Parkway Commission: Senators Clausing and Rude;
To the Rural Economic Development Board: Senators Decker and Fitzgerald;
To the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board: Senators Risser, Burke and Schultz;
To the Council on Tourism: Senators Breske and Zien;
To the Transportation Projects Committee: Senators Breske, Clausing, Wirch, Drzewiecki and Zien;
To the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority: Senators Moore and Farrow;
To the Governor's Council on Workforce Development: Senators Grobschmidt and Farrow;
To the World Dairy Center Authority: Senators Chvala and Schultz;
To the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Council: Senator Chvala.
With regards to the members of the minority party, the appointments reflect the recommendations of that caucus.
Chair, Committee on Senate Organization
State of Wisconsin
January 4, 1999
The Honorable, The Senate:
This is to advise you that the Senate Democratic Caucus has elected Senator Judy Robson as Caucus Chair, to replace Senator Kimberly Plache, effective immediately.
Senator Chuck Chvala
Chair, Committee on Senate Organization
State of Wisconsin
January 4, 1999
The Honorable, The Senate:
As Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Finance, I am writing to inform you of my appointment of Senator Kevin Shibilski as an ex officio member of the Joint Committee on Information Policy.
I am making this appointment in accordance with s. 13.58(1)(a), Stats. If you have any questions regarding this action, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Brian Burke
State Senator
State of Wisconsin
January 6, 1999
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to section 13.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Senate Rule 5, I do hereby appoint Donna J. Doyle as Assistant Chief Clerk of the Wisconsin Senate, giving her all powers and duties as are derived from and inherent in said position and to perform the duties and functions of the office in the absence of the Senate Chief Clerk.
Donald J. Schneider
Senate Chief Clerk
State of Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
December 23, 1998
The Honorable, The Legislature:
The department is pleased to submit an abbreviated 1998 Annual Report on the Status of Bilingual-Bicultural Education programs, as required under s.115.96, Wisconsin Statutes. the abbreviated report is necessary at this time because we are in the process of moving to an electronic collection of all limited-English speaking (LES) related data. Staff are working on the data base and reporting formats that will allow us to provide the complete report to you in the very near future. We expect to submit the complete 1998 Annual Report no later than February 15, 1999.
If you have any questions on any aspect of this abbreviated report, please contact Barbara A. Bitters, director, equity mission team, 266-9609. she will be happy to discuss these at your convenience.
Juanita S. Pawlisch, Ph.D.
Division for Learning Support: Equity and Advocacy
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
December 30, 1998
The Honorable, The Legislature:
S6 Pursuant to section 234.25, Wisconsin Statutes, attached is the fiscal 1998 annual report of the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA). this report contains the following information:
Fiscal 1998 Program Activity
Small Business Employment Statistics
Strategic Plan
June 30, 1998 Financial Statement
Please note that each of the housing programs described in the following pages are consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the state housing plan.
Should you have any questions or comments on this report, please call me or Jim Langdon at 266-3529. Thank you for your interest in WHEDA.
Fritz Ruf
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Commission of the Use of Electronic Signatures
December 30, 1999
The Honorable, The Legislature:
The Commission on the Use of Electronic Signatures (the Commission) has reviewed the report submitted October 19, 1998 by the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. the current report is intended to advise the Wisconsin Department of Administration regarding the use of electronic signatures and the submission of written documents in electronic format to governmental units. We have also included proposed legislation the Commission considers necessary to implement the recommendations.
Jim Huff
Department of Financial Institutions
State of Wisconsin
The University of Wisconsin System
January 4, 1999
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Section 20.923(5), Wis. Stats., requires that the Board of Regents assign specified titled positions to salary ranges in whatever manner the board determines. The board is required to file a report annually with the governor and the Legislature. The report is attached.