JEO & RAC:jlg:lp
1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
March 8, 1999 - Introduced by Representatives Walker, Ladwig, F. Lasee, Suder,
Stone, Ainsworth, Owens, Pettis, Vrakas, Huebsch, Duff, Kedzie, Albers

and Jeskewitz, cosponsored by Senators Darling and Huelsman. Referred to
Committee on Corrections and the Courts.
AB176,3,2 1An Act to renumber and amend 252.14 (1) (ad) and 252.15 (1) (ad); to amend
216.385 (7), 16.51 (7), 16.84 (2), 19.32 (1e), 19.35 (1) (am) 2. c., 20.410 (1) (c),
320.410 (3) (c), 20.410 (9) (c), 20.435 (2) (gk), 20.917 (5) (a) (intro.), 29.199, 38.04
4(12), 38.24 (1m) (d), 40.02 (48) (c), 46.056 (1), 46.10 (2m), 46.22 (1) (c) 2., 48.366
5(8), 48.78 (2) (d) 3., 49.32 (7) (d), 49.84 (1), 50.39 (3), 51.20 (1) (ar) (intro.), 51.20
6(7) (b), 51.20 (7) (c), 51.20 (11) (a), 51.20 (13) (a) 3., 51.20 (13) (a) 4., 51.20 (19)
7(b) 1., 51.30 (4) (b) 10. (intro.), 51.30 (4) (b) 10. c., 51.30 (4) (b) 10. d., 51.35 (3)
8(a), 51.35 (3) (c), 51.35 (3) (e), 51.35 (3) (g), 51.37 (5) (a), 51.37 (8) (b), 51.37 (10)
9(e), 51.37 (11), 51.40 (1) (j), 51.42 (3) (as) 1., 51.45 (15) (b), 51.61 (1) (intro.), 51.61
10(1) (b) 3., 51.75 (9) (a), 59.24, 59.52 (16) (a), 59.53 (16) (a), 66.04 (1), 71.54 (2) (c)
112., 71.64 (8) (c), 77.996 (2) (f), 84.27, 101.12 (5) (a) 2. b., 101.123 (1) (dm), 102.475
12(8) (a), 106.215 (8g) (b), 108.02 (15) (g) 3., 108.07 (8) (b), 115.31 (1) (b), 115.76
13(10), 115.762 (4), 115.787 (6), 115.81 (1) (b), 118.125 (4), 118.16 (4) (cm) 1., 120.18
14(1) (a) (intro.), 121.79 (1) (b), 132.13 (1) (a), 139.40 (2), 157.02 (1), 165.755 (6),

1165.84 (4), 165.84 (5), 165.84 (6), 230.36 (1), 230.36 (3) (c) (intro.), 250.04 (10),
2252.02 (4), 252.02 (5), 252.06 (6) (b), 252.08 (4) (a), 292.65 (1) (d) 6., 301.03 (2r),
3301.03 (9), 301.046 (1), 301.048 (4) (b), 301.08 (1) (b) 1., 301.12 (2m), 301.13,
4301.14, 301.15, 301.16 (1r), 301.16 (1x), 301.21 (title), 301.21 (1m) (b), 301.26
5(4) (cm) 1., 301.26 (4) (cm) 2., 301.28 (1), 301.29 (2), 301.29 (3), 301.32 (1), 301.33
6(1), 301.36 (1), 301.36 (2) (title), 301.38 (2) (intro.), 302.01, 302.02 (title), 302.02
7(3t), 302.02 (5) (a), 302.02 (5) (b), 302.04 (title), 302.05 (1) (intro.), 302.06,
8302.07, 302.08, 302.095 (2), 302.13, 302.15, 302.17 (1), 302.18 (2), 302.18 (4),
9302.18 (5), 302.255, 302.26, 302.27, 302.31, 302.33 (1), 302.385, 302.386 (1),
10302.386 (2) (intro.), 302.386 (3) (a), 302.45 (1), 303.06 (1), 303.06 (5), 303.065 (1)
11(a), 303.065 (3), 303.07 (3), 303.19 (4), 303.21 (1) (a), 304.06 (1) (b), 304.071 (1),
12304.115, 447.06 (2) (a) 4., 782.03, 782.45 (title), 782.45 (1), 782.45 (2), 801.02 (7)
13(a) 1., 813.02 (1) (c) 1., 938.183 (3), 938.78 (2) (d) 3., 938.992 (3), 939.62 (3) (b),
14940.20 (1), 940.29, 941.237 (1) (b), 946.43, 946.44 (2) (c), 946.45 (2) (c), 946.47
15(2) (b), 946.73, 948.50 (4) (a), 950.04 (1v) (v), 961.48 (2), 968.255 (7) (a), 971.11
16(1), 971.11 (2), 973.013 (3m), 973.0135 (2) (intro.), 973.03 (2), 973.045 (4),
17973.046 (4), 973.08 (1), 973.18 (4) and 976.08; to repeal and recreate 51.35
18(3) (c), 51.35 (3) (e) and 302.095 (2); and to create 252.14 (1) (ad) 2., 252.15 (1)
19(ad) 2., 301.01 (2g), 301.21 (1m) (title), 301.21 (2m) (title), 301.21 (3), 301.21 (6)
20(title), 302.28, 961.01 (12m) (am), 990.01 (5w) and 990.01 (30g) of the statutes;
21relating to: authorizing the department of corrections to contract with private

1persons for the confinement of Wisconsin prison inmates in private prisons in
2this state.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the department of corrections (DOC) may contract with a
private person for the transfer and confinement in another state of prisoners who
have been committed to the custody of DOC. This bill provides that DOC may also
contract with a private person for the transfer and confinement in this state of
prisoners who have be committed to the custody of DOC.
Under the bill, current laws governing prisoners confined in a state prison will
generally apply to prisoners confined in this state under a contract with a private
person. For instance, a prisoner who escapes from the custody of a private person
may be prosecuted for the same crime as a prisoner who escapes from a state prison,
and, as in the case of a prisoner who escapes from state prison, DOC will have to
notify victims of the escapee's crime that the prisoner has escaped from the custody
of the private person. The bill also requires a contract between DOC and a private
person to provide for prisoners confined by the private person to receive the same
reasonable and humane care as prisoners in a comparable state prison. A contract
also must allow for investigation and inspection by DOC of any institution in which
prisoners are confined.
Finally, the bill provides that a private person who is operating a private prison
in this state may confine in that prison only prisoners transferred to the prison under
a contract with DOC. Thus, a private prison operating in this state may not be used
to confine prisoners from other jurisdictions.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB176, s. 1 3Section 1. 16.385 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,3,74 16.385 (7) Individuals in state prisons. No payment under sub. (6) may be
5made to a prisoner who is imprisoned in a state prison under s. 302.01 or to a person
6placed at a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), or a secured
7child caring institution, as defined in s. 938.02 (15g).
AB176, s. 2 8Section 2. 16.51 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
116.51 (7) Audit claims for expenses in connection with prisoners and
2juveniles in secured correctional facilities.
Receive, examine, determine and
3audit claims, duly certified and approved by the department of corrections, from the
4county clerk of any county in behalf of the county, which are presented for payment
5to reimburse the county for certain expenses incurred or paid by it in reference to all
6matters growing out of actions and proceedings involving prisoners in state prisons,
7as defined in s. 302.01,
or juveniles in secured correctional facilities, as defined in s.
8938.02 (15m), including prisoners or juveniles transferred to a mental health
9institute for observation or treatment, when the proceedings are commenced in
10counties in which the prisons or secured correctional facilities are located by a
11district attorney or by the prisoner or juvenile as a postconviction remedy or a matter
12involving the prisoner's status as a prisoner or the juvenile's status as a resident of
13a secured correctional facility and for certain expenses incurred or paid by it in
14reference to holding those juveniles in secure custody while those actions or
15proceedings are pending. Expenses shall only include the amounts that were
16necessarily incurred and actually paid and shall be no more than the legitimate cost
17would be to any other county had the offense or crime occurred therein.
AB176, s. 3 18Section 3. 16.84 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,5,1119 16.84 (2) Appoint such number of police officers as is necessary to safeguard
20all public property placed by law in the department's charge, and provide, by
21agreement with any other state agency, police and security services at buildings and
22facilities owned, controlled or occupied by the other state agency. The governor or
23the department may, to the extent it is necessary, authorize police officers employed
24by the department to safeguard state officers, state employes or other persons. A
25police officer who is employed by the department and who is performing duties that

1are within the scope of his or her employment as a police officer has the powers of a
2peace officer under s. 59.24 59.28, except that the officer has the arrest powers of a
3law enforcement officer under s. 968.07 regardless of whether the violation is
4punishable by forfeiture or criminal penalty. The officer may exercise the powers of
5a peace officer and the arrest powers of a law enforcement officer while located
6anywhere within this state. Nothing in this subsection limits or impairs the duty of
7the chief and each police officer of the police force of the municipality in which the
8property is located to arrest and take before the proper court or magistrate persons
9found in a state of intoxication or engaged in any disturbance of the peace or violating
10any state law in the municipality in which the property is located, as required by s.
1162.09 (13).
AB176, s. 4 12Section 4. 19.32 (1e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,5,1613 19.32 (1e) "Penal facility" means a state prison under s. 302.01, county jail,
14county house of correction or other state, county or municipal correctional institution
15or detention facility operated by the state, by a private person under contract with
16the state or by a county or municipality
AB176, s. 5 17Section 5. 19.35 (1) (am) 2. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,5,2318 19.35 (1) (am) 2. c. Endanger the security of any state correctional institution,
19as defined in s. 301.01 (4)
prison, jail, as defined in s. 165.85 (2) (bg), secured
20correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), secured child caring institution,
21as defined in s. 938.02 (15g), mental health institute, as defined in s. 51.01 (12),
22center for the developmentally disabled, as defined in s. 51.01 (3), or the population
23or staff of any of these institutions, facilities or jails.
AB176, s. 6 24Section 6. 20.410 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
120.410 (1) (c) Reimbursement claims of counties containing state prisons. A
2sum sufficient to pay all valid claims made by county clerks of counties containing
3state prisons as provided in s. 16.51 (7).
AB176, s. 7 4Section 7. 20.410 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,6,85 20.410 (3) (c) Reimbursement claims of counties containing secured
6correctional facilities.
The amounts in the schedule to pay all valid claims made by
7county clerks of counties containing state juvenile secured correctional institutions
8facilities as provided in s. 16.51 (7).
AB176, s. 8 9Section 8. 20.410 (9) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,6,1310 20.410 (9) (c) Witness fees of inmates. The money received in reimbursement
11of expenses incurred in taking inmates of state institutions into court under s. 51.20
12(18) or 782.45 shall be refunded to the appropriations made by sub. (1) (a) for
13operation of the institutions.
AB176, s. 9 14Section 9. 20.435 (2) (gk) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,7,1915 20.435 (2) (gk) Institutional operations and charges. The amounts in the
16schedule for care provided by the centers for the developmentally disabled to
17reimburse the cost of providing the services and to remit any credit balances to
18county departments that occur on and after July 1, 1978, in accordance with s. 51.437
19(4rm) (c); for care provided by the mental health institutes, to reimburse the cost of
20providing the services and to remit any credit balances to county departments that
21occur on and after January 1, 1979, in accordance with s. 51.42 (3) (as) 2.; for
22maintenance of state-owned housing at centers for the developmentally disabled
23and mental health institutes; for repair or replacement of property damaged at the
24mental health institutes or at centers for the developmentally disabled; and for
25reimbursing the total cost of using, producing and providing services, products and

1care. All moneys received as payments from medical assistance on and after August
21, 1978; as payments from all other sources including other payments under s. 46.10
3and payments under s. 51.437 (4rm) (c) received on and after July 1, 1978; as medical
4assistance payments, other payments under s. 46.10 and payments under s. 51.42
5(3) (as) 2. received on and after January 1, 1979; as payments under s. 51.07 (4); as
6payments for the rental of state-owned housing and other institutional facilities at
7centers for the developmentally disabled and mental health institutes; for the sale
8of electricity, steam or chilled water; as payments in restitution of property damaged
9at the mental health institutes or at centers for the developmentally disabled; for the
10sale of surplus property, including vehicles, at the mental health institutes or at
11centers for the developmentally disabled; and for other services, products and care
12shall be credited to this appropriation, except that any payment under s. 46.10
13received for the care or treatment of patients admitted under s. 51.10, 51.15 or 51.20
14for which the state is liable under s. 51.05 (3), of patients admitted under s. 55.06 (9)
15(d) or (e) for which the state is liable under s. 55.05 (1), of forensic patients committed
16under ch. 971 or 975, admitted under ch. 975 or transferred under s. 51.35 (3) or of
17patients transferred from a state prison under s. 51.37 (5), to Mendota mental health
18institute or Winnebago mental health institute shall be treated as general purpose
19revenue — earned, as defined under s. 20.001 (4).
AB176, s. 10 20Section 10. 20.917 (5) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,8,221 20.917 (5) (a) (intro.) To encourage affirmative action, as defined in s. 230.03
22(2), at the correctional facilities state prisons under s. 302.01, the department of
23corrections may, from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (1) (a), reimburse an
24employe for any of the following expenses incurred during the first 30 days of

1employment or the first 30 days following successful completion of a preservice
2training program:
AB176, s. 11 3Section 11. 29.199 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,8,11 429.199 Authorizations for certain patients and institutionalized
5persons to fish.
The Upon request of the superintendent of the hospital, prison or
6institution, the
department shall issue an authorization without charge to a county
7hospital, a state or federal mental hospital, state correctional institution a prison or
8a nonprofit institution located in this state for rehabilitation purposes upon request
9of the superintendent of the institution
. The authorization permits a resident of the
10hospital, prison or institution who is supervised by an employe of the hospital, prison
11or institution to fish for fish subject to all other provisions of law.
AB176, s. 12 12Section 12. 38.04 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,8,1713 38.04 (12) Prison inmate educational program. The board may establish
14vocational educational programs for prison inmates within the state correctional
and contract with the departments of corrections and health and family
16services for reimbursement of that portion of the district program costs which
17exceeds amounts received as state and federal aid.
AB176, s. 13 18Section 13. 38.24 (1m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,8,2219 38.24 (1m) (d) Programs for inmates. Uniform fees, for vocational programs
20or courses offered to state prison inmates at a district facility by the department of
21corrections or the department of health and family services in cooperation with a
22district board, equal to the fees established under par. (b).
AB176, s. 14 23Section 14. 40.02 (48) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,9,1024 40.02 (48) (c) In s. 40.65, "protective occupation participant" means a
25participating employe who is a police officer, fire fighter, an individual determined

1by a participating employer under par. (a) or (bm) to be a protective occupation
2participant, county undersheriff, deputy sheriff, state probation and parole officer,
3county traffic police officer, conservation warden, state forest ranger, field
4conservation employe of the department of natural resources who is subject to call
5for forest fire control or warden duty, member of the state traffic patrol, state motor
6vehicle inspector, university of Wisconsin system full-time police officer, guard or
7any other employe whose principal duties are supervision and discipline of inmates
8at a state penal correctional institution, excise tax investigator employed by the
9department of revenue, person employed under s. 61.66 (1), or special criminal
10investigation agent employed by the department of justice.
AB176, s. 15 11Section 15. 46.056 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,9,1912 46.056 (1) The department shall establish the Wisconsin resource center on the
13grounds of the Winnebago mental health institute near Oshkosh. Notwithstanding
14s. 301.03, the department shall have responsibility for administering the center as
15a correctional institution that provides psychological evaluations, specialized
16learning programs, training and supervision for inmates whose behavior presents
17a serious problem to themselves or others in state prisons the correctional institution
18in which they have been detained
and whose mental health needs can be met at the
AB176, s. 16 20Section 16. 46.10 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,9,2421 46.10 (2m) The liability specified in sub. (2) shall not apply to tuberculosis
22patients receiving care, maintenance, services and supplies under ss. 58.06 and
23252.07 to 252.10, to persons 18 and older receiving care, maintenance, services and
24supplies provided by prisons named in s. 302.01 a prison or to parents of a minor who

1receives care for alcohol or drug abuse under s. 51.47 (1) without consent of the
2minor's parent or guardian.
AB176, s. 17 3Section 17. 46.22 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,10,144 46.22 (1) (c) 2. Subdivision 1. does not authorize the county department of
5social services to make investigations regarding admission to or release from the
6Waupun correctional institution, the Columbia correctional institution, the Racine
7correctional institution, the Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility, the
8correctional institution authorized under 1997 Wisconsin Act 4, section 4 (1) (a), the
9correctional institution authorized under s. 301.046 (1), the correctional institution
10authorized under s. 301.048 (4) (b), the correctional institution authorized under s.
11301.16 (1n), the Oshkosh correctional institution, the Green Bay correctional
12institution, the Dodge correctional institution, the Taycheedah correctional
13institution, a private prison operating under a contract under s. 301.21 (3), county
14houses of correction, jails, detention homes or reforestation camps.
AB176, s. 18 15Section 18. 48.366 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,11,216 48.366 (8) Transfer to or between facilities. The department of corrections
17may transfer a person subject to an order between secured correctional facilities.
18After the person attains the age of 17 years, the department of corrections may place
19the person in a state prison named in s. 302.01. If the person is 15 years of age or
20over, the department of corrections may transfer the person to the Racine youthful
21offender correctional facility named in s. 302.01 as provided in s. 938.357 (4) (d). If
22the department of corrections places a person subject to an order under this section
23in a state prison, that department shall provide services for that person from the
24appropriate appropriation under s. 20.410 (1). The department of corrections may
25transfer a person placed in a state prison under this subsection to or between state

1prisons named in s. 302.01 as provided under s. 302.18 (1) without petitioning for
2revision of the order under sub. (5) (a).
AB176, s. 19 3Section 19. 48.78 (2) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,11,54 48.78 (2) (d) 3. Subject to an order under s. 48.366 and placed in a state prison
5under s. 48.366 (8).
AB176, s. 20 6Section 20. 49.32 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,11,137 49.32 (7) (d) The department, with assistance from the department of
8corrections, shall conduct a program to periodically match the records of persons in
9the custody of the department of corrections who are
confined in state correctional
a prison with the records of recipients of medical assistance under s. 49.46,
1149.468 or 49.47, aid to families with dependent children under s. 49.19 and the food
12stamp program under 7 USC 2011 to 2029 to identify recipients who may be ineligible
13for benefits.
AB176, s. 21 14Section 21. 49.84 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB176,11,2015 49.84 (1) Any person who applies for any public assistance shall execute the
16application or self-declaration in the presence of the welfare worker or other person
17processing the application. This subsection does not apply to any superintendent of
18a mental health institute, director of a center for the developmentally disabled,
19superintendent of a state treatment facility or superintendent of a state correctional
20facility institution who applies for public assistance on behalf of a patient.
AB176, s. 22 21Section 22. 50.39 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: