Referred to committee on Education.
State of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin System
April 17, 2000
The Honorable, The Senate:
At its meeting April 7, 2000, the Board of Regents accepted the attached report for submission to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172(3).
Section 36.11(22)(b), Wis. Stats., requires the Board of Regents to submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the Legislature annually on the methods each UW System institution used to disseminate information to students on sexual assault and sexual harassment.
The law requires UW System institutions to incorporate into their orientation programs for newly entering students oral and written information on sexual assault and sexual harassment, including information on: (1) sexual assault by acquaintances of the victims; (2) the legal definitions and penalties for sexual assault; (3) generally available national, state, and campus statistics on sexual assault; (4) the rights of victims; (5) protective behaviors including methods of recognizing and avoiding sexual assault and sexual harassment. In addition, each institution must annually supply to all students enrolled in the institution printed material that includes information on all of these topics.
This law was enacted in April 1990 and this is the tenth report to be compiled for the legislature since its enactment.
If you need additional information regarding this report, please contact Betsy West at 608-265-3188.
Katharine C. Lyall
Referred to committee on Education.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Revenue
April 18, 2000
The Honorable, The Legislature:
I am submitting the quarterly report of the Wisconsin Lottery for the quarter ending March 31, 2000. As required by s. 565.37(3), Wis. Stats., the attached materials contain unaudited Wisconsin Lottery year to date Sales and Expenditure information.
The summary information reported here is not intended to be a complete financial accounting of the Wisconsin Lottery fund. It reflects current law, including provisions of 1999 Wisconsin Act 5.
The 1999-01 biennial budget provides for the payment of retailer commission, vendor fees and administrative expenses from the General Fund, rather than from the Lottery Fund. Administrative expenditures that were encumbered in fiscal year 1998-99, however, are reported as Lottery Fund expenditures. Pending adjustments to ensure compliance with provisions of the 1999-01 biennial budget are noted as such.
Year-to-date transfers of $1,744,634 recorded in the first three quarters of the current fiscal year for Farmland Tax Credit Distributions will be reversed in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year.
The Lottery Fund Balance customarily becomes negative during the third fiscal quarter due to the Property Tax Credit distribution made in March. By the end of the fiscal year, the fund balance returns to a positive position.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please feel free to contact me at (608) 266-6466.
Cate Zeuske
S597 State of Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources
April 14, 2000
The Honorable, The Senate:
Based on Wisconsin statutes, the Department of Natural Resources is required to report to you that for 1999, the total land withdrawn from the forest tax laws that were exempt from penalty exceeded 1% of the forest tax law acreage subject to contract on December 31, 1999. This requirement, enacted by 1991 Wisconsin Act 39, has never been triggered before this year.
Annually, the Department is required by s. 77.91(3m) Wis. Stats., to review the withdrawals from the forest tax law which are exempt from a withdrawal penalty. The statute reads: the department shall calculate for each calendar year whether the amount of land exempt from penalty or tax under s. 77.10(2)(c), 77.16(11m) or 77.88(8) that is withdrawn during the calendar year under s. 77.10 or 77.88 or declassified or withdrawn under s. 77.16(7) exceeds 1% of the total amount that is subject to contracts under subch. I or is subject to orders under this subchapter on December 31 of that calendar year.
Exempt withdrawals from last year total as follows:
Managed Forest Law 11,983.85 acres
Forest Crop Law 18,038.23 acres
Woodland Tax Law 55.95 acres
TOTAL 30,078.03 acres
The total tax law acreage for December 31, 1999 was 2,525,718 acres. The exempt withdrawals for 1999 calculate to 1.19% of the total tax law acreage. The statutes further state that: If the amount of withdrawn or classified land that is so exempt exceeds 1%, the department shall make a report of its calculations to the governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s.13.172(3).
This requirement was triggered primarily because the Department of Natural Resources' purchase of the "Great Addition" in 1999. This purchase resulted in exempt withdrawals of 28,965 acres. The remaining exempt withdrawals are spread over the state and from a number of governmental agencies. For further details on the exempt withdrawals, please feel free to contact Ken Hujanen, Forest Tax Section Chief, 266-3545, with your questions.
George E. Meyer
Referred to committee on Agriculture, Environmental Resources and Campaign Finance Reform.
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to due dates for ETF programs.
Submitted by Department of Employe Trust Funds.
Report received from Agency, April 21, 2000.
Referred to committee on Labor, April 25, 2000 .
Relating to homestead credit administrative provisions; qualification for credit; household income and income; property taxes accrued; gross rent and rent constituting property taxes accrued; and marriage, separation or divorce during a claim year.
Submitted by Department of Revenue.
Report received from Agency, April 20, 2000.
Referred to committee on Economic Development, Housing and Government Operations, April 25, 2000 .
The committee on Health, Utilities, Veterans and Military Affairs reports and recommends:
Relating to the primary mortgage loan program.
No action taken.
Rodney Moen
Senator Risser, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn until Thursday, April 27 at 10:00 A.M..
10:01 A.M.
Chief Clerk's Report
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 155
Senate Bill 163
Presented to the Governor on April 20, 2000.
Chief Clerk's Report
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 62
Senate Bill 81
Senate Bill 204
Senate Bill 223
Senate Bill 268
Senate Bill 381
Senate Bill 504
Presented to the Governor on April 24, 2000.
Chief Clerk's Report
The Chief Clerk records: