Jones, Robert Wisconsin Community Action Program Association
Korbitz, Adam Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Inc
Leitch, Laura J Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians
Leitch, Laura J Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
Liebe, Thomas Jerome Foods, Inc
McCabe, Michael Madison Metropolitan School District
McCoshen, Carol Wausau Service Corporation
McGann, David W MCI WORLDCOM Telecommunications Corporation
McIntosh, Forbes Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin
Mitchell, Brian Wisconsin Cast Metals Association
Morgan, Lynn CMC Heartland Partners
Osborne, Patrick Jerome Foods, Inc
Owley, Candice Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals
Peterson, Craig CMC Heartland Partners
Quick, Joseph Madison Metropolitan School District
Richardson, Amy March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Roden, William Milwaukee Area Technical College
Roden, William Milwaukee Area Technical College
Rogowski, Michael Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
Schlimm, Richard Wisconsin Community Action Program Association
Statz, Ron Wisconsin National Farmers Organization
Steffen, David American Medical Security
Studt, Anthony G Outdoor Advertising Association of Wisconsin
Tenuta, James Menominee County Taxpayers Association
Tenuta, James Wisconsin State Reading Association
Tenuta, James Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation
Tenuta, James Wisconsin Association of Life & Health Insurers, Inc
Teske-Osborne, Karen Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians
Ulijasz, Pamela CMC Heartland Partners
Also available from the Wisconsin Ethics Board are reports identifying the amount and value of time state agencies have spent to affect legislative action and reports of expenditures for lobbying activities filed by the organizations that employ lobbyists.
Roth Judd
State of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
February 19, 1999
The Honorable, The Senate:
The enclosed audit report on Wisconsin Energy Corporation and its impact on the operations of Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WP&L) was prepared as required by Wis. Stats. s. 196.795(7)(ar) for distribution to the Legislature under Wis. Stats. 13.172(2).
S77 This report covers financial operations through 1997, and does not reflect the operations of Interstate Energy Corporation (d/b/a Alliant Energy Corporation) which was formed in April 1998 by the merger of WPLH with two Iowa companies.
Lynda L. Dorr
Secretary of the Commission
State of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
February 19, 1999
The Honorable, The Senate:
The enclosed audit report on WPL Holdings, Inc. (WPLH) and its impact on the operations of Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WP&L) was prepared as required by Wis. Stats. s. 196.795(7)(ar) for distribution to the Legislature under Wis. Stats. 13.172(2).
This report covers financial operations through 1997, and does not reflect the operations of Interstate Energy Corporation (d/b/a Alliant Energy Corporation) which was formed in April 1998 by the merger of WPLH with two Iowa companies.
A report on the 1998 financial operations of the merged company will be prepared and submitted to the legislature later this year.
Lynda L. Dorr
Secretary of the Commission
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
February 16, 1999
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Chapter 34, Laws of 1979, requires that when the State of Wisconsin maintains an office in Washington, D.C. for the purpose of promoting federal/state cooperation, a report detailing the activities of the office and reporting the status of federal legislation of concern to the State Legislature and other state agencies shall be submitted (Wis. Stats., 16.548(2)).
Pursuant to this requirement, I have enclosed the 1998 Fourth Quarter Report by the Wisconsin Office of Federal-State Relations. Throughout the fourth quarter, the Office concentrated on planning for the 106th Congress, including planning sessions for legislative initiatives, outreach to new Wisconsin members and working with various groups to determine priorities for the upcoming year.
Mark D. Bugher
State of Wisconsin
State of Wisconsin Investment Board
January 30, 1999
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Section 25.17(14r) of the Statutes requires that the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) submit a report to the Joint Committee on Audit, Joint Committee on Finance and the Chief Clerks of each House summarizing any change in the Board's investment policies, upon adoption of the change.
On January 6, 1999 the Board approved modifications to the Investment Policy Guidelines that create a new Real Estate Mortgage portfolio for the Wisconsin Retirement System's (WRS) Fixed Trust Fund. The additional guidelines are attached.
Please contact me if you have any questions about this report.
Patricia Lipton
Executive Director
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to biennial continuing education requirements for social worker certification renewal.
Submitted by Department of Regulation and Licensing.
Report received from Agency, February 18, 1999.
Referred to committee on Human Services and Aging, February 24, 1999.
Relating to alternative teacher permits.
Submitted by Department of Public Instruction.
Report received from Agency, February 22, 1999.
Referred to committee on Education, February 24, 1999.
Relating to the administration of an electronic benefit transfer system for the delivery of food stamp benefits.
Submitted by Department of Workforce Development .
Report received from Agency, February 23, 1999.
Referred to committee on Human Services and Aging, February 24, 1999.